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''When they arrived at Forever 6. Everyone was waiting for them. Kelz says "You could've gone in, I booked the whole place." Glen points at the door to see Winter standing outside with her arms folded not letting anyone in. Kelz walks up to her and says "Winter you have no business being here when you are banned for life. If you keep disturbing my family dinner you leave me no choice but to give you the same treatment as other people not long ago." 

Winter says "Please Kelz."

Kelz says "No you have had more chances than anyone just because you are Glen's sister, not gana work no more. Either you leave in 10 seconds and do not show your face in front of any of us or our businesses otherwise, you will be banished from the country for life with nothing but the clothes you are wearing."

Winter hurriedly says "But I came to redeem and to see how to fit in."

Sophie says "You will never fit in, you have caused too much trouble for everyone and you are wasting our time, we have other things to do after our dinner so get."

Winter grabs Kelz's arm to stop her and Kelz retaliates with a quick punch to her face and then picks her up like a bag of potatoes and throws her to the guards who are a fair distance away. When the guards catch her Kelz says "Bag and stuff her put her in the dungeon. Tomorrow she will be shipped out soon's that she doesn't like water and can't swim very well."

One of the guards says "Yes Boss." Then they drove her away.

Kelz opens the door and says "Sorry staff, if she caused any damages or anything I will have it fixed straight away."

"It's OK Mrs Wolf, she didn't do anything except stop your guests from entering."

Kelz says "Thank you, Murray. OK everyone follow me."

Kelz opened the double doors and saw the wall had been replaced with the folding doors she ordered and they were open so all 3 private rooms were taken by all their tables. Kelz says "Take a seat anywhere except our grandkids you are all at those tables with the babies. We are all equal from the same family so please mingle and get to know each other, because some of you are going to be living together. There is a bit of history with this business, and I think it's fair that Grandpa Oasis tells us the wee tale."

Nickolai says "Fabulous 6 changed to Forever 6. It all started when, Marian, Jerry, Joseph and I, were the top 4 prominent families with our 2 best lifelong friends Morgan and Harrod. Marian and I had just started dating and with the skyscrapers getting taller and other buildings being erected, our businesses were close to each other but we had little places to eat. Marian expanded her horizons and built this restaurant close enough to work for us to gather for lunch or dinner, it also became the venue for many conference meals and our daily gatherings. Today our Forever 6 are Kelz, Dom and Ralph. Carson and Sophie, Shawn, Dusty and Glen. Our young generation has raised the bar making it impossible for anyone to reach their limits. We stuck business names in a hat and got 3-year-old Lincoln to pull one out and that is how this place got its name. Please enjoy the meal I've heard the menu hasn't changed much over the years."

Jerry stands and says "So many memories in these walls, I wonder if our signatures survived all these years?"

Kelz rings a wee bell and a waiter comes in and she says "Mark can you kindly move the waterfall painting back to where it should be." When he does Kelz says "Dad have a close look."

Jerry says "You framed it?" 

Kelz nods and says "I always wondered who the handprints belonged to."

Jerry says "They belong to Lincoln and Kelz's Pa Jacob, we put our mark here the day before the place opened for business. Marian said they were the start to our futures so they had to be part of everything. Just not cooking, weeding, or laundry. Cooking is a complete failure everything is non-edible, weeding make sure you have no prized plants or rarities because he will pull the lot out and dump it in the trash, laundry is a no unless you plan on shrinking to kid's sizes and don't mind things changing colour."

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