𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭

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*Starting out you are 5-6 years old*

'It's so cold,' I thought as I was walking, shivering while holding my body tight trying to keep any warmth I still had, if any, through a mild blizzard. It's been a couple of days since the incident at my city and I have just been wandering for another city or house or someone for some food and a place to sleep for the night. 'I hope I find someone,' I thought. That's when my stomach grumbled in agreement as I kept trekking in the snow.

It's been hours since then and the blizzard got stronger and ice crystals were forming in the air. The icicles were cutting me all over my body and my stomach started growling even more. I still haven't found anyone or anything. I was getting more tired and started to lose my balance and my vision started to blur. Then I fell and everything turned black...

. . .

Okami POV

I was flying over the mountains just to fly and relax when I noticed a little human just lying in the snow. I flew down to the human to see that it was a girl sleeping. "Hey you shouldn't be sleeping outside in this cold sweetheart," I said while trying to shake her awake, but she didn't wake up. "Sweetheart?" I repeated but I noticed that the girl had cuts all over her body and was shaking like crazy, then I heard a loud grumble from her stomach. 'She needs help,' I thought. So I picked her up gently to not hurt her and flew to my cave to heal her.

. . .

[Name] POV

I woke up in a bed feeling a lot better than before. I looked around and noticed I was in a cave that was filled with icicles and snow, but it wasn't too cold to me. I started getting up from the bed when I felt how sore my body was. I also noticed that my body was wrapped with bandages and noticed a bowl with water and a towel next to it. I started walking around the cave and it was a beautiful cave. There were icicles all over the place and they were so sparkly and shiny and had the most beautiful teal color I've ever seen.

I went down a hallway to be in a grand and wide room with icicles and ice and snow all around, but the thing that caught my eye was the huge dragon in front of me. I just stood there, mesmerized by the dragon in front of me. The dragon looked beautiful. The dragon had white scales that shimmered blue and purple with every movement it made. It had big wings with the same scales and the insides of its wings looked clear like transparent and if you touched it, it would break.

The dragon turned around and saw me. I did jump back a little out of fear but that fear washed away when I looked in the dragon's eyes. They were as white as snow and had a purple like glint to them. Though they were beautiful they had a scary and fierce look in them. I couldn't stop looking at the beautiful dragon.

"Well I'm glad you are fine sweetheart," the dragon said in a sweet voice that broke me out of my trance. "You're the one who healed me?" I asked. "Mmhmm." "Thank you beautiful lady dragon," I said with my eyes wide with sparkles in them. "You're welcome and thank you for the compliment." I smiled after she said that. "But may I ask, what were you doing in the snow and a blizzard all alone?" she asked. Once she said that my smile gradually went away turning into a frown, remembering what happened to my village and my parents. I bent my head down my curly bangs covering my eyes as I was crying. "Oh sweetie what happened?" she said, coming towards me and curling up to me to comfort me. I couldn't talk because I was crying so hard cause this was the first time I was getting time to think of what happened.

"Are you ready to talk now," she asked after some time of me crying and calming down a little. "Mmmhmm," I responded. "Ok take your time." "S-some bad wizards c-came to my village a-and destroyed the village killing everyone in their sight. I-I managed to escape with the help of my parents but t-they... t-they DIED TOO!!" I said but towards the end I started crying again. She curled more in me to comfort me and stop crying which worked.

"Hey it's going to be ok sweetie. Why don't you stay with me?" "Really?" I asked with hopeful eyes. "Yea why not, I can't have a cutie like you out in the harsh snow again," she said as she whipped my remaining tears away. "Yeah!" I said excitedly. "Thank you so much... uhh what is your name," I asked sheepishly. "Okami and what is yours?" "[Name] [Last name] and thank you Okami." "Of course, sweetie," she said. I had a huge smile on my face because I was happy that I'm not alone anymore.

. . .

It's been a week since Okami said that I could stay with her. I've told her things that I loved to do which were mainly drawing, so she got me a lot of art supplies to play with. We even had a painting day where we painted all day. She even started to teach me other things like reading and writing and how to do math. I already knew how to do them but on a more difficult level. She even helped me with doing my hair and what products to use. But today she came to my bedroom with some questions.

"Hey sweetie do you know how to do magic?" She asked. "Yeah, I know how to do two different kinds of magic." "Really can you tell me and show me." "Sure!" I said excitedly getting up from my bed and going to the big room. It's been a while since I did magic so I'm kinda excited.

Once we got to the big room I told her what kinds of magic I use. "I can use water magic," I said as I looked to the side, seeing a cluster of icicles. "Water conversion," I said, lifting my hand as a blue magic circle appeared, turning the icicles into a water bubble. "I can also do ice maker magic," Once I said that Okami's eyes sparkled more. "Ice make dragon," I said and a dragon sculpture appeared that looked like Okami. "Nice," she said as she moved the sculpture in the middle of the room as a centerpiece. "Now I have another question. Would you like to learn another kind of magic?" "Yeah," I said immediately. "What kind of magic?" I asked. "Ice dragon slayer magic," she said. "Ooooo that sounds awesome!" I shouted. "Great, we can start today along with training your other magic," she said, just as happy as I was.


📌Author note📌

The first few chapters are before Fairytail and is more of an origin story

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