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Back in the deep dark forest, everyone was spread wide but had each other in their sight as they surrounded the barrier, they could see it start to shimmer as soon as the chant started. Esther says "I think I found him, he is in the middle trying to fight to keep himself hidden."

Glory says "This is very dark magic, we are gana have to move fast, can someone from the coven pick up Sam, Mitch and Blue so they can use the blow darts." 

Vlad picks up Lucian as he makes them invisible, and then they wait till the wards are half down. Esther says "Straight ahead there are three of them dead centre."

Kelz says "We capture all and put them in the cells under the mausoleum. They can't use magic or anything there."

Moynnihan says "On the ready here we go."

With the wards down the coven ran forward with Mitch, Sam and Blue. Sam says "They down." 

Vlad was right beside them so Lucian could easily detain them. Glory and Aria start walking as the wards drop fully and everyone picks up and detains the misfits. They transport them all to the mausoleum and take them underground. 

When they had them grouped in the cells Vlad says "Lucian, Medusa and me will deal with the leader. Glory and Aria stay with Kelz and keep her safe. Coven splits up with the family and start interrogating, Esther stays with Dom and Sam."

Glory says "Let's start here, this one was kneeling behind the other three."

Kelz tries to keep her emotions in check as the man in front of her looks exactly like her grandson Winston. Kelz says "Who are you?"

The man says "What's it to you?"

Kelz says "I am the Firefly and you crossed my family the wrong way."

The man gasps and pees himself and says "Please, I don't have an issue with you."

Kelz says "Actually you do because you all murdered my son. I want to know why."

The man says "Barron was your son?"

Kelz says "Yes, whatever you say will determine what your outcome will be."

The man says "Maria is my wife, we are still legally married we were and still are separated when she met Barron. A few months later I saw her and was shocked to see she was nearly 9 months pregnant, they hadn't been together that long. So I knew the kid was mine. Maria wouldn't talk to me she kept making threats and tried to use blackmail. I made contact with Barron making threats against her but also telling him the truth. Barron used some sort of supernatural to kidnap me, when my Pa came for me he started using black magic to get back at Barron. I didn't know my Pa was into that, and I sure didn't want any of this to happen."

Kelz says "Do you know who killed my son? were you there?"

The man replies "I wasn't there, I stayed away as I tried to stop it from happening, my Pa used magic to change some street guys into ogre-looking beings and had them stab him. I only know that because I overheard them talking about it. He chained me up and gagged me so I couldn't stop their plans."

Kelz says "Thank you. Now tell me about you and Victoria. Do you know her kids?"

The man says "We were high school sweethearts, I was captain of the basketball team and she was the leader of the cheerleaders. We were 15yrs when our first son was born. I quit school and got a trucking job so I could provide for my baby. When Solomon was 4 months old I got a call from my Ma saying I was needed at home urgently as something was wrong with my baby. I took my work truck back to the yard and told my boss about the call and he drove me home, then he had my car brought to my house. When we arrived at my house the cops, ambulance and social services were there along with others, my boss came in with me for support. Maria was sitting on the couch handcuffed rocking herself while my Ma lay in a pool of blood at the bottom of the stairs, I ran upstairs to find Solomon in his cot also covered in blood. I started to get angry and yell questions and getting no answers as you can well imagine. My boss guided me to the bathroom and told me to wash my face, while he spoke to the police chief in charge. When he came back for me he picked me up and took me to his house where he and his wife took care of me. My Pa was contacted by the police, then he went to the station with his lawyer 2 days later they came for me."

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