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Early New Year's Eve morning before the sun woke up the ranch family loaded onto their buses and headed for the city for their grand opening concert at Wolgre Entertainment Arena. They stopped at Paradise Palace to drop off all the babies and toddlers, then dropped a few off at the arena then the rest went to park at Sophie's business as it was closer to have a look around the shops and arcades. Ursula said, "The city has grown so much since we left these stores are amazing."

Sophie says "It's a megacity and still growing, this area will become part of the centre in a few years."

Kelz held Chelsea's hand and said, "Come with me."

When they were away from the others they sat on a bench seat and Kelz said, "What's the matter?"

Chelsea says "Look how happy all those kids look with a Ma and Pa."

Kelz looked around and said, "Would you like to talk to them?" Chelsea nodded, Kelz stood and held her hand and they approached a couple of families. Kelz says "Excuse me, I'm sorry to intrude, but I was wondering if you have a few minutes for my granddaughter? She just wants to ask a couple of questions."

Chelsea says "My name is Chelsea."

"No need for introduction dear Chelsea, we saw you on the news. How may we help you?"

Chelsea says "I don't have a Ma, just my Pa and 2 brothers. I was wondering are all kid's this happy with a Ma?"

"My name is Celine, this is my husband, Colin, this is Carmaine and Alf. Are you missing or wanting a Ma? if so let's go talk over here."

Kelz says "Colin, that big group is our family, the guy looking this way is my hubby, Dom, you're welcome to join them while we talk."

Colin says "What an honour come along Alf."

When they were sitting on the bench seat Chelsea says "I was just looking around and saw how happy other kids seem with their Ma."

Charmaine says "I am 10 years old, I have friends that only have a Pa, and some only have a Ma, and some like me have both parents. My friends wish they had both parents because they feel different from us. For me, both of my parents work and I rarely get days like this, my grandma picks me up after school and takes me home and by the time my parents get home I'm asleep. To my friends, I seem happy, but deep down I'm not because I don't get to see my parents. My friends who only have one parent seem happier than me because they see their parents every day. I get breakfast with my parents unless they start early. School holidays aren't much different because they work, though I get Christmas week and New Year week with them."

Chelsea says "Seems like there isn't much difference at all. What's it like to have a Ma?"

Charmaine says "Look around and take in the kid's facial looks then look at their body language it's like they saying 2 different things, now look at the kids in your family. See it doesn't matter how many parents we have, it's how much time we spend together, my Gran teaches me things at home, and when I come out with my parents, we play and do exciting things together they always let us pick and we do it together."

Kelz says "To show our appreciation and thank you do you have plans later on?"

Charmaine says "After here I asked to have pizza for lunch and then maybe the amusement park or a movie."

Chelsea takes Charmaine's hand and walks off towards their family Kelz says "Would you like to tag along with us? We can drop you all home later on tonight. We have our grand opening concert."

Celine says "Charmaine loves Snowfire and Alf loves Dance Inferno, the tickets sold out before we even got online."

Kelz says "We just dropped them all off at the arena, let's give ya kids a surprise."

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