𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟵

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After that whole fight and me and Natsu going through the Celestial spirit world, we stood outside of what was left of the Everlu estate. "I like your style, out with a bang," Natsu said. "You're going to fit in Fairy tail just fine," I said patting her on the shoulder. "But aren't we supposed to not destroy stuff?" "I hope I don't get blamed for this," Lucy said worriedly. "Nah you'll be fine," I said reassuring her. We headed back to Mr. Melon's mansion but had the book.

. . .

Once we got back to the mansion Lucy presented the book to Kaby. He question us why the book wasn't burned and that's when Lucy explained that there was a spell on it. Then Lucy revealed that the man in front of us is actually Zaleno's son. He then told us that he hasn't even read his father's last book.

"And you were just going to burn it?" I asked without putting too much anger in my voice. "Yes," he answered and that struck a nerve in me but I kept my emotions in check but not Natsu. "Without even bothering to see what's inside?!" Natsu shouted at him grabbing him by his shirt collar. "It was the last book your dad wrote right?! Some of us would kill for that kind of memory!"

"That's enough, Natsu," I whispered as I gently put my hands on Natsu's cheek and directed his gaze to me and loosen his other hand that had a tight grip on Mr. Melons collar. His glare that was on Kaby instantly soften when looking at me and he nuzzled his face into my neck. I swear my heart was thumping out of my chest when he did that.

I stroked my fingers through his hair calming him down. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Don't worry about it, you have me," I said. "Yeah thank you," Natsu said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Y-yeah, of course," I stuttered, blushing.

While we were having our little moment Kaby was explaining why he didn't want to read the book. I wasn't paying attention and I don't think Natsu was either but we were when the book started glowing and letters were flying all around the room. Kaby decided to keep the book and read it and we left with no money. I'm kind of bummed out that we didn't get 2 mil but at least Kaby has his dad's last words to him

. . .

While walking back, Lucy was complaining about how we didn't get any money and Natsu was explaining to her it would look bad on Fairy tail's reputation, plus it wasn't their house. I looked up into the beautiful night sky, seeing the stars and the moon shining. "We should start a fire for the night," I suggested. "Yeah," Natsu said and started making a fire, while the rest of us went to find something to eat.

"By the way how'd you know the house wasn't there's?" Lucy asked us. "The house smelled like someone else," I said watching the fish cook so it won't burn. "Thought that was obvious," Natsu said with Luna and Happy agreeing. "Yeah maybe to someone like you three animals," she said pointing to Natsu, Luna, and Happy making me chuckle.

"I'm still in the clouds from reading that book," Lucy said. "Yeah? I never knew you were such a bookworm," I said. "Like your one to talk you have a whole wall full of books," Natsu commented making me glare at him. "So you're just like me," Lucy said. "*sigh* yes," I groaned. "Haha it's fine, now I have a reading buddy, plus I'm writing a novel," she said but instantly covered her mouth. "You're writing a novel oooo can I read it please," I said begging her.

"Um I uh I don't know I'll think about it but don't tell anyone about it," she said blushing. "Fine but Levy is another person you should tell about your novel. She's amazing at writing if you feel insecure about it," I told her. "Really?" "Yeah." "Hmm, I just might."

After that, Lucy and I talked for the rest of the night, getting to know each other. "I'll go get some more firewood," Natsu grumbled getting up. 'Wonder what's up his ass?' "Hey I think I'm going to get some shut-eye," Lucy said yawning. "Ok, night," I said. "Night," and with that, she went to sleep. I looked up at the sky stargazing. When Natsu got back he put the wood in the fire and sat down, with an irritated face.

"What's up with you," I said walking up to him and sitting next to him. "Nothing. What happen with being buddy, buddy with Lucy," he grumbled. "Are you jealous," I chuckled. "No!" he whispered-yelled while blushing a little. I kept chuckling but grabbed his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders and laid on his chest. "You have nothing to worry about you're my best friend, ok?" I said but I felt weird saying it. He brought me closer and laid his head on mine and said "Ok," and we fell asleep.

. . .

The next morning we took a shortcut that Happy knew but I think were lost at this point. We even had to go through muddy water but Natsu carried me on his shoulders cause he didn't want me to get wet. After the trek in the swamp, we made it to a dirt trail. "Umm Natsu you know I can walk right?" "Yeah but it's fine," "But-" "Nope." "Fine," I said knowing there was no way talking him out of it.

We then heard a rustle in the bushes. Natsu quickly set me down and went to attack the bush only to find Gray. They started fighting like usual and I had to break it up. "I swear for you being an ice mage you sure are hot-headed," I said. "Hmm like your one to talk." "What was that?" "Nothing."

He then explained that he was taking a shortcut to Fairy tail. Then Natsu tried getting Gray to leave. "Fine, I will. Unless you want trouble, you should too," he said getting up. "Why?" "Cause Erza's due back any time now," Gray said. Natsu, Luna, and Happy had a terrifying faces while I was happy. "Yes, Erza is coming back!" I said excitedly. "The Erza," Lucy asked. "Yes ooo you are going to love her." "What is she like?"

".. scary" Luna

"Wild animal" Gray

"A vile beast" Natsu

"More like a full-on monster" Happy

"Maybe a little more scarier" Gray

"She could take down a whole mountain, she's that scary," Natsu

"What? I can guarantee you Erza could take down at least 3 mountains with one kick," Grey

"Stop it guys she is not that scary," I said defending Erza. I looked over at Lucy to see that she looked terrified. "Lucy I promise she is not that scary. She is strict with us but she is kind you'll see," I said and I could see Lucy relaxing. "Yeah well I still say she is scary," Gray said. "That's only because you two annoy her the most so she has to be on your asses 24/7," I said, which made Luna and Happy chuckle at my comment but Natsu and Gray glared at me, which I only smiled at.

"Crap let's get going," Natsu said but we got attacked by a huge explosion, got covered in sand, and Luna and Happy were missing. A group of wizards took them to eat for lunch. Me, Natsu, and Gray fought the group barely using magic, while Lucy went to free Luna and Happy. After freeing Luna and Happy, we headed back to Fairy tail but before we left the group of wizards, one of them was mumbling something about 'Lullaby' before being dragged underground. ' 'Lullaby' I swear I've heard that before somewhere...'


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now