𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟱

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Once we got to the spa Luna, Erza, Lucy, and I went to the girl's bathroom to undress and immediately went to the outside bath house, soaking under the stars.

Erza, Luna, and Lucy were there first to go in the bath, while a was getting undressed and trying to find a hair tie. "How does the water feel!" I shouted to the others. "It feels nice hurry up and get in," Lucy said. "Ok, ok." I finished getting undressed, put my hair in a messy bun, and walked over to the bath.

"Damn," Lucy whispered looking at me. "What?" I questioned. "I know right," Luna said. "What?" "They're talking about your body," Erza said who was in the bath but in her armor. "Oh uh, thanks I guess," I said timidly. "Why did you say like that, you have an amazing body," Lucy complimented. I looked down at said body they were looking at.

I am very top-heavy much like Lucy and Erza but I'm very bottom-heavy too, especially in the thigh area. My main concern is my stomach. I have fat there and no matter how much I workout or eat healthy it just never goes away. Natsu and the girls, besides Lucy, know how self-conscious I can get and say it's not big and to not worry about it but sometimes I just can't help it.

"Thanks that means a lot," I said to Lucy who smiled at me. "Also why are you still in your armor Erza?" I questioned. "'I'm more relaxed with it on," she said. "Really?" me, Luna and Lucy questioned. "Doesn't it feel kind of weird?" Lucy asked. "Now that you mention it, it does. I may need to reconsider my definition of relaxation."

She then un-requipped her armor and was naked. "Wow, you have an amazing body too! It's just as awesome as your armor," she said. "Is that so, then perhaps I should walk around the guild like this," Erza joked. "Yes you totally should I will join you," I laughed.

"Uh," Lucy said like she didn't know it was a joke. "That was a joke," Erza said. "Oh right." Erza, Luna, and I laughed as Lucy blushed embarrassed. I then joined the others in the bath feeling my muscles relaxing in the hot water. "Ahh~ the water does feel nice," I sighed. "Yeahhh~," Luna, Lucy, and Erza sighed as well.

I opened my eyes looking at the beautiful stars that were out with the moon. "This would be such a romantic place to be with someone, no?" I asked. "It would the sky is so beautiful tonight," Erza said. "Yeah," Lucy said agreeing too. Then my mind started drifting to Natsu and being with him and wondering how his body would look, all wet and shining under the moonlight. 'Wait what?'

My face blushed a beet red and my thoughts. "Whatcha thinking about, "Luna smirked. "NOTHING!" I rushed. "She's probably thinking about Natsu," Erza said. "NO I wasn't," I said trying not to shout again. "Your red face says otherwise," Luna said.

I grumbled covering my face with my hands, embarrassed as Luna and Erza were laughing. With my hands covering my face I could still see a little through my fingers so I can see Erza and Luna laughing their asses off. I then looked at Lucy who wasn't laughing at all but was glaring at me like she was mad or something. I quickly uncovered my face and her expression was relaxed like she wasn't mad at all.

"Come on guys don't tease her like that," she chuckled. 'What the hell is up with her or am I just seeing things again,' I thought, confused. "Ok, ok well stop," Luna said. "Good," I said relaxing again but glancing at Lucy.

. . .

After the bath, we headed to the room that the seven of us were sharing for the night. We ended up having a pillow fight that got out of control, really quickly. Erza and I were fine but Natsu and Gray turned the pillow fight into an actual battle. They ended up getting hurt so we had to bandage them up. I didn't feel like using my healing spells since I was tired at the time so I would do them later tomorrow.

Which I did but while healing them I noticed that both Natsu and Gray were in a bad mood so I asked why and they said that Lucy was still in a bad mood and it rubbed off of them, probably from last night.

We noticed after the pillow fight that Lucy went off somewhere so we sent Luna and Happy with her to make sure she was ok but when she came back she was quiet and went to sleep. I have no clue what happened that night but I told them to give her some space and she will cool off soon.

Since we got back from a job we thought we would take a break from them for a while so that the guys could help rebuild the guild. It was getting late and I was tired, especially after healing Natsu and Gray so, Natsu, Luna, Happy, and I headed home a little early. I was walking a little slow because I was just that tired, they injured themselves big time.

"You, ok," Natsu said stopping so that I could catch up. "Yeah just tired," I said groggily. I kept walking but then I was unexpectedly lifted off the ground by Natsu's back. "Woah Natsu what are you doing?" I asked. "Well you're tired get some rest," he said. "Ok," I said too tired to resist the sleepiness that weighed my eyes.

His body heat felt so warm and good it was like my own personal radiator. "So warm," I mumbled, nuzzling my face into his neck. I heard him chuckle lowly and he squeezed my thighs.

As I was falling asleep on his back we heard Gray in the distance shouting for us. Natsu turned around and we saw Gray running at us. "Guys! It's bad, really bad," Gray shouted, coming closer to us. "What happened?" Natsu asked. "Loke quit Fairy Tail!" Gray said.

"What?!" The four of us shouted. 'Well, now I'm up.' We and the others from Fairy Tail searched for Loke but we couldn't find him. Since it was late at night we met up at Fairy Tail and said we would search for him tomorrow.

With that Natsu carried me in his back again heading back home, but because of searching for Loke and Natsu being so warm I quickly fell asleep.


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