𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟮

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It's been a year since I joined Fairy tail and lived with Natsu and Happy. We moved that hammock upstairs into "my" room. I don't know why he didn't do that in the first place but now we have a hammock in the room. We put a dining table in that space and kept the pinboard with our jobs on it. We even have been adding some on it that the four of us go on, I think we are going to need another one or a bigger one.

I've gotten really close to a lot of people. Levy, Cana, and Mirajane are like my best friends. I can come to them and talk to them about anything. Though it is annoying when they keep teasing me about Natsu and I being a thing when we are not. Anyway Levy and I share a love of reading, Cana is good company and hilarious when she is drunk, and Mirajane is a great cook and sometimes I help her now and then.

Then there's Gray who is pretty cool too. He's funny and nice but it's weird that he stripes out of his clothes... I don't get it, like how do you not know your clothes are off? And lastly, there is Erza. Although she can be very serious she can be sweet and when she is she is cute. I greatly look up to her because of how strong and beautiful she is. I see her as the big sister that I've always wanted. She even taught me how to do requip magic, I even have my own armor.

[Artworks not mine]

[This is your normal outfit, you can change if you want to

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[This is your normal outfit, you can change if you want to. Credit insta@ tommyetw]

[And this is your amor, change if you want

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[And this is your amor, change if you want. Credit: Epic-Soldier on diviantart]

Right now me, Luna, Natsu, and Happy are on a metal deathtrap (train) to Hargeon, Natsu got some info from someone in Fairy tale about hearing a salamander in town. But that didn't make sense to me, why in the hell would Igneel be in a town full of people, that didn't even sound like him?

But Natsu will be Natsu and I came because he begged me to come. So now we are on the deathtrap with me laying down on a seat with Natsu on top of me, with Luna and Happy sitting across from us talking about gods no what. I had my eyes closed cause if they were open the world would be spinning, but the help of Natsu's scent was calming me down a little. Soon I heard the train horn signaling that we finally stopped at Hargeon.

"Oh thank god," I said as I pushed Natsu off of me, him hitting the floor. I hurried off the train and dropped to my knees once I got off the train. "You feeling ok [Name]," I heard Luna say flying to me. "Now I am," I said, chugging down some water to get rid of my nausea.

The train whistled before going off but I heard a familiar scream. I turned to see Natsu still on the train with tears screaming 'No not again!'. "Uh-oh, there he goes," Happy said. "Uh-oh? Go get him," I said. "You're not coming." "Hell no, I'm not getting on that deathtrap again unless we are going back to Fairy tail. So you can go get him while we wait," I said sitting on a bench, getting all nice and comfy. "Fine," he groaned, flying in Natsu's direction. "I still love you!" I yelled at him.

We didn't wait long and went to Hargeon and ended up in town square, where there was a hoard of girls saying that the Salamander was close by. Me and Natsu looked at each other with shocked eyes and ran in that direction with Happy and Luna following. Once we got to the group of girls oh were we disappointed? There was some guy with a bunch of rings, that had dark blue to purple hair with a black cloak, with some weird mark on his forehead. The girls surrounding him were fondling over him when he was not even all that.

"Who the heck are you?" Natsu questioned the guy. "Who am I?! I'm Salamander," he said, but we just started walking away. "Hey wait a minute!" he shouted but then some girls jumped on Natsu. I was about to get them off him but that guy came up too. "Now what is your name beautiful," he said with his finger under my chin.

I slapped his hand off of me and had a disgusted expression on my face which he seemed surprised by. "It's none of your business," I said. "Hmm I don't mind a little challenge," he said, smirking at me. I got a better look at his rings to notice that they are charmed rings. 'No wonder he has them fondling over him but aren't those illegal,' I thought. "Now, now that's enough my lovelies. Let him go," he said to the girls that were still on Natsu.

"And here's my autograph," he said, handing me a paper with 'Salamander' written on it. "Hey back off!" Natsu said, pushing the guy and standing in front of me. They were glaring at each other but then the girls jumped Natsu again but this time I helped him."Well, I must be going, ladies, I have business to attend to," the guy said and flew off. But before leaving he said something about a party on a yacht but hearing a yacht was making me feel sick.

"Who was that guy?" Natsu asked. "I don't know but he was a real creep," some other person said. We looked in the direction of the voice to see a girl. She had blonde hair with bangs and a side ponytail in the front. She had a cute blue and white outfit with a blue bow in her hair to match. "Thank you for your guys' help," she said, thanking us. We looked at her confused at what she meant. "Please let me repay you with a meal," she insisted. We agreed because who is going to pass up on a free meal?

. . .

[You and Natsu are sitting next to each other while Lucy sits across from you with Luna and happy on the table as always]

"So umm... it's Luna, Happy, [Name], and Natsu..." she said looking at Natsu with a sweat-drop look. I don't blame her, he and Happy were scarfing down the food like it was air, plus I think they over-ordered. "Yes, thank you again for the meals," I said. "No problem but, you guys can slow down. We're not in a hurry," she said to Natsu. "*chuckles* I tell them that all the time but I don't think they know how," I said continuing to eat my meal.

"By the way what did you mean when you said we helped," I asked. "Well, that salamander guy was evidently using magic, a charm spell, to hypnotize the ladies into thinking they were in love with him. I totally fell victim to his spell so thank you guys for snapping me out of it," she informed.

"Speaking of the charms how come they didn't work on you?" she questioned looking at me. "What do you mean?" I questioned back. "Well I saw him flirting with you and he never stopped using the charm. Hmm, I guess it's true about the charms," she said. "Thattt.." I said wanting her to elaborate. "That if you like or love someone already the charm won't work on that person," she said. I almost choked on my food and started blushing.

Then I see Happy and Luna with huge grins on their faces. "Don't say it," I said to them but that didn't stop them. "She's so in LOVE~," they said at the same time. "This only confirms it," Luna said still having that stupid grin on her face. "Shut it you two and no I'm not," I said but there was still a little blush on my cheeks.

I looked at Natsu to see him looking at me with a blank face. "What?" I questioned. "Um... it's nothing," Natsu said, going back to eating but a little slower. There was obviously something wrong and I wanted to know. 'I'll ask him after we're done talking to Lucy' I thought.


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