𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟱

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The chief gave us a hut for us to stay in so we can lift the curse. We were unpacking our things but I was looking outside at the purple moon. "I never knew the moon could be so creepy," Happy said flying on top of my head. "You think it's creepy," I asked. "Yeah, you don't?" "Not really it's kind of pretty."

"Guys hurry and close the window. You heard what the chief said, we got to stay out of the moonlight," Lucy warned. "I think we'll be fine," I said still looking out to the moon. "Whys that?" "Because if it were to affect us it would have by now. We were out in the moonlight for a while and were still ok. I think it only affects the people in the village," I said.

"Yeah, but I don't want to risk it, so could you please close the window," she asked. "Fine, fine," I said and closed the window.

"I don't know about this job guys," Natsu questioned sitting on a chair. "Do these people really think we can destroy the moon?" Gray questioned. "I wonder how many punches it'll take? You think I can handle it?" Natsu questions. "Natsu there's not a wizard alive who's strong enough to do that," Lucy said.

"But that's the job we were hired to do, isn't it?" Natsu questioned. "No it's not," I said. Everyone looked at me with confused looks. "Our job is to break the curse. The chief just thinks that destroying the moon is the only way to do so," I informed. "You think differently?" Gray asked. "You, me, and everyone in this hut know that we can't destroy the moon but it's a good place to start," I said.

"So if we do some investigating we might be able to find a different way to lift the curse," Lucy said. "Exactly." Gray then started taking his clothes off, flinging his clothes around the room. "You kids can do what you want but after the day I had I need some shut-eye," he said, being only in his boxer. "Then our investigation starts tomorrow morning, I'm hitting the sack," Natsu said as he and Happy jumped on their futon.

"Ok then, I'm pretty sleepy too, good night," Lucy said "Night," I said and we got in our futons. Lucy was to the left of me and Natsu was to the right, with Gray on the other side of Lucy. I couldn't really fall asleep, and it's not because of the boys snoring, I'm used to Natu's loud snoring so Grays is no trouble. My brain just wouldn't shut off. I keep going back to thinking about the moon.

I got up and took the cover and wrapped it around my body and went outside to just think.

. . .

Natsu's POV

I was sleeping but I heard rustling noises coming from my side. I opened my eyes to see [Name] leaving the hut. I got up and went to follow her. She was sitting on the bench outside looking at the moon. "Hey, you ok?" I asked, sitting down next to her. "Oh, hey, yeah I just couldn't sleep," she said.

She then looked back at the moon like she was thinking about something. "What are you thinking about," I questioned. "The moon," she said looking at me. I looked into her beautiful hazel eyes and could feel my heart flutter. "Have you ever seen the moon shine purple?" she asked. I got lost looking into her eyes that I almost didn't answer her. "...Uh, no I haven't," I eventually said, as we were both looking at the moon.

"Is that why you said the moon is a good place to start." "Yeah, if we figure out what's making the moon purple then the curse might be lifted. Now the question is what or who caused it... Now my head hurts." She put her head on my shoulder, still looking at the moon.

That's when I started thinking about [Name]. Admiring her for how smart she is and how kind she is for wanting to help this village but also to the people around her, how she is a strong fighter, but also how creative she is with her thinking and art. And how beautiful she is.

I can't deny that I have feelings for [Name] maybe even in love. 'Maybe I should tell her how I feel.' My heart was pounding out of my chest nervous for some reason. I guess scared of what [Name] is going to say.

"Hey [Name] I have something I want to tell you," I said. I waited for her to respond or say something but she didn't. "[Name]... [Na-" she fell asleep. I chuckled a little and looked at how cute a peaceful she looked. I was getting sleepy myself, so I picked her up without waking her up, and headed back inside the hut.

I put her in the futon next to me and scooted my futon closer to her. I wrapped my arm around her waist and kept looking at [Name's] sleeping figure feeling my eyes getting heavier and heavier. 'Guess I'll tell her another time.' With that thought, I fell asleep.

. . .

[Name's] POV

The next morning we got ready to explore the island to find a way to break the curse. With us walking and Lucy in her clock constellation spirit, we didn't find anything until we were face to face with a giant blue rat. The rat chased us spraying this disgusting gas.

"Ice make floor!" Gray said and covered the ground with ice. The rat slipped on the ice and fell back on his head. "You should have done that in the first place," Natsu barked at Gray, which Gray said to shut it.

"Look, there's some kind of building over there. We should go hide while we have the chance," Lucy said pointing to a building that looked like a temple. "We should kick its butt while we have the chance," both Natsu and Gray said as they were kicking and punching the already knocked-out rat. "Or investigate it. Come on boys the rat is already out!" I said as I headed to the temple with Happy and Luna on my shoulders and the rest following.

We entered the temple and it looked like any rundown temple, dusty and old. It could fall apart any minute. "What are those," Natsu asked looking at the wall. "They're ruins," I answered. The ruins were drawings of moons.

"It makes sense. Galuna use to be called the island of the moon," Gray informed. "A moon island, a moon curse, and weird moon symbols, you really got to wonder what all of this means," Lucy inquired.

"This place is a wreck. This floor doesn't even look safe to walk on," he says stomping on the floor. "Don't stomp it," I said but then the floor broke under our feet and we fell into a deep hole. We hit the ground with the rocks falling right on top of us.


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