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Tess says "Grandpa since when do you smoke?"

Morgan says "Kelz has always been very kind over the years."

Harrod says "Sophie has always given us some of hers so we never went without."

Sophie says "Kelz has always given me enough for them and myself since I was little living on the streets."

Tess says "Uncle Carson did you know?"

Carson says "Who do think gave it to grandad and ya Pa?"

Tess says "How could none of you tell or share with me?"

Kelz says "Because it's my secret and my rule. You go against me family or not I will have to kill you to protect all the secrets."

Lincoln says "You may have lived on a silver platter, but I also tried my best at preparing you for the real world, Kelz secrets are huge, especially when it involves mythology, and it's her job to protect them all. Surely you have to see that?"

Tess says "You could've told me about the weed is what I'm saying"

Kelz says "No they couldn't because it's my secret and it is my own personal stash that only I share out to a select few. I have rules when I share it out, and I know if the rules are broken, only one person has broken that rule and I decapitated him."

Venus says "Most of us don't get a share, but Aunty does share when we are here, have a try and you'll find out why."

Daz says "When our bodies become accustomed to it or when Aunty Kelz knows we can handle it then she will give us a bag."

Tess took 2 puffs and her eyes were rolling and seeing double. Kelz laughs and says "Glen don't let her fall." Tess says "Shhhiiiittttt."

Shawn says "That will teach her for having a bad mouth."

Sophie says "Tess has always been one to open her mouth just to try to fit in with those around her. It's about time she got off that peg."

Kelz says "What did she have a puff of?"

Sam says "The strongest mixed shit."

Glen says "One way of shutting her up. Bottoms up family."

Lincoln says "Just another lesson learned the hard way."

Kelz says "Di get ya brew let's wake her up, I've got the buckets."

Di teleported to her cabin and got what she needed then teleported back to Kelz. Kelz says "Glen hold her hair out of the way, and don't let go. Ok, Di when ya ready." Within seconds Tess was puking it all out of her body, and a few minutes later she looked around saying "That is potent shit."

Kelz says "Now you know not to touch unless given to you that is our stuff, it is the most potent lethal stuff I have, You can have some of this stuff and still drink and party with us. Now that you're awake how do you feel?"

Tess says "I'm sorry everyone and I feel great ready to party."

When the breakfast crew got up it was just the normal ones still partying, Whispers says "Morning all." They all say morning Pa.

Tyson says "We already prepared breakfast so you can relax. It just needs dishing which we will do when the kids start waking."

Kelz answers her ringing phone and says "Morning." When she hung up she said "I have a secret surprise arriving for Andrea tomorrow but they are coming early and will be here for lunch, be prepared to help Micheal if he needs help to hold her etc, there will be an extra 5 staying with us. Yana will also be their new manager. Their house won't be finished until Tuesday."

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