𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟳

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With Natsu sleeping in my lap the rest of us just sat on the cold stone ground waiting for night, however, we didn't realize how long we had to wait. We were sitting together but Gray was sitting on a rock close to the frozen demon looking intensely at it in deep thought. I was worried about him but I knew he needed some space to think and cool off.

"I know I agreed to wait but this is so boring," Lucy groaned, Luna and Happy agreeing. "Oh I know," Lucy said. She then pulled out a key opening the gate of the harp. A girl appeared with a long blue dress and wings with a harp on her back. Her name was Lyra and she seems like a very happy and cheerful spirit and friendly. She asked us if we had any requests on what she should sing but we said she could sing whatever.

With that, Lyra's fingers gilded across the strings of her harp, a soft melody playing. It was a beautiful melody bringing a smile to my face as a swayed my head to it. Then Lyra started singing.

Words are born into air

And quickly fade out in the wind

But they find their way inside you

Where they live on forever more

The song was calming but got me thinking of memories of my mother, father, and Okami and how much I miss them so much.

When the skies are dark and full of rain

Look inside your heart

Light, so warm and all aglow

Shining just like the sun

I then felt movement in my lap from Natsu. His face was now turned toward my stomach nuzzling into it with his arms loosely around my hips. He had a smile with a faint blush adorning his cheeks.

You can see just how much you've grown

How strong you are

A path will open up to you

And it starts from the day that you... first heard those words

A smile grew on my lips and a faint blush on my cheeks looking down at how cute Natsu looked. I stroked my fingers through his hair and massaged it lightly. Natsu moved a little but hummed contently and his smile grew bigger. I blushed and kept staring at him with soft eyes. 'It's like we're in our own little bubble.'

"You're so in love," Luna whispered in my ear. "Yeah... whatever," I said half listening, not even glancing at Luna, still having my gaze on Natsu. "Oh really," she said. "Hmm?" I questioned Luna now looking at her. She had a smirk on her face and I realized what I said. 'Omg, I just said that, I mean I have feelings for him but love, but... maybe?' I thought. I could hear Luna chuckling and I glared at her.

"Gray, what's wrong," Lucy said softly. I looked to Gray to see a single tear escape his eye. "Nothing, I'm fine," he said trying to hide the sadness in his voice. "Are you sure you, you seem upset," I said softly. "Well, one of Lyra's talents is singing songs related to what her audience feel," Lucy informed.

"Did her song make you cry?" Happy asked. "I wasn't crying," he said but we knew he was lying but let it be. "Maybe you should sing something a little more upbeat," Lucy said to Lyra. "You should've said that in the first place," Lyra said back. I heard Gray sigh. "Maybe we should skip the songs," I suggested. "Yeah, we need to stay quiet, we don't want to be found out," Gray said.

With that, we stayed quiet. Luna went up to Gray to give him some company which Gray accepted quietly, letting Luna stay there with him. I started feeling a little tired myself and laid down to take a nap.

. . .

The ground began to shake waking us up. "What's that weird noise," Lucy questioned. "Is it night yet?!" Natsu yelled making me flinch. "So noisy," I mumbled groggily. "Sorry," he said in a more hush tone. A purple magic circle appeared at the top of the cave and a purple beam of light downcasting directly onto Deliora.

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