𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟬

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Once we made it back downstairs we saw Luna and Happy dusting. "Wow it looks really good in here," I said, getting their attention. "Thanks," they said and continued what they were doing. Heading to the counter where the other cleaning supplies are, I took them out and handed some to Natsu. "Why don't you clean the small bathroom and I'll clean the bathroom upstairs and we're done," I said. "Yes," he said and ran off to the bathroom. I laughed and headed upstairs.

. . .

After we were done cleaning we all got ready for bed. I did my night routine and put on sleepers which were black biker shorts and a graphic t-shirt. I wrapped my hair and put my bonnet on and went back downstairs to see Natsu on the couch. "Where did Happy and Luna go," getting Natsu's attention. "They went to Happy's room to sleep." "Oh," I said sitting down next to him. "See doesn't it feel good to have a clean house," I asked. "Ha, yeah it does, but it was so much workkkk," he said, laying his head back. I laughed at him being dramatic.

"Oh," I said, getting up from the couch and going to the kitchen to get the last bag. "I bought some candles so it can smell good in the house, which one you like the most I can't decide." One candle smelled like lavender, another smelled like applewood, and the last one smelled like vanilla. "This one," he said pointing to the lavender one which surprised me. "Really?" I questioned him. "I thought you would pick one of the other ones," I said, putting the other two on the shelf by the couch.

"Lavender smells good, it's your favorite right?" he said. "Yeah but don't pick it because I like it." "I'm not I like lavender plus it smells like you," he said as he lit the candle. "Ok," I said with a small smile, setting the candle down. The candle started to burn and the scent of lavender was in the air, the scent calmed me and made me tired. I yawned and Natsu noticed and said, "We should get some rest." "Hmm," I said in agreement as he got up and went somewhere. I laid down on the couch, closing my eyes, but I heard shuffling from Natsu.

Then I was carried, bridal style by Natsu. "Natsu what are you doing!" I yelped out of surprise. "You're sleeping in the hammock," he said as he walked towards the hammock. "But I can sleep on the couch, it's not a problem." "You're sleeping on the hammock and I will sleep on the couch," he said, placing me in the hammock gently. "But-" I was saying but he cut me off. "I will be fine and you're not going to change my mind," he said. I had a pouty face while looking at Natsu who was looking at me with a soft smile. "You sure?" I asked, trying to persuade him. "Yeah," he said while walking back to the couch. He put a pillow and a cover on the couch and turned the lights off, the candle being the only thing illuminating the room.

"Natsu," I said watching him get under the covers. He looked towards me and I just stared at him for a while, still can't believe that I found Natsu after six years. "Goodnight Natsu," I said, smiling at him. "Night [Name]," he said, returning a smile. I laid down and snuggled myself under the cover. As my eyes felt heavy, I noticed that there was a pinboard on the wall next to the hammock with loads of jobs on it. 'I'll ask him about it tomorrow?' I thought as I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

. . .

Natsu POV

'I can't sleep,' I thought as I was tossing and turning on the couch. The couch is so uncomfortable that's why I wanted [Name] to take the hammock but I didn't think it would be this uncomfortable.

I got up from the couch and walked over to the hammock, seeing [Name] sound asleep. She started moving and turned on her side so she was facing me. Seeing her face I got lost and stared at her peacefully sleeping. Her skin glowed from the moonlight coming through the window. Her bonnet slipped off showing some of her hair.

A small smile grew on my face as I was fixing her bonnet. I slipped into the hammock quietly, trying not to wake [Name] up. Without thinking I put my hand on her cheek, rubbing it gently with my thumb. "You're just as beautiful as I remembered," I whispered. I quickly took my hand off her cheek and blushed thinking how I said that so easily.

Embarrassed, I tried slipping out of the hammock but I felt [Name's] arm around my waist. 'We'll now I can't leave,' I thought, laying back down. I slipped my arm around her waist, bringing her closer to me. She snuggled into my chest as I put my chin on the top of her head. Looking out the window, I stared at the moon thinking, I still can't believe I got [Name] back. "And I won't let you go," I whispered out, closing my eyes, sleeping soundly with [Name] back in my arms.

. . .

[Name's] POV

Waking with my eyes still closed I felt something warm close to me so I snuggled closer to it. I felt movement in the hammock and something tightening its grip around my waist. My eyes shot open to be met with someone's chest. I looked up to see Natsu, looking at him, his eyes were half-lidded and his messy hair, looked like he just woke up not too long ago. "G-good morning Natsu," I stuttered out flustered at how close we were. "Morning [Name],'' Natsu said in his deep morning voice. Hearing his voice made me blush at how hot it sounded. After quickly composing myself I asked, "When did you get in the hammock?" "Last night I couldn't sleep cause the couch was uncomfortable," he said sleepily.

"Oh," I said. I was going to ask him if he found Igneel or Okami but I hesitated, scared of him saying he is just as clueless as I am. "Something wrong?" he said. I looked up at him to see him looking at me with a little worry in his eyes. "Oh umm I- ... I was wondering if you knew anything about Igneel or Okami," I somehow found the courage to ask him. Seeing his eyes soften and his eyebrows furrowed I could tell he didn't. "No I don't, I've been looking for them since Igneel left. Say what day did Okami leave you?" Natsu said, getting out of the hammock.

I pouted internally from losing his touch and warmth but I answered his question. "She left July 7, X777." "That's when Igneel left me." "Were there any clues or did he leave anything behind or any clues?" I asked Natsu. He looked at me with a blank expression. "You know Igneel wouldn't leave anything behind," he said with a grin plastered on his face. "I thought I'll ask," I said with a smile. "Did Okami?" "No she didn't... well she did leave a lot of money in her cave," I said kinda nonchalantly.

"How much," he asked. I pointed towards the huge bag at the entranceway of the house. "That bag is filled with gems and gold galore, I just haven't been to the pawn shop or anything to exchange it for jewels." Natsu's mouth flew open from what I just said, "Can I see?" he asked looking at me. "Sure," I said, getting out of the hammock and taking off my bonnet finger combing through my pressed straight hair.

I dragged the bag over to the living room area and put the bag on the coffee table. Opening the bag gold, gems, and coins were spilling out of the bag. His jaw dropped to the floor again and his eyes were sparkling. We started looking through the bag looking at the different gems, when I saw Luna and Happy walking around the corner, still a little sleepy. "Good morning," I said to Luna and Happy. "Morning," they said in unison. "What're you guys doing," Luna said, rubbing her eyes. "Looking through my treasure-," I said but got cut off by Happy. "WHOA LOOK AT ALL THESE GEMS... AND GOLD!" he yelled with excitement while standing on the coffee table. 

"Are you ever going to cash any of it in for money? You would be rich," Luna said curling up in my lap. "I might, I don't know," I said, petting Luna, hearing her purring. "You should, then you would be Natsu's sugar mommy," Happy said, doing a weird dance. Both I and Natsu started blushing from shock and embarrassment. "N-no Natsu's older than me," I said randomly. "Then sugar baby?" Luna said. "No, that's what Natsu would be." Happy said, "Oh then..." Luna was thinking of what to call me. So Happy and Luna started thinking of names to call me in this "situation".

The longer they talked about it the more I was turning red, I was probably as red as a tomato if not redder by now. I looked in the corner of my eye to see Natsu in the same predicament as me, not as red as me but blushing. I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up abruptly and said, "How about I start making breakfast hmm?", trying to get them off-topic. "Y-yeah I will go to the bathroom to get ready for the day,l." "O-ok," I said trying to calm my nerves. Still blushing, Natsu and I then split ways, me going into the kitchen and him going to the bathroom.


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