𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟰

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"Natsu!, [Name]!" I heard Lucy yell out of worry. "Don't worry about them," Happy said. "Did we forget to mention that they are wizards too," Luna said. "WHATT!"

Natsu landed a punch on one guy while I uppercut the other guy. "My name is Natsu. And my name is [Name]. And we are Fairy Tail wizards," we said laced with anger. "And we have never seen you before," Natsu said. "Those marks, they're the real deal Bora," one of the men said. "Don't call me that you fool!" Bora shouted.

"I have no idea what you're trying here buddy, and I don't care if you're a good guy, bad guy, or what, we're not gonna let you dirty the Fairy tail guild's name," Natsu shouted. "And what are you gonna do about it? Stop me?" he said with a smug face. "That's exactly what we're gonna do," I said coldly.

"Prominence Typhoon!" Bora shouted and a large purple fire was blasted at us. Natsu got in front of me and the attack looked like it hit us but it missed and a loud explosion was made creating a fire. Natsu then started eating on the fire. "Aw, this is gross. Are you sure that you're really a fire wizard? Cause these are the nastiest flames I ever tasted," Natsu said making me laugh. "*Laugh* are you done eating," I said calming myself down. "Yeah, now I got a fire in my belly," "Then let's ice them out. Ice Dragon ROAR!" "Fire Dragon ROAR!"

Our two spells went straight to the men, hitting them, creating a big explosion making rocks, smoke, and debris fly in the air. When the smoke cleared almost all the men were wiped out but the Bora guy was still unscathed and that's who I was aiming for.

"Bora, I swear I've seen these two before. The pink hair and scaly-looking scarf, there's no doubt about, he's got to be the real one. And the white curly hair with a blue crystal necklace, no doubt about it, it's her in the flesh," one of the standing guys say. "SALAMANDER AND DRAGON QUEEN!" Lucy shouted and stares at us.

"I hope you guys are paying attention. This is what a Fairy Tail wizard can do!" Natsu shouted as his fist was engulfed with his flames. Bora then did a fire attack that showered fire bullets down on Natsu but didn't even leave a scratch. Natsu then punched him sending him flying into the city.

I then ran to Bora with ice engulfing my fist and punched him before he could land another attack sending him to another part of the city. He managed to get up and sent a huge purple fireball at the both of us but Natsu caught and ate it. "Ready to cook this guy like a smoked fish," Natsu yelled. "Yeah I am," I said. "Fire Dragon IRON FIST!" "Ice Dragon FIST!" We went straight after Bora hitting him with a final blow, me at his stomach and Natsu at his face, sending him flying into a bell.

That's when we hear marching coming and knew it was the army. "We gotta go!!" I said wasting no time grabbing Natsu's hand and running with Natsu behind me. We went to Lucy and the others and ran from the army. "Wait where are you taking me!?" Lucy yelled. "You said you wanted to join the Fairy Tail guild right?" I said as me and Natsu were looking at her with a smile. "So let's go," Natsu said. A smile crept on Lucy's face as she said "All right!" and ran with us heading back to the guild.

. . .

Once we made it back to the guild Natsu kicked the door open with one arm over my shoulders. "We're backkk!" I shouted and everyone in the guild greeted us and a few heard what happened at Hargeon. "So I heard what you two did at Hargeon," someone said. That person got kicked right in the face by Natsu.

"You lied about that Salamander. I'm gonna kick your ass," Natsu said. "Hey, don't get mad at me. I was just passing along a rumor I heard." "It was just a rumor!" Natsu shouted. One thing led to another and the whole guild was in a brawl. I looked over my shoulder to see Lucy with sparkles in her eyes.

"So what do you think so far?" I asked Lucy. "I just can't believe I'm actually standing inside the Fairy tail guild hall," she said with a huge smile making me smile. "Aww look at her she's so happy," Luna said. "*laugh* come on there some ladies I want you to meet," I said as I dragged Lucy to the bar with Luna on my shoulder.

"Hey Cana," I said hugging her. "[Name], glad your back," she said as she started drinking a barrel of liquor. "How many have you drunk so far," I asked sitting down next to her. "This is my third one today," she announced. "Hmm so nowhere near done." "Nope," she said and continued drinking.

"Hello, are you new here," I heard a soft voice say. Me and Lucy turned around to see Mairajane. "Mira!" I said cheerfully. "[Name], glad to see your back," Mirajane said hugging me. "It's Mirajane in the flesh!" Lucy said fangirling over her. "*chuckles* yes I almost forgot, this is Lucy and she is joining Fairy tail today. Lucy this is Cana and of course, you know Mirajane," I said introducing each other.

"Hey Mira you think you can whip me something up to eat," I asked her. "Of course just give me a minute," she said. Me and Lucy sat with Cana as we watched the brawl getting more out of control by the minute. "Hey, [Name]," I heard a familiar voice say. "Hey Levy," I said and we both hugged each other. "Lucy this is Levy another friend of mine," I said introducing the two. They said hi to each other and we went back to watching the brawl. Soon Mirajane came back with a plate of food and gave it to me. "Thanks, Mira," I said and dug in. "No problem," she said.

"So I have a question [Name]?" Lucy asked. I looked at her awaiting for the question. "What's with you and Natsu are you two dating?" I choked on my food as Luna, Mirajane, Levy, and Cana started laughing. "Haha even the newbie picked up on you guys' feelings," Cana said. "No, we are not," I said answering her questions. "You too might as well be, you two live together after all," Mirajane said. "Oh," Lucy said which made the other laugh more.

"*Sigh* We are just really close. We've known each other since we were little because Okami and Igneel were close. When they disappeared we were separated for a long time till we got reunited not too long ago," I explained to Lucy.

"Wow no wonder you two are close," Lucy said. "But doesn't that sound like an amazing love story, Lucy?" Levy asked. "I'm sorry [Name] but it does," Lucy admitted. "Great now I lost my appetite," I said pouting turning my head away from them. They laughed at me yet again but I didn't care. I looked at the brawl and saw Natsu fighting and beating everyone up. A smile, unknowingly to me, adorned my face but the girls noticed and were silently teasing me.

"Would you fools stop fighting like children," said a giant Gramps. Everyone froze in place and didn't say a word, well everyone except Natsu. He started laughing and bragged about winning but Gramps crushed Natsu with his huge foot. 'Oof'. "Hey Gramps we have a newbie joining us," I shouted to him pushing a terrified Lucy closer to him. "A new recruit?" "Yes sir," Lucy said still terrified.

Gramps then shrunk to his usual short old man self. "Nice to meet you," Gramps said to Lucy who was still processing that he was the guild master. I then walked over to Natsu who was getting up from being crushed. "You good?" I asked. "Yeah," he said scratching his head. Then Gramps jumped on the railing, getting the attention of the entire guild.

"You've gone and done it again, look at all this paperwork the magic council sent me this time," Gramps said. He continued to complain and lets out a huge sigh. "However... I say heck with the magic council," Gramps said and burnt the paperwork letting Natsu eat it. Then he had a whole speech that basically said one thing. FUCK THE MAGIC COUNCIL! Toward the end of the speech, Natsu wrapped his arm around my waist as we and the whole guild started cheering.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now