𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟳

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Time skip 6-7 years later (Before Lucy)

"We finally made it to Magnolia, COME ON LUNA HURRY UP!" I said as I called for Luna. "I'm coming [Name]. I'm flying as fast as I can," Luna said as she flew towards me and landed on top of my head out of breath. I chuckled at Luna and continued walking in Magnolia.

Luna is a flying cat (exceed). I found her 6 years ago when she was in an egg that was white with weird purple markings on it. She has black fur with a white stomach patch and bright purple eyes.

"Hey [Name], do you know where the Fairy Tail guild is?" Luna asked me. I stopped walking and sweat dropped. "Umm... no," I said.

"WHATT?!" she shouted, getting the attention of the people around us. I covered her mouth and apologized to the people staring at us. "Jeez you trying to make a scene over here," I whispered yelled. "No," Luna said, looking down toward the ground. I looked up at her feeling bad now, so I picked her up and petted her head. Hearing her purring I knew she was feeling better. "Well just have to ask someone," I said, continuing walking in Magnolia. I just picked a random person and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Umm Excuse me, sir," I said. "Yes," the man said, turning around. "Um do you know-" "Oh my gosh you're the Ice Dragon Queen." the guy said, cutting me off. I looked around but when I looked back at him he was staring at me in awe. "Wait me?" I asked. "Yeah you, you're the ice dragon queen and you're her demon cat," he said looking at Luna. Me and Luna looked at each other and then back at the guy. "Why do you call us that?" I asked.

Then he explained how our travels from us going from town to town, doing  jobs and helping the towns with our magic, people were wowed by our powers and admired us for saving them and helping them that they gave us that nickname. As far as why Luna is called a demon cat she has transformation powers that allows her to transform into a giant black cat like a demon.

"Wow, that's... COOL!!" I was saying but Luna finished my sentence. "I know," the guy said. "Anyways, I'm sorry you were going to ask me something," the guy said. "No it's fine I was wondering if you know where Fairy Tail is?" "Of course, it's 3 blocks down, then make a right you can't miss it." I thanked him and followed his direction to the guild.

. . .

"Woahhhh," me and Luna said, amazed at the guild 'It looks like a frickin castle' I thought. I opened the door and nobody noticed us because everyone was being loud and fighting. I walked up to the bar to see the Mirajane from sorcerer's weekly. She walked up to me and said, "Hello my name is Mira, how may I help you?". "Um hi, I was wondering if we could join the guild," I said, a little nervous from internally fangirling over Mirajane. "Why of course, please follow me to the office of the guild master," she said. I followed her up a flight of stairs to said office, which wasn't a long walk.

"Master Makarov, you have some people who want to join the guild," she said as she knocked on the door. After some time someone came to the door and a short man opened the door. "Come in," Makarov said walking back into his office. I walked in and closed the door behind me. Luna flew over to one of the chairs in front of Makarovs desk as I sat in the other chair. "So what are your names," Makarov asked. "My name is Luna!" Luna said excitedly. Me and Makarov chuckled at her. "And my name is [Name] [Last name]," I said. That's when I noticed Makarov had a shocked expression on his face.

"What, is something wrong?" I asked, a little worried. He then gave a little smile and said "No there is nothing wrong at all." He then got up and stood on his desk. "Welcome to the Fairy Tail guild [Name] and you to Luna," he said to me and Luna. "Wait that's it, we're in the guild?" I asked, confused. "Yeah," "So there is like no test, you're not going to ask me questions like, what is your purpose of joining or what my powers are?" I asked. "Well I already know your powers child..." he began saying. I gave him a confused face but let him finish. "... you are an ice dragon slayer, with ice-maker magic and water magic," he finished.

I had a shocked expression on my face. "How did you know-" I said but cut myself off. I looked at the door because I could smell the familiar scent of someone in the guild. "As for why your here..." I looked back at Makarov. "...you're here 'cause we have a salamander." I nodded my head slowly. "He's probably back from his job," he said, smiling at me.

I didn't even think and got up quickly, running out of his office and back down to the first floor. I walked around trying to find him. I could smell him, but I didn't see him. "Dang it where are you," I said to myself still walking aimlessly around the guild looking for... "[Name]," someone said behind. When I turned around I was staring at those same onyx-colored eyes, him wearing that same white scarf and having the same salmon pink spiky hair. "Natsu," I said breathlessly, walking slowly towards him. Then I started running towards him engulfing him in an awaited hug, which he returned in a just as tight hug, his head being buried in the crook of my neck and my head buried in his chest.

"You're back, you came back to me," he whispered in my ear. That's when the waterworks came and I started crying, silently, into Natsu's chest. He let up from my neck looking down at me, seeing me crying. "Hey look at me," he said. I looked up at him, for him to brush my tears away with his thumbs only to be replaced with new tears. "Why are you crying," he asked.

"Because ... I thought I would never find you," I replied, my voice sounding shaky. "Well we're back together, so stop crying," he said with his big toothy grin. I never knew how much I missed his smile until I saw it. Like always seeing that smile made me smile. "I missed you, Natsu," I said, burying my face in his chest again. "I missed you too [Name]." "Well," we heard someone say. Me and Natsu looked towards the direction of the bar to see Makarov looking at us. I also noticed that most of the guild was staring at us, it was embarrassing, so I blushed.

"I know I said welcome to the guild but are you going to join [Name]?" Makarov asked me. "Wait, you're joining the guild?" Natsu asked excitedly. I couldn't help but grin at him. "Yes, yes I am." That's when Natsu picked me up off the ground and the guild erupted with yells and cheers of joy. "Ok no will you put me down Pinkie," I said and he put me down gently. "Mira go get the fairy tail stamp for [Name]." "Right away master," Mira said as she went to get the guild stamp.

📌Author's note📌

Holy shit 200+ reads 👀... THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! Also, I'm in school so I will be uploading really slow, I'm sorry 😞. But please I would like to hear your guys comments and again thank you for reading and voting hope you like  the story so far.


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