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Mid-afternoon Sunday they arrived home at the ranch, Thomas and Fritz took the hillbilly's with them to the SAR headquarters to be helicoptered home. After unpacking and getting dinner ready more of the family started arriving. Harriett and Atlas pulled Kelz aside away from everyone for a chat, when they returned the dinner bell was ringing. Kelz told them to go in first as she would be last in.

When Kelz strolled to the dining doorway in silence, she stood in the doorway and slowly looked at every single person in the room she said "Please eat, I called the whole family here for a very good reason which you will all find out soon. I know you all have questions and you will find out soon enough so please don't ask. A couple of things are going to happen straight after dinner, I will be taking my twin for a walk just the 2 of us and while we are away one of our sisters has instructions for the rest of you." Then she sat down as she ate she mind-linked Dom saying she was ok and that they were in for a long night. Then she mind-linked Marj saying that all babies kids teens and adults are spending the night in the lounge together as a united family.

After dinner Kelz and Fly walked out the back door, as everyone else cleared up dinner, Marj said "Instructions are simple, clear the whole lounge area, tv off, all phones off or on silence, put a sheet over mattresses line them up around the walls, have pillows and things close by, everyone as in the whole family is sleeping together in the lounge as a united whole, the verandah doors will be open for when Kelz and Fly return. Let's get it done, Blue when it's near done wait on the verandah with video rolling." As everyone left to do something she looked at Dom as a tear fell down her cheek, Dom wiped it away hoping no one else saw it and gave her a huge hug. 

When they finished and were ready waiting Marj stood by the door between Aaron and Dom and blew a conch horn. Medussa stood outside the barn and blew 5 horns back. Marj started singing Bring Me Home by Ronan Keating through a microphone as they started walking out of the barn and when she was nearly finished  Medussa, Lucian and Glory started singing Unforgettable when they were nearly finished Charlotte, Joy, Harriett, Atlas, Rufus, Vlad, Jimmy, Fidah, Darrien and Lucian started singing Tears in heaven. As they finished and stood on the lawn outside the verandah doors in a line for all to see Stephen and Sofie appeared sitting on their coffins as Medussa and Marj blew the conch horns again. Kelz and Fly stepped forward and started singing Finally Home while they got carried into the lounge, as the coffins were getting placed others started placing the mattresses.

Fly stood between the heads of the coffins leaning against the wall with kelz standing and leaning against him, as she spoke he wrapped his arms around her. Kelz says "Please take a seat this is a story about the last 25yrs which is also our history and you all need to know it, while others just need the answers. You all know the story of how my Ma and Pa died and my Gran raised me, you all know the story of Fly being adopted by a nameless Uncle that we later found was Joseph. When our cousin Aurora passed away a lot of things came to the surface and our parents started visiting us. Donat made the first discovery by finding a document taped inside a vase, which is how we found out that our Ma's Zara and Sophie are sisters. As we were going through things and piecing things together our Parents gave all our brothers and sisters a task which was to find the answers as to why Sophie and Stephen were murdered and why it was made that they never existed, find all the family artifacts and get them back along with the dollars and all the documents and their will. We had to use all our heads, talents and resources together to uncover the mystery of lies and deceit, this is why and how over the years our castle in France has been slowly filling up with family heirlooms. It hasn't been easy on any of us, we have all shed tears and gone through many emotions as we discovered new things and it sure isn't easy standing here telling you all. Each time we discovered something new they would all show up together and we would talk and share our thoughts with them they would visit the kids and babies and spend time with them before they went to bed. The very first time was when Kaitlyn was talking to Aurora in Italian and telling her to play with her, not the twin babies Thomas and Jacob. Then all our other parents started showing themselves to play and talk with the kids." Marj nodded at Kelz and she continued. "Show yourselves you all should be with us for this." They all showed themselves sitting on the foot ends of the coffins facing everyone with tears and holding hands. Kelz says "Thank you for joining us. After 25 long years Dom, Fly and I have finally got all our heirlooms, documents including a new official family tree which joins me and Fly as siblings with our beloved biological parents and my Gran, all the money which the last of gets transferred tomorrow. On Wednesday I made the last discovery which was the answers for Aunty Sophie and Uncle Stephen, I spent time processing everything, then drew the designs for these caskets and sent them off to be made and delivered to Aunty Charlotte. On Thursday while Aunty Charlotte was decorating the inside of the coffins I sent Uncle Rufus on a mission around the area where we would find Aunty Sophie and Uncle Stephen. On Friday while you were all cruising around Uncle Rufus made contact. I got Marj to meet me at the cemetery to help me make contact so I could ask my Parents and Gran if they wanted to come home and be reunited. When Aunty and Uncle showed themselves I asked them if they were ready to come home. They didn't believe me at first, then Aunty Charolette arrived just as Uncle Stephen discovered the man standing on them with a shovel, wearing an orange cap, orange camouflage pants and a green bush top was Uncle Rufus. As we shed tears and talked and finalised my plans they finally knew they were really found and coming home the emotions flowed through us all. Aunty Charlotte and Uncle Rufus took the 5 of them home on Friday where they transferred them into these coffins and covered them in silk blankets and locks of hair and a red and white rose from all us brothers and sisters, and have stayed with them not leaving them alone. Aunty Sophie and Uncle Stephen are finally home after all these years of being lost in a forest like all of us were in love and had a strong bond, Uncle Stephen was a mechanic and Aunty Sophie was a hairdresser, but their parents didn't like them being together saying things like they are not worthy you can't raise a child or family on that income. So Uncle Stephen joined the army as a frontline regimental soldier and Aunty Sophie worked at the base school as a teacher, well their parents didn't like that idea either because it kept them away from home, no matter how hard they tried to reason no one would listen. Their parents became extremely hostile and from that hatred, they plotted together to get rid of them they told many lies to numerous people including government officials which is how documents and things got changed so they didn't exist. Their parents called them home for a family dinner saying they wanted to fix things, so Sophie and Stephen went to dinner, while everyone was feasting and pretending to enjoy their company they had Uncle Joseph tamper with their car, it was Uncle Joseph who loosened the pin out of the steering column and cut the brakes knowing they would travel back through the valleys amongst dense forest and high cliffs. Their parents had a hitman named Josiah Mekile follow them to ensure they stayed dead and hide the bodies where no one would find them. None of them knew that baby Robert existed and was at home at Peterville army base with a babysitter. When Joseph found out about Robert he took him home nurtured the baby and loved him, as Robert got older Joseph got consumed by his guilt that he couldn't face the child. When Robert started school like any curious child started asking questions which soon led to Joseph becoming angry and abusive, So our dear loved ones that pretty much sums everything up and brings us all together as a whole to finally bring you some closure. The discovery I found when I found the letter Uncle Joseph left with his will, he left everything to Fly and all of it has been recovered over the years. All of this is because our grandparents and greedy family members couldn't get their hands on anything. Don't all speak at once, take time to process it all. While you process, Dom and I hated the money but always knew we came from a rich money background, Fly didn't know any of it, for him coming off the streets, to here, then the castle, then all the rest on top of that was extreme to comprehend. Dom, Fly and I are now one of the wealthiest families alive and we share it all equally with each and every one of you here."

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