𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯

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He had pink spiky hair and onyx eyes. He had on a red shirt and yellow shorts on. He also had a white scarf on. 'He's cute,' I thought as I started blushing. I noticed that he was blushing as well.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce yourselves to one another?" Okami said. I turned around and made a bored blank face at her. She chuckled and I turned around to be face-to-face with the boy. "Hi I'm Natsu," the boy said with a big fang-tooth smile. The smile was so bright that it made me want to smile and I did. "Hi I'm [Name]," I said as I was smiling showing my fangs too.

I heard chuckling from Okami and we turned our heads to them. "Who are you?" Natsu asked, pointing towards Okami. "My name is Okami, nice to meet you,". "Nice to meet you too," Natsu said with the same toothy smile. 'So cute,' I thought looking at Natsu but also feeling my heart flutter a little. "And I'm Igneel, but I see you already knew that," Igneel said while side-eyeing Okami.

"What? She wanted to know another dragon so how could I say no," she said. "Yeah I wanted to see another dragon and see if there was another dragon slayer like me," I said looking at Igneel then Natsu. "Wait, you're a dragon slayer too?" Natsu asked, "Yeah!" "What type of dragon slayer?" "I'm an ice dragon slayer. You?" "I'm a fire dragon slayer!" "Ohh, want to show your roars?" "Sure, if you do yours." "Yeah!" I said. Natsu then took my hand and dragged me to an area and our dragons followed behind.

"Ok I can go first," Natsu said. He then punched both of his fists at each other. "Fire dragon...," he said as he puffed his cheeks out like me but most likely with fire. "ROARR!" bringing his hands up to his mouth letting out the fire in a big blast that burned everything in its path. My eyes were wide and my mouth dropped to the ground. "That was amazing!" I said as Natsu turned around to face me. "Thanks," he said while scratching the back of his neck, blushing. "Ok now your turn," he said.

"Ok," I said, facing an area with trees. "Ice dragon..." I said, clasping my hands together, puffing my cheeks out. "ROARRR!" I yelled letting a blast of snow and ice out. The blast destroyed the area and left snow and ice on the ground. I turned around towards Natsu to see him with wide eyes and mouth hanging open with a smile. "Woah, that was awesome!" he said. "Thanks," I said blushing.

"Wow you two are powerful," Igneel said. "Yeah you guys are, now why don't you too go and play while us dragons talk for a while~," Okami said in a sing-song voice. I blushed a little and said "Ok..." Then Natsu grabbed my hand and started running, dragging me with him. "Don't go too far!," Okami said "Don't worry, they can just smell us if they get lost," Igneel said in the distance. 

. . .

"Where are you taking me?" "Somewhere fun!" Natsu said as he looked towards me with his toothy smile. 'That smile is going to be the death of me.' Seeing that smile made me want to smile again and go wherever he went. "Ok," I said smiling. He blushed a little, still smiling and holding my hand dragging me wherever we were going. After some time we made it to a forest nearby. I was in awe of being in the forest, considering that I've lived in ice in snow my whole life. I've only seen pics of places with no snow in books. I let go of Natsu's hand and just stood in the middle of the forest, looking at all the different plants and small animals around.

"Hey, why did you let go of my hand," Natsu said, walking up to me with a pout on his face. A tint of blush dusted my cheeks looking at his pouting face, it was cute what can I say? "I was just amazed at the forest," I told him. He looked confused. "You've never seen a forest before?" "Of course I've seen a forest, but there was always ice and snow so this is different, it's like an...," "An enchanted forest?" he said finishing my sentence. "Yeah!" I said with a big smile.

He looked to the side hiding his face, not well cause I can see his cheeks tinted with pink on them. "Well come on, I still want to show you something," he said, offering his hand again for me to hold. "And don't let go ok," he said looking down still blushing. I couldn't help but smile and chuckle, he blushed more. I took his hand in mine and said "Ok, I will be by your side and won't let go." He looked at our hands that were connected and then at me, who was smiling at him. He smiled back and said "Good now come on let's go!" dragging me deeper into the forest.

We had so much fun together. He showed me this river that leads to this beautiful waterfall. We splashed and swam in the river and had a little break like a picnic eating fruit that was around. I even showed him my water and ice maker magic and made sculptures of him, me and even made sculptures of Okami and Igneel. There were so many smiles and laughs we shared the entire day. The sun was starting to set when Natsu said, "I have one more thing to show you," he said, holding his hand out again. I took it and he started running, with me behind him.

We ran to a clearing where there was a huge field filled with many flowers. There were so many flowers of all different kinds. Roses, tulips, lavender, poppies, daisies, any flower you can think of was here. My eyes went big and sparkled at the flowers. "Pretty right," Natsu said. "Yeah," I said in a whisper. "Well come on,'' he said, starting to run in the flower field. I followed and looked at all the different types of flowers. "Here," he said, giving me a dandelion. "Make a wish and it might come true but don't say it out loud," he said.

I took the dandelion and we made our wish and blew at the dandelions, and the dandelions scattered and floated with the air. We sat there and talked about one another, our likes and dislikes, our pasts, and our training. When I told him what happened to my parents he just hugged me and said that I have him and Igneel too, which made me happy. We even stayed till the sun went down and the stars came out and slept together under the stars.

📌Author note📌
Holy shit 40+ READS!! 🥹 it's probably not much, BUT STILL thank you guys so much. I hope you guys are enjoying the story until next time


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now