𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟰

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[Name] POV

"I can't take this anymore," Gray shouted in Lucy's body, lifting Lucy's shirt, about to take it off. All the guys looked at Lucy with blushing, wanting to see her boobs. "No! Get a hold of yourself," Lucy said stopping Gray from taking off her shirt to expose her body.

"So even though Gray's in Lucy's body, he still likes to take off his clothes. Then that means-" Happy said. "That means what?" Erza questioned before she panicked knowing exactly what Happy was about to do. Happy started to activate Erza's power and requiped her armor into a blue one-piece swimsuit with her hair in pigtails with fish clips in her hair.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Erza shouted going to punch Happy but instead got elbowed in the face on accident by Happy. "No, this can't be. I was an S-class wizard, and now I'm so weak," Erza said sitting on the floor at the realization. "Whoa, Erza looks smokin' hot," the men said looking at Erza

"Omg, that means I can do it too!" Luna said. "What no, no NO!" I said but it was too late. Luna requiped into a [color] knitted bathing suit. at them. I flew up my/Luna's face glaring at myself, which was really weird. "Really Luna. Really!" I yelled at Luna. "I'm sorry ok, I was trying to do your dragon armor but this is cute too," Luna said as she posed with a kissy face. All the men started drooling at the sight.    

[Option #1]

[Option #1]

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[Option #2

"Stop staring," I told them but they didn't

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"Stop staring," I told them but they didn't. "*SIGHH*, Loke," I said but saw him staring at Luna/me too. "Loke, Loke, oh wait, NATSU!!" I yelled as I flew over to him. "Huh, what?" "Give me your jacket," I said and he did. "Put it on," told Luna. "But-" "Put. It. On." She did and I heard everyone awwed in disappointment when Luna zipped up the jacket.

Natsu or Loke in Natsu's body, came running into the guild drooling fire out of his mouth. "I must admit, flying is way more fun than I thought it'd be," Erza said. "I have to agree, it's supper fun," I said flying around the guild. "I shouldn't be wasting my precious time like this, I need to be changed back at once," Erza said going back to her old serious self.

"No need to worry," Levy said as she was standing at the entrance. "Levyyy!" I cried out flying straight to her, hugging her. "Thank god, can you fix this pleasee," I begged. "Anything for my girl," Levy said walking in while petting me. "Besides I want to read your novel Lucy and it will be weird to talk to you as Gray," she whispered to me and Lucy.

She then worked her magic on trying to decipher the text as quickly as she could cause she only had less than ten minutes. Levy then said that she couldn't figure it out and we started freaking out. She said not to worry and that she would figure it out.

As time went by we were all sitting down watching the time go by as we were still stuck in each other's body. "So what happens if we end up getting stuck like this?" Gray said. "What do you mean by that?" Natsu asked. "Are we just gonna try to adjust to our new bodies and go back to work," Gray asked. "Well, yeah. I guess we'd have to," Natsu said.

I then started thinking how that would go as everyone was still freaking out. 'I guess I would have to train Luna how to use ice and water first then ice dragon slayer, but I don't think she can handle the other magic I've been learning. She would have to teach me transformation magic,' I thought as a plan b if we don't get back but then I started thinking of Natsu. 'I won't be able to tell him how I feel stuck like this,' I thought looking down at my black paws.

"Hey what's wrong," Luna whispered. "Oh just thinking of what will happen if we won't switch back and thinking about the training we would have to do with our powers," I told her. "Oh yeah, you're gonna have to train me a lot 'cause you have a lot of powers," she said smiling. "You act like it's a lot." "It is!" she said and I gave her fake smile at her enthusiasm still thinking of Natsu. Luna caught on and asked, "What else is on your mind."

I looked up at her/me as she was looking at me. "Natsu," was all I said. Her face softened while still looking at me. "What if we never get back to our bodies and I won't be able to tell him how I feel," I said softly as a few tears were building up in my eyes. Luna hugged me stuffing my head into her/my boobs. 'Wow she was right they are really soft.'

"Don't worry I'm sure Levy will find a way to switch our bodies," Luna said. "But what if she don't," I said lifting my head to look at her. Luna didn't say anything until she said, "I don't know," with a sad look. "I know," I said a little defeated resting my head on her shoulder as a few tears cascaded down my cheeks.

She lifted my face and whipped away my tears. "She will find a way, come it's Levy you know she's smart to find a way," Luna said. A smile adorned my face at Luna's optimism. "Yeah, yeah you're right," I said feeling better. While we were having our talk the time was still counting down and there was less than a minute left.

"I just remembered something about the spell," Gramps chirped. We all gathered around him to hear what he had to say. "While it can be lifted, I'm afraid that it has to be done one pair at a time. Meaning it's impossible to change all of you back at once," Gramps said and now we have 30 seconds.

"Which pair is going first," Gray said.

"It should be me and other me, don't you think" Natsu "Sounds good," Loke said agreeing.

"That is so not fair, I think it should be me and Gray," Lucy.

"No way it should be me and Luna I'm stuck in a cat's body while you guys are still human," Me "Yeah, hey," Luna said.

"Hold on, as Fairy Tail's strongest female wizard, I should go first, it's for the good of the guild," Erza.

"Well I don't care either way," Happy

We started arguing back and forth about who should go back to normal and we never reached a conclusion.

"Wait, you guys, I got it" Levy exclaimed. We then gathered around Levy. "Alright, I'll try to explain this to you really quick," Levy said as Macao was counting down. "No time to explain just do it!" I shouted. "Yeah, right, here goes," and then Levy said some weird words and everything went bright and all magicy for a minute and then stopped.

"Hey I'm back to normal," I said happily. "Me too," Luna said flying up and laying on my head. "Levy you're the best you know that right," I said hugging her. "So I've been told," she said as we laughed. "How'd you do it?" Luna asked. "When I realized the words themselves had no meaning, I decided to read them backwards," she explained. "Cool," I said.

"I'm still in the wrong body," Loke and Natsu shouted simultaneously. Me, Levy, and Luna's eyes widened in horror. "Me, too. I'm still a stupid cat," Erza said. "Wow, you mean I get to stay like this?" Happy said happily. "No I'm going to be a boy forever," Lucy cried out as ice was still coming out of her mouth. "Well since we're like this, I need to take off my shirt," Gray said but Lucy stopped him.

They then started freaking out that they have to stay like this forever except for Happy who was in Ezra's body. Then come to find out when Levy said that spell she changed other people's bodies too. Gramps switched bodies with Mirajane, Cana switched with Elfman, and Droy switched with Jet.

In the end, Gramps lied to us about the whole time limit on the spell and easily switched everyone back to their bodies. He said he wanted to play with us as part of our punishment for going on the S-class quest when we shouldn't have.


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