𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟰

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It's been about two weeks since the destruction of the theater and the hilariously amazing show. They stayed for a week and a half because so many people wanted to see the show, even some of the other guild members went and loved it.

After a week and a half of doing nothing and missing Natsu, I did some healing spells on myself and kept myself busy with doing my hobbies, going to the guild, and hanging out there.

When Natsu and Happy got back Luna and I were happy but those two looked so exhausted from doing the shows. He literally fell asleep instantly when he flopped on the bed, Happy too. So me and Luna made a big dinner for them since it's been a while since they hadn't had a home-cooked meal in a while. When they woke up they ran to the kitchen smelling the food.

While eating their pile of food they talked about the week they were there that they made a lot of money since they had to do 3-4 shows a day. He overworked them but they got a lot of jewels for it. With that, we stayed in for the rest of the night.

. . .

"Ok everything looks good and healed properly, you are good," Dr. Willson said. I had to go back to the hospital so they could remove the stitches and do one more check-up since I did break a couple of ribs. "Now this does mean you can go on jobs-" YES!" I cheered happily doing a little dance. "But no fighting." I stopped dancing.

"What? But you said that I was good, "I said. "Yes but I want to make sure, you broke three ribs and dislocated your shoulder, your body needs to get its strength back," she said, which I huffed because she was right. "So no fighting, do small jobs for now, do I make myself clear," she said sternly. "Yes Dr. Willson," I said boredly.

"Good, well then you're free to go. Do you have any questions before I go?" she asks. "Can I use my powers?" "Yes, you can." "And could I do strength training since I have a gym at home?" "Yes but don't over-exert yourself, start small and work your way up. I will say give it a couple of weeks before going on fighting-related jobs." "Ok." "Are there any other questions?" Dr. Willson said. "Nope."

"Well then have a good day and see you for your next physical." "Ok, and you too." When Dr. Willson left, I took off my hospital gown, got dressed, and headed out to the waiting room, Luna, Natsu and Happy were waiting.

"Soo, is everything good," Happy said as he and Luna flew to me with Natsu walking behind. "Yup everything is good, all the stitches are out and I can do jobs again," I said and they all smiled. "That's good, I already have a job ready for the 7 of us," Natsu said but I cut him off. "But I can't fight."

"What?" They all said looking confused.

"Yeah, Dr. Willson said since my body is getting its strength back I can't fight but strength training is ok," I said. "Aww but I thought we could kick some bad guys together," he said as we left the hospital. "But she said I could use my magic," I said happily and Natsu looked confused.

"Meaning?" "Meaning, I can just beat the bad guys up with my powers, no fighting," I said. "That's true she can use her ice and water magic," Luna said. "And her dragon slayer magic too," Happy added. "Exactly, so I can go on that job," I smiled. He smiled too, putting his arm over my shoulders.

"Good cause I really missed going on jobs with you," Natsu said. "Really?" "Yes, Gray is an ass, Erza is annoying from being bossy all the time and Lucy is weird," "Weird how?" I questioned. "She stutters all the time," Natsu said. "And she is always red. She might be sick," Happy added.

"She is not sick, just probably hasn't warmed up yet. I mean you weren't the greatest when she joined," I said. "I wasn't that bad," Natsu said. "You called her Loony," Luna said, making me and Happy laugh. "That's because I didn't know her name," Natsu pouted. "Yeah because you didn't like her," Happy snorted. "Whatever," Natsu grumbled.

I wrapped my arm around Natsu's waist and grabbed his hand on the arm that is around my shoulder, interlocking my fingers with his. "I'm sure everything will be fine now that I'm back on the team," I said. He looked at me with a smile as his grip tightened around my hand. "Yeah, yeah you're right," he said. I chuckled as we kept walking towards Fairy Tail.

. . .

The job was to get rid of a group of bandits that were terrorizing a village nearby. It was a pretty easy job since they were pretty weak.

"Well, that was a waste, I was hoping they might be a challenge," Erza said. "Oh, I wanna fight some more!" Natsu grumbled. "Don't worry, I'm sure you will on the next job," I said, patting his head. "True," he said, blushing a little. I smiled looking away from him to the others and that's when I saw Lucy coldly glaring at me.

I stiffened not expecting that from her. "Hey you ok?" Natsu said, grabbing my hand from on top of his head and into his hand. He had a worried look on his face. "Um, I-" I said looking back at Lucy with him following my gaze, but Lucy was talking to Happy and Luna about them taking a gem or two from the bandits, her mad, cold expression stripped from her face.

"Um yeah everything's fine," I said. "You sure?" "Yeah," I said, squeezing his hand, reassuring him. 'Maybe I was just imagining things. Yeah,' I thought, looking back at Lucy who was still talking to Luna and Happy.

"Hey isn't that Loke over there," Happy said looking into the distance. And sure enough, it was Loke. "Hey Loke," I cheered walking to him with Natsu and Gray. "What's up guys?" he said "Just beating bad guys and being awesome," Natsu beamed. "Same old, same old," Loke said but started freaking out when the others followed behind. He was looking at Lucy.

"I'm glad we ran into you. Thanks so much for-" Lucy was saying but was cut off. "Sorry, but I better hit the road. So long!" he said and ran away. We were stunned, but not as stunned as Lucy since when she started talking, Loke started running away.

"What is that guy's problem?" Lucy asked. "I don't know what you did but you really freaked him out," Gray commented. "Yeah he avoids you like the plague," Natsu added. "It's not my fault he's crazy!" Lucy exclaimed.

"It's because you're a celestial wizard," I said. "Huh?" Lucy questioned. "I don't know ever since I met him he gets all weird and runs away from every celestial wizard he comes across, but no one knows why," I said. "Probably a bad breakup, you know how he flirts with multiple women at the same time," Erza said. "True," we said in unison.

"Well guess we might as well head home," Gray said since we were done with the job. "I dunno, I was thinking since we finished your job early for once, what do you say we stop by a spa and take it easy?" Lucy questioned. I was going to say that sounds like a good idea but Erza spoke.

"Lucy," Erza stated and everyone started freaking out for some reason. "I think that's a fine idea," Erza said and everyone sighed in relief. "I agree, soaking in a bathhouse sounds good right about now," I said. "Then it's settled," Natsu said and we headed to Honsenka Village.


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