𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟲

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I woke up to my body feeling sore but noticed that I was in an unfamiliar place. I groaned sitting up and rubbing my eyes. "Where am I?" I questioned out loud to no one in particular but didn't know that there were people in the room. "[NAMEEEEEE!]" Luna and Happy cried as they flew to me hard. I looked around the room noticing that we were in a hospital room.

"uff, Hey guys," I grunted petting them as they cried into my chest. "[Name]," I heard Natsu say. I looked at him with a smile and see bandages wrapped around his body. But he looked sad for some reason and I knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "Nothing, you just gave us a scare that's all," he said, while giving me a tight hug but still sounded sad.

"We were so worried after you went against Gajeel and fainted," Happy said with tears in his eyes. "Yeah but you fought him like the bad bitch you are," Luna said happily which made me chuckle. "Yeah she did," Natsu said. "Thanks, guys," I said blushing sheepishly.

"Wait what happened? I remembered I was fighting Gajeel and then I blacked out because I used all of my magic power," I said. "Natsu fought Gajeel and won the fight," Happy said happily. "Oh really?" I smirked at Natsu impressed. "Well yeah, but you did most of the work. I just punched him a couple of times and his iron skin crumbled easily because of all the damage you did," Natsu smiled, giving me my credit. "Thanks," I said.

"But the guild..." Luna started, making them three lose their smiles. "What?" "The guild is completely destroyed," Happy said. I was shocked. even though I only joined the guild for a year, I made some really good memories there. I know a lot of the other guild members made more memories there, since they joined the guild at a young age, especially Natsu and Happy. "Oh wow," I said and we went silent.

"Ok I know we are sad right now, but we're going to talk about how somehow you are a water dragon slayer right?" Natsu asked breaking that silence. I sheepishly laughed but started explaining.

Sometime before Okami disappeared, we went somewhere far from the ice mountains near the ocean. Okami had a brother who was a water dragon, Katsumi was his name. He had dark blue scales and green fins, but no wings to fly, instead had flippers. We stayed there for a bit and I kept asking Katsumi for some time to teach me how to do some water dragon moves but he was so stubborn and mean and wouldn't teach me. So I kept bugging him until he taught me but even then he only taught me two moves until we went back and Okami disappeared and he did too.

"Wow," Natsu and Happy said. "Yup, but I do practice water dragon slayer magic every now and again but I don't use it as much because it takes a lot of power cause I'm not used to using it like I am with ice," I informed them. "Where do you practice?" Natsu questioned. "Outside where the pound is but you don't notice because you're always in the gym," I said making Luna and Happy chuckle. "It's true," Luna said.

"Whatever," Nastsu grumbled and plopped on my hospital bed. "Natsu, are you mad?" I said and he pouted angrily. "Are you mad that I didn't tell you?" I asked again worried that he was. "No... I'm just mad that I didn't notice," he said. I laughed relieved that he wasn't and he smiled at me. "I can never be mad at you," he said, and my cheeks started to flush. My eyes felt heavy and I rubbed them to help keep me awake but also so I would stop blushing.

"Hey [Name]," Natsu said. I hummed wanting him to continue, while I was rubbing my eyes, trying to stay up. "Nothing, you look tired you should get some rest," Natsu said a small smile appearing. "Ok."

He, Luna, and Happy started heading to the door to leave but I stopped them. "Wait!" They turned back round. "C-could you guys stay?" I pouted. "Yeah! Aye!" Luna and Happy said, immediately flying back to the bed and snuggling on the covers. I smiled at them and saw Natsu walk back to the bed. "Of course, we can stay."

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