𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟯

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"By the way, I know I may not look it, but I'm a wizard too," she said. "Is that so," Natsu said not really paying attention and just eating. I on the other hand was smiling keeping my laughs in because she doesn't think we are wizards, at that Fairy tail wizards.

"Yeah but I haven't joined a guild yet. Oh, I should explain..." then this girl babbled about guilds and wizards like we didn't know. I looked at Luna who looked at me and we had the same look. 'This bitch thinks we stupid!' But we let it slide because she did pay for our meals.

"But there are tons of them all around the world. I've heard it's really tough to get in the popular ones, and the guild I want to join is the most popular on there is," she ranted. The four of us looked at one another but didn't say anything. "Really?" I questioned. "Yeah, oh I'm sorry I guess all this wizarding talk sounds like a bunch of gibberish to you guys huh? But I'm telling you, I'm definitely gonna join that guild one day. And then I'm gonna take all kinds of exciting jobs and make tons of money" she said.  

Though she can be full of herself she is sweet and very determined, she would be a good addition to fairy tail, but I want to see her powers. "You talk a lot," I heard Happy mumble which made me chuckle. "I forgot, you guys came here looking for somebody right?" We all nodded. "We're looking for Igneel and Okami," Happy said. "We heard a rumor that a salamander was coming through this town so we came to see, but it was someone else," Natsu said, looking defeated but still eating.

"Yeah that guy didn't look like a salamander," Luna said. "No kidding," I said. "I bet that poser can't even breathe fire like a real fire dragon," Natsu said, which made me laugh. "I don't get it. Are you saying your friends look like dragons?" Lucy asked. "No, you got it all wrong. They don't look like dragons, they are dragons," Natsu said. "Huh?!" "Mmhmm," I said, nodding my head to confirm it.

She was frozen in shock until she spoke. "WHY WOULD A DRAGON SHOW UP IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN?!" she yelled. "That's what I said," I said looking at Natsu. Both Natsu and Happy froze with dumbfounded faces realizing how stupid the idea was. "It's totally ridiculous!" Lucy said and placed some money on the table.

"Well I better get going, enjoy the rest of your day," she said walking her way out. Before she could leave Natsu and Happy fell to their knees thanking her for the food, which me and Luna rolled our eyes at. "Was that necessary," I questioned both of them. "Ooo someone jealous," Luna said, teasing me. "N-no I was just, just disregard the question then," I said flustered at continued eating not knowing Natsu had a smile on his face.

. . .

After eating we walked around town for a while looking at the different shops, eating different foods they have, and taking photos. Soon it got dark and we were at a lookout, looking over the view of the town. The moon was high and the stars were out shining bright painting the sky. "The night sky is beautiful tonight, no?" I asked Natsu. "Yeah," was all he said.

I looked at him to see him looking at me with a smile and a look that I couldn't put my finger on. "What?" I asked him. "It's nothing," he said, looking at the sky with that same smile. "Hey, you think that's the boat that salamander guy is having his party?" Happy said pointing to the boat out at sea. Natsu started gagging at the sight of the boat. "Oh come on we aren't even on the boat," Luna said as I was rubbing his back.

"Omg, that's the Salamander's yacht isn't it?" we overheard girl 1 say. "I wish I could have gone," girl 2 said. Then they started blabbering about that phony of a wizard he is until they said that he was a member of Fairy tail. We looked at each other with anger from what we heard. "We gotta do something," I said. Natsu nods his head and grabs my hand and we run towards the docks.

. . .

Luna and Happy flew me and Natsu to the yacht and crashed from the top of the yacht. Once we landed we saw Lucy surrounded by a group of buff guys and that wanna-be Fairy tail member. We then started gagging from the boat's movement and collapsed to the ground. "Why did he have to be on a boat," I said. Then the salamander guy came and walked up to me. "I was trying to find you and personally invite you, but you came anyway and what an entrance, I like you even more, take her to my room," the guy said. One of the buff guys came and threw me over his shoulders.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" Natsu said as he grabbed my hand pulling me away from the guy and punched him in the face with a fiery fist. He held me in a tight hug and glared at the guys with rage. "Luna, Happy, get Lucy off the ship," I told them. "Yes ma'am, Aye ma'am," they said and flew Lucy off the yacht. The guy then shot some purple fire at the three of them but missed terribly.

"So you say your a member of the Fairy tail guild," I asked, trying to not barf at the moment. "Yes I am sweetheart," he said walking close to me thinking I was impressed. He had a smirk on his face but then had a terrifying look looking up. I looked behind to see a huge wave coming for us. "Ohh shit," I said before the wave crashed into us.

The boat washed up on shore destroying the boat in the process but me and Natsu didn't have a scratch on us. "So you claim to be a member of the Fairy tail guild?" Natsu said as we glared down at them. "Didn't you hear me before, besides what's it to you? Go get them but don't hurt the girl," he ordered the men. "Oh, you're going to regret that," I said. "Ready [Name]," Natsu said taking off his jacket, grinning at me. "Hell yeah I am," I said, taking off mine and returning the grin as the men charged at us.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now