𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟵

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"HEY BLOCKHEAD!" Natsu yelled. "Geez, would you keep it down," Lucy warned him. "I don't see the point in sneaking around anymore, not after all that ruckus we created," Gray said. "Yeah especially since they basically invited us in, they know we're here," I added, eating a spoonful of fluffy white rice.

"What the heck are you guys eating?" Lucy questioned us. After walking around the tower for some time, we stumbled upon a dining room that was stocked with food. I wasn't going to let it go to waste and neither did the others so we helped ourselves. "I suggest you join them before there's nothing left," Virgo warned Lucy, but Lucy declined. Suit herself I guess.

We then discussed the tower and who had control over the tower, but it only led to unanswered questions. Why did they willingly let us in? Was it to provoke us? Did he care at all? Is he so strong that he thinks he can defeat us? What is the purpose of the tower? And the most important question is, where are our friends? The latter is probably the only question we want to solve, but knowing us we would probably get the other questions answered as well.

"Not to be rude, but you're bikini leaves little to the imagination," Virgo said to Lucy. She then turned to me. "Yours as well but I think someone is enjoying it," Virgo said. My eyebrows knitted in confusion looking around the table. Juvia was going between oogaling Gray and glaring at Lucy, and Gray was minding his business, eating. I then looked to Natsu who's eyes were already on me. His eyes were on my body, hanging low filled with... lust? They were, he was undressing me with his eyes. With the look in his eyes, if the food wasn't already here I probably would've been devoured.

Natsu's gaze met my eyes and he started blushing, embarrassed at being caught in the act, and looked away. I blushed too but looked back at Virgo. "Are you suggesting we change?" I asked. The next thing I knew I was being yanked up by Virgo standing next to Lucy. "Yes, I'll help you," Virgo said eager, a little too eager. She changed us right in front of the boys but somehow did not reveal our bodies.

"I brought these over from the celestial world," Virgo said, done changing us. "So boys, do I look cute in this outfit or what?" Lucy said. It was a green puffy dress that got lighter as it went down with a beautiful pattern in the front with a matching green headband.

"You're never getting this back Virgo," I said looking at my dress. It was a dark blue dress that had stars, moons, and constellations stitched with gold thread, that reached just above my ankles and was long-sleeved. The front had a v-cut but one that wasn't too deep and it hugged my figure at the top but the skirt part was very flowy. It was beautiful.

"Oh yeah you both look great," Gray said. "Don't compliment them!" Juvia cried out. "He loves them," Virgo said and the others turned black and white. "Don't you start doing that too," Lucy grumbled. I couldn't help but chuckle, "That's something Happy would say."

"I wish you luck princess," Virgo said, addressing Lucy. "Thank you for the help, Virgo," Lucy said, and just like that Virgo was gone. "Oh, did you guys want me to ask her to bring you a dry change of clothes?" Lucy asked. "Naw this does the trick just fine." Gray was drying his clothes using Natsu's flame. "He's not a dryer you know!" Lucy shirked, but I put a hand on her shoulder. "Boys will be boys," I said shaking my head.

"The intruders! We found them!" Some more guards came running straight for us. We were ready to take them out but someone did it before us. "Erza!" we cried out happily seeing that she was here. Her eyes then landed on us but widened in horror. "It's you. What are you doing inside the tower?" 

"We're here to rescue you and-" I was saying but Juvia cut me off, to starstruck at Erza. "We haven't met, my name is Juvia, and-"

"Go home!" Erza ordered. My eyebrows knitted confused at the order, cause she made it seem like she wasn't coming with us. "Why?" I asked, her eyes darting to me. "This place is far too dangerous," Erza said. "Then you're coming with us," I said back. She didnt say anything just looked down for a split second before returning her eyes to us. "I can't," was all she said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now