𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟱

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No one's POV

In Makarov's office, Erza was telling Gramps what happened back on Galuna island and how the group got rid of the so-called curse that was on the villagers. "Well it's good that you made it in time or who knows how long they would have been there," Makarov said and Erza agreed. "Is that all that happened on Galuna island," Makarov asked. "Yes sir." "Then you are dismissed," Makarov said and went back to his many stacks of paperwork that he has to get through.

"Actually there is one more thing I would like to discuss with you," Erza said. Makarov looked up at Erza with raised eyebrows. "I want to nominate [Name] for the S-class Mage Promotion Trial," Erza said. "Oh?" Makarov questioned.

"Yes, she has remarkable abilities that she has displayed time and time again even though she's been here for only a year. Even though she was foolish to go on the S-class quest she got to the solution. I think if she was there for a couple of more hours she would have gotten the quest done. Plus from when I talked to everyone that was on the quest she was thinking," Erza said in a proud tone for her friend.

Makarov didn't say anything and was thinking carefully about what Erza said about [Name]. "I will have to think about it for now, but I will take your words into consideration," Makarov said. "I see," Erza said but was a little disappointed that it wasn't a yes. "Well that is all, have a good day," Erza said leaving Makarov's office.

. . .

[Name] POV

Since we were all technically still on punishment and couldn't take any jobs for the time being, Natsu thought it would be good to have a relaxing day outside since the weather was perfect. I agreed but before we left me and Luna made a picnic basket of some snacks and packed my art supplies in it, while Natsu and Happy got some fishing equipment cause they wanted fish for dinner, though I doubt there will be any to take home knowing those two.

We were walking through Mongolia so we could go to the East Forest and have our day there. I love going to this forest it's so pretty and different magical creatures that live there and I like to draw them or just the scenery. On our way there we bumped into Lucy.

"Oh hey guys what are you doing," Lucy greeted us. "Hey girl, we were just going to have a relaxing day in the forest since we are on punishment," I said. "Yeah and we're going to catch fish," Happy said excitedly. "Oh that sounds like fun, could I come along?" Lucy asked.

"Oh uh, actually-" Natsu was saying but I cut him off because I didn't hear. "Of course, you can, the more the merry right?" I said. "Great, but could we head to my apartment first I want to get my writing stuff because I'm in a writer's block right now, this might help," she said. "Of course, it's actually on the way to the forest we are heading to, you are going to love it, it's so beautiful and might help you with some inspiration," I told her. On the way to her apartment, I told her all about the East Forest and she seemed really excited.

Me, Natsu, Luna, and Happy waited outside Lucy's apartment while she went to get her things. I glanced at Natsu noticing how quiet he was, to see he was glaring at the ground. "Natsu, you ok," I asked. He looked at me with lifted eyebrows. "Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine, nothing to worry about," he said softly smiling. "You sure," I asked which he said 'yeah' to so I left it alone.

When Lucy came back we then headed to the big lake which is my favorite spot. I set up a blanket for us to sit on and we just did our own thing. I was drawing, Luna was taking a nap next to me, Natsu, and Happy were fishing while Lucy was... well just sitting. Since she was sitting Natsu and Happy made her start fishing, so they can have a better chance of getting fish.

"Oh come on I have a novel I have to write, why'd do I have to fish too," Lucy whined. "Stop complaining, besides you said you had writer's block, so it's not like your doing anything," Natsu said. "Yeah, but why fishing?" "'Cause fish is my very most favorite food, of course," Happy said. "You're missing the point, why am I fishing for your favorite food," Lucy said.

I was lightly chuckling listening to the bickering while drawing the lake. Natsu then got stood up saying that he got a bite. He pulled on it really hard but I didn't think anything of it thinking it was a boot or something. But when he did one last tug a big ass fish was on the other end. "Holy shit that's massive!" I said astonished. "IT'S HUGE!" Happy said while he and Natsu were jumping and cheering like little kids.

Luna then woke up because of the ruckus but was happy once she saw the huge fish. "Fishy wishy, nummy yummy, get in my tummy!" Luna and Happy sang jumping happily around us. "I knew you were immature, but this is a new low," Lucy complained. "Oh come on Lucy you know their little song and dance is funny," a laughed looking up at her since I'm still sitting down.

All of a sudden Luna and Happy screamed horrified at something scaring me and Lucy. "Oh, yeah that looks tasty," Natsu said as he, basically burnt the fish. "You ruined it! Fish tastes better if you eat it raw!" Happy shouted. "I second that!" Luna shouted

"Why would I do that when it only takes a sec to grill it up?" "'Cause that's how I wanted to eat it." "I got it, so I eat it my way. If you're gonna complain, go catch your own." "NOO!" Luna and Happy shouted as Natsu ate the entire fish.

"Ew. He's eating it bones and all," Lucy said disgusted but couldn't look away. "Yeah that's Natsu for yuh," I said with a smile as Luna sadly trudged over to me and layed in my lap. "It was a perfect fish and he ruined it," Luna pouted. "There, there, there are a million more fish in that big lake, you just got to go and catch them," I said. She glared at me while I just smiled petting her.

"Man that hit the spot," Natsu said stuffed. "How could you? Fine! Our friendship is over, Natsu!" Happy said tears coming out of his eyes as he ran away into the forest. I knew he wasn't serious and needed some space. He and Luna get emotional and act like drama queens when it comes to their fish or just fish in general.

Natsu just stayed sitting on the grass not moving. "You gonna follow him?" Lucy asked. Natsu just looked away from her not giving a response. "Oh, give me a break, keep up that tough guy act and you'll never get the girls to like you," Lucy said. I let out a breathless chuckle remembering me saying something along those lines on the last day I saw Natsu all those years ago.

Natsu got up and I was thinking that he was going to go after Happy, but boy was I wrong. "Just shut your mouth for once," Natsu snapped, glaring at her, and walked away. That left the three of us shocked and speechless for a while. "What was that all about?" Lucy asked looking at me. "I- I don't know, I guess it was something you said," I said.

"Should we go after him," Lucy said. "No, especially you," I said and she looked at me shocked but knowing what I meant. "He just needs some time to cool off, him and Happy. They will be back sooner or later," I said packing up. "Ok, want to head to the guild," she asked. "Yeah," I said but before we left I left a note for Natsu or Happy saying where we were.

📌Author's note📌
Y'all I hit 10k reads on this book😱😱. THANK YOUUU SO MUCH, I didn't think I was going to get that high on reads also...
Happy Black History Month‼️‼️


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