𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟯

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Once we got back to Fairy Tail everyone was sitting down, injured, with a couple standing and talking about plans. We saw Macao and walked up to him and he explained what happen. I asked about Gramps, but he said they took him somewhere already and he would be fine. I said that I will help with healing some people but Macoa said that I didn't have but I insisted. With that, I went to where some people were injured but I saw Lucy sitting in a corner looking sad.

I went to Natsu who was already looking at me, with Happy and Luna near. "Can you guys look after Lucy, I'm worried about her," I said. "Yeah," he said with a soft smile. They headed towards her and I headed over to where Mira was and helped healed as many people as I could.

. . .

I tried to heal quite a few people and almost got to everyone, but Mira said I should stop, in case Phantom Lord came and I could fight. So reluctantly, I stopped and helped Mira and Cana who were trying to call Laxus and Mystogen for help. Cana had no luck with finding Mystogen but we were able to call Laxus, and he was being a jackass like always.

"Dammit Laxus get your ass back here and help us get revenge on Phantom Lord!" I shouted through the crystal ball. "Master's seriously injured and we can't seem to locate Mystogan. You're the only one left that we can turn to, so dammit help us Laxus." He groaned while having a disgusted expression. "We could really use you about now, Fairy Tail is in terrible danger," Mira pleaded.

"Man, Makarov is freaking pathetic," he laughed. "I don't see how this is remotely my problem, you're big girls so deal with it yourselves." "So you're not gonna help us?" Cana asked. "Of course not. Why would I?" he stated. "That senile old toad started this. Why do I have to be the one to clean up his mess?"

"Please Laxus, Phantom's trying to kidnap Lucy," Mira pleaded but I knew that wasn't going to get threw. "Who? Do I even know her?... Oh wait, is it that new girl? I'll tell you what, if you talk blondie into being my woman, I'll do anything she wants," he said which I rolled my eyes to. "Your such a pig!" Cana yelled. "Are you sure you want to talk that way to a guy you're begging to help you?"

"Come on they destroyed the guild, oh, and did we forget to mention that they almost killed your grandfather, YOUR GRANDFATHER!"

"Please, do me a favor, if that geezer manages to pull through this, tell him he's over the hill and he should hand the guild over to me," he said ending up laughing, leaving us speechless. I don't know why, but I started laughing which made Laxus stop and look at me weirdly.

"You are unbelievable Laxus," I said with a smile but disappeared before I said what I was about to say.  "Don't be surprised when one day you get kicked out of the guild because of your whole 'bad boy' act that you have. 'Cause when that happens you will be begging to come back but you won't be able to!" I shouted and shattered the crystal ball out of anger.

I heard sniffles and looked to see Mira crying. "Mira," both me and Cana whispered. "I don't understand. How can someone in Fairy Tail be so heartless and cruel?" she cried. "I can't just sit here and watch, I have to join the others and fight," she said and started walking. Cana and Mira argued for a bit about if Mira should fight or not but ultimately decided that it was a good idea that Mira not fight. Then the ground started shaking.

"Outside," Alzack said coming downstairs. We all went upstairs to see what the commotion was about. "You've got to be kidding me," I said as we looked to see the Phantom Lord headquarters building, slowly walking through the water and heading straight to the guild! "Is that phantom?" I heard Loke ask. "Yeah it's their headquarters," I informed everyone.

"I never anticipated this. I can't believe they'd go to such extremes to attack us," Erza said as she was shaking, scared like the lot of us. Then it stopped moving. One of the walls on the buildings came down a canon... a fucking canon aiming straight for us. At the end of the canon a black sphere that was slowly growing bigger and bigger.

"RUN! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Erza ordered and everyone ran back into the guild... except for Erza. "Erza! Erza what are you doing!" I shouted as she ran in the opposite direction, heading for the canon. She requipped in her Adamantine armor. "I'm protecting the guild hall," she said. "ERZA!" me and Natsu screamed trying to get to her but Cana was holding me back and Gray was holding Natsu back. "Just stay back!" Erza said.

The sphere kept getting bigger until it fired right for Erza. A giant teal-color protective magic circle appeared, absorbing the magic from the canon. Her shield and armor started cracking ultimately destroyed,  but she was able to stop the attack. She dropped to the floor and I quickly broke out of Cana's grip and dashed to Erza's side, using my healing spells to heal her. "You okay? Say something!" Natsu yelled.

"Makarov has fallen, and now Erza can no longer stand. Any chance of victory has slipped through your fingers. Surrender Lucy Heartfila immediately. You have no choice," Jose announced.

"Hell no we're not giving you Lucy she's staying put right where she belongs!" I shouted.  Everyone else started roaring saying 'that's not going to happen' and 'we'll never give Lucy to you' and so on."I won't ask again!" Jose yelled. "We would never betray her like that! You'd have to kill us first!" Erza yelled, which made everybody yell louder. "You can stop asking now, 'cause we're not gonna give you any other answer! We're taking every one of you jerks down!" Natsu shouted.

"If death is what you want, I'll give you a second helping of Jupiter! You've got 15 minutes to ponder the folly of your actions!" Jose yelled, and we got worried and scared again. Erza tried getting back up but fell. "No, you are not getting back up, if you try to block the shot again your body will be damaged beyond healing Erza," I said. "But I-" "No! No buts," I said so there was no room for discussion.

Then these black ghost-like figures with cloaks flew from the Phantom Lord hall and down to us. "You're in quite a dilemma aren't you, Fairy Tail? There are only two ways this situation can play out. Either my troops will tear you apart, or you'll be blown away by Jupiter," Jose said.

"Are you kidding me?! If he fires it again he'll kill his own men," Macao yelled. "Surely he's bluffing," Wakaba said nervously. "No, he's not bluffing," I said and they both gasped.

"Those phantom soldiers were created by Jose's shade magic. They're not human, so it won't matter to him if they're destroyed," Cana explained. I sighed in frustration and thought how are we going to survive another blast from Jupiter? "We've got to do something to take out that Jupiter cannon."

"I'm gonna smash that thing to pieces," Natsu said, punching the inside of his hand, determined. "We only have 15 minutes to wreck it right?" I said. He looked towards me and I had a smirk on my face. "Then let's go and destroy it, Luna!" I said running with Luna grabbing a hold of me, flying to the cannon. "I'm all fired up now, come on Happy!" he said as Happy did the same.

Luna and Happy landed us on top of the cannon and me and Natsu started punching the cannon with our magic, but we weren't making a dent. I even tried freezing it and punching at it hoping it would crack or something but no. "Crap we're barely even scratching the surface," Natsu said frustrated, still punching at the cannon. "Then we're going to have to destroy it from the inside," I said. He stopped punching and looked at me and I nodded my head.

Natsu jumped down inside the cannon with Luna and Happy flying down. Natsu looked up at me with open arms ready to catch me. I jumped down, and he easily caught me, gently setting me to my feet. "All right let's do this," Natsu said running into the bore of the cannon. "Aye!" me, Luna, and Happy said following him.


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