𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟭

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It's been a while since Gray left, now the moon is up, but Lyons minions would not stop coming at us but there were super weak. I kept whipping and throwing the minions away with my water tendrils. Erza was knocking them out with her spear, Lucy used her whip, Luna went into her demon cat form throwing them in the air, and Happy was. . . doing his thing.

Then the ground started to rumble and we looked around to see that the temple unshifted itself. "Just great, now they can do moon drip and unfreeze Deliora," I groaned, but there was nothing we could do at the moment. "Do you two notice anything strange?" Erza asked. "Yeah. Even though there's a bunch of them, their magic seems weak for some reason," Lucy said. "Yeah I can only sense maybe 4 or 5 wizards out of this whole bunch," I said. "Exactly, do you think you can handle this one Lucy?" she asked. She agreed and tossed up one of her keys.

"Open Gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!" Lucy yelled and a guy with six crab legs on its back, with scissors that had crab designs on them. "Hmm... we've met before, haven't we?" Erza questioned and I looked at him with a finger under my chin trying to remember. "Oh! At the Eisenwald incident," I said as I snapped my finger remembering. "Indeed, and as always, I am at both of your services, misses," Cancer said having two bouquets of roses and kneeling on one knee to us.

"I thought you always said baby? What's with miss? And aren't you supposed to be at my service?!" Lucy yelled. "Someone's jealous~" Happy and Luna teased. "Take them down!" Lucy ordered. "But don't kill them just rough them up, ok," she added. Cancer did what Lucy ordered and did his thing and knocked everyone out. "Excellent work, let's head to the temple," Erza said.

"No wait!" Someone said behind us. We turned around to see an old lady and a young guy in the same purple robes glaring at us. "We won't let you interfere with the cold emperor," the old lady said. Erza noticed the headpieces that they were wearing and knew that they were from the city of Brago, a city that Deliora destroyed, and knew that they wanted revenge.

Then we heard a loud roar coming from the temple. I quickly covered my ears and started screaming in pain at how loud. Everyone gathered around me asking what was wrong but I couldn't respond to them because of the pain. Once the loud roar stopped I stopped yelling but had my hands on my ears, calming myself down. "Are you ok [Name]," Lucy asked as everyone else looked at me with worry even Erza.

"Yeah, I'm fine my ears are sensitive so that loud roar was painfully loud for me," I explained. There was another roar but I was ok since I was a little used to it, but I was still whining in pain. We then headed inside the temple and heard another roar.

"What the heck was that noise? It sounded like some kind of monster growling," Lucy said. "It was probably just your stomach, Lucy," Happy joked. "You know, you're not half as funny as you think you are."

"I bet you that that was Deliora," I said. "Oh no.. you mean... they brought it back to life?!" Lucy yelled terrified. "Look!" Luna shouted pointing at something. We looked to see a familiar purple light and magic circle. "Dammit," I said.

"Hey you need to eat something," Happy said to Lucy after there was another roar. Lucy quickly shut him up as we devised a plan of going up to the temple to stop the Moon Drip ceremony. We made it to the top and saw the dog-like guy and he was the only one doing the ceremony. Erza easily knocked him out and the spell stopped making me and Lucy cheer in success.

"Too late the ceremony is complete," the guy said. Then a huge green beam of light came from the sky as another ear-piercing roar came from Deliora. 'Oh no.' I then felt a surge of power from below where Deliora is but then it disappeared. The ground began to shake and water was coming out of the temple from below and going out into the sea, the water I'm guessing was Ur. It then went silent all you could hear was the sound of the water rushing out from the temple and into the sea.

"Is it over?" Happy asked. "I think so let's go see," Lucy said we quickly went down into the cave where Deliora was to see all the ice was melted and was going into the sea. I saw Natsu and me, Happy and Luna went and hugged him.

"So this was your grand plan," I said looking around. "More or less, more of the less," Natsu said and we both laughed. "Oh yeah! That's right. We won!" Natsu cheered as Luna and Happy were flying cheering happily as well. "You know, I was kinda worried for a while there, but it all worked out thanks to your amazing teacher," Lucy said to Gray. Lucy and I joined in with Natsu in the others being happy that we finished an S-class quest, while Gray was leaning on a rock with a smile watching us.

Erza then gave all of us a hard glare and we all were sweat-dropping terrified. "Isn't there something that you're all forgetting about?" she questioned. "You came to this island to help the villagers, the request was for you to return them to their original forms. You still haven't completed your S-class quest yet," she added.

"But I don't understand. The curse should be lifted now 'cause Deliora's dead," Lucy said. "That's not true," I mumbled without realizing it. Everyone looked at me which shocked me. "Did I say that out loud," I said. "You did care to elaborate," Erza said putting me on the spot.

". . .Deliora wasn't the cause of the curse, hell Deliora has nothing to do with the curse, the moon drip spell that Lyon and the others were doing was the cause of the curse making the moon purple, which still is purple," I said looking up into the sky seeing the haunting but pretty purple moon. They looked up too and gasped seeing the still purple moon.

"Good work [Name], she's right the intense magic energy released from the moon drip spell has been affecting the villagers. In other words, the death of Deliora isn't going to change their current situation whatsoever," Erza said.

Even though we have that information we still don't know how to break the curse. We asked Lyon but he had no clue. He told us that they knew about the village but there was no cause for them to go to the village so they let them be. But what was weird was that the villagers never came to the temple to check out what was happening. He then informed us that the moon drip doesn't affect the human body in any way, since Lyon was in the moon drip for three years and it never affected him or anyone else in his group, which caught my attention. With the information, we gathered we then headed back to the village storage.

. . .

Once we made it back, nobody was there, it was like a deserted town. "HELLOOO!" both Luna and Happy shouted flying through the area to find anyone. "You finally made it back, there's something you need to see," a guy with green scales said. He guided us back in the direction of the village but we were shocked to see that the village was back reconstructed like nothing happened.

"It's like the village went back in time," Natsu said while pounding his fist into a wall. "Now that it's fixed, maybe you shouldn't touch anything," Lucy said. "Are you saying I destroy everything I touch?!" Natsu shouted at Lucy making me, Luna, and Happy chuckle.

"Back in time..." Natsu mumbled. He then mumbled more things but I couldn't hear him, "Natsu what are you talking about?" I questioned. "Huh? Nothing it doesn't matter come on let's go find some food I'm starving," he said. He grabbed my hand and we started walking around. I couldn't help but blush while we were holding hands.

We didn't get too far when Luna came flying up to us and said that Erza was calling for a meeting. We then headed to the village gate. I heard Luna clearing her throat. "You good," I asked. "Mhmm," she said smirking and wiggling her eyebrows. She looked down and I followed her gaze to me and Natsu still holding hands. "Shut up," I said flustered looking straight ahead as Luna snickered at me.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now