𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟵

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Once me and Luna made it to Fairy Tail we saw that it was still under construction at the moment. "[NAME] YOU'RE BACK!" I heard basically everyone shout when we entered the makeshift guild. Hugs and 'good to see you's' were coming my way from everyone in the guild, even people that I didn't know or don't talk to.

then made my way to the makeshift bar where Levy, Mira, and Cana were. "Damn I didn't think that many people cared about me," I said walking up to them. "Me either or probably half of them were just being nice," Cana said drinking a barrel. "Probably." "But it is good to see you back," Levy smiled at me "Uhh not you too," I groaned playfully. We laughed and I hugged Levy, Mira, and Cana.

"Hey, do you guys know where Natsu and Happy are?" I asked sitting with them. "Oh they were here but went off with Gray and Erza to check on Lucy, she hasn't been coming to the guild since everything happened with Phantom Lord," Mira said. "Dammit she is probably blaming herself for what happened with Phantom Lord again," I said.

When she visited, she kept apologizing and blaming herself for the fight with Phantom Lord and Fairy Tail, and I got injured so badly, but it wasn't her fault. It would have happened regardless of whether Lucy was there or not, which is what I kept telling her but she didn't seem convinced.

"I just hope she doesn't quit Fairy Tail," Luna said. "Me too, I like her, she's good in our little girl group," Levy said. "Yeah," we all sighed and went quiet. "Let's not think like that, not even put it in the air, she's not quitting," I said which they nodded.

"Soooo, why were you asking for Natsu," Cana teased. I rolled my eyes before saying, "Chill out, the four of us were just going to get something to eat after he discharged me this morning, but I got pulled away doing something," I said. "Doing what?" Mira asked. "Um, Makarov came by and wanted to check up on me and talk about me being a water dragon and all," I said instead of telling them about Gajeel.

"Anyway it was just lunch," I said. "Yeah but what about this morning?" Luna questioned. I slowly looked towards her and she had a grin on her face. "What are you talking about?" I questioned. "I'm talking about the fact that you and Natsu almost kissed this morning," she laughed.

My eyes went wide at one the fact that Luna just outed me to the girls but two that Luna was awake the whole time and is just now saying something about it. "WHATT?!" the girls shouted, staring at me in awe. "I-" "You guys almost kissed?!" Levy questioned. "I- I-" I stammered my face feeling hotter and hotter by the second. "Yes, they did, they were all over each other, she was on top of him and-" Luna was saying but I slapped my hand over her mouth to shut her up.

The others had their jaws dropped to the ground just from what Luna said. "Tell. Us. Everything." they said with the biggest grins on their faces. I sighed but told them everything. How I woke up to see Natsu peacefully sleeping under me, to him pulling me into a kiss until the nurse came and stopped us. I even told them about the wink Natsu did before he left. The girls were smiling so big at what I told them and I was so red I could be an apple.

"Ohhh, he wants you and wants you badddd," Cana said, making the others laugh. "Cana!" I exclaimed. "Oh I'm serious, he wanted to kiss you just as badly as you wanted to kiss him," Cana said. "I wouldn't be surprised if he asks you to be his girlfriend soon," Levy said. "His girlfriend..." That thought alone made my heart flutter.

"Yeah his girlfriend you two would be adorable, you do want to be his girlfriend right?" Mira asked. I didn't answer instantly just thinking of the thought of being his girlfriend and the more I think about it the happier I was. I smiled before answering, "Yeah, I do." "Well finally you admitted after all this time," Cana said, starting a new barrel. "Whatever," I pouted and they laughed.

We then talked about whatever. Mira even showed us the plans for the Fairy Tail guild but they didn't make sense, still, I nodded my head like it did. I even told them how I was a water dragon slayer too and they were just as surprised as Natsu and Happy.

While talking to the girls I looked over at Levy smiling happily that she was ok. All her injuries were healed, she did have some bandages here and there like me with some bruises and stitches that were healing but in all she was good. I gave her a tight hug since she was sitting next to me. Levy stiffened a bit since I hugged her out of nowhere but didn't tell me to stop.

"[Name] are you alright," she asked slowly hugging me back. "Mm-hmm," I hummed still hugging her. I then let out of the hug still smiling at her but she had a confused look at me. "I'm sorry," I said.

"For what?" Levy questioned, with Mira and Cana looking confused too. "Because of Gajeel," I said. They looked even more confused. "I knew... well know Gajeel," I said. They were shocked that I said that. "You know him?" Cana questioned. "Yes and it's a long story but, he looks like the bad guy and has always run with it because that's all anybody will see when people look at him but he isn't he was just in a bad place," I explained.

"So why are you saying sorry?" Mira asked. "Because maybe if I looked for him and wasn't mad at him then you wouldn't have gotten attacked and the guild would have been destroyed," I said. Luna walked to me and hugged me around my neck, making me smile.

They went silent for a bit softly smiling at me. "What?" I questioned. "You starting to sound like Lucy," Cana said. I sighed and chuckled. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked at Levy. "It's not your fault," Levy said. "And if you say that Gajeel isn't a bad guy then I believe you," she added which surprised me.

"Mmm I don't know about that," Cana said drinking another barrel. "I would have to agree with Cana," Mira said. "No he is a good person, it just takes time to see it," Luna said. "I guess we will never know," Cana said, but oh how wrong she will be.

As we kept talking the day got later and Natsu and Happy weren't turning up anywhere. Plus I was getting hungry. So I asked Mira to make me something and she gladly made a chicken sandwich and some fries. I took a bite of it and it was delicious.

"[NAMEEE]!" I heard someone yell my name. I turned around to see Happy flying to me with Natsu and the others following behind. "Hey guys where did you guys head off to?" I asked them. "We went to stop Lucy from quitting," Happy said. "WHAT?!" I shouted looking at Lucy. "But I thought we said it wasn't your fault for what happened." "I know but I left to say goodbye to my father I should have done that then maybe-" "Lucyyy" I chimed trying to stop her from blaming herself. "Right sorry."

"So wait, you're not quitting?" I Luna. "Nope I'm staying right where I belong," Lucy smiled. I smiled too and we hugged happily. I then turned back to my plate to see Natsu eating some fries. "Hey," I said softly, hitting his back. "What, you ate without me," Natsu said. "You left without saying anything and plus I got hungry."

"True," he said and ate another fry. "Hey," I said, trying to get him to stop but he took a bit of my sandwich. "Ok If you're going to eat, get yourself your own plate," I said, snatching my sandwich and eating it. "Ok, ok, Hey Mira!.."

Mira got him a plate of food and we ate together with Luna and Happy eating their fish. Natsu and Happy were telling us about Lucy's property and how she is rich. I mean stacked, they said the amount of property they owned was as big as a town. Our eyes were wide at what we heard.

We stayed at the guild for a while eating and Natsu helped with building the guild. And what a sight it was, seeing him sweaty and shirtless since he gave me his vest 'cause it got chilly at night. Mhmm~ his abs were on display and shiny it was hard to rip my eyes away from him when talking to the girls. We stayed until midnight and we were getting tired anyway, so we headed back home where I could sleep in a soft comfortable bed instead of the hard hospital bed.


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