𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟮

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[Name] POV

I slowly opened my eyes feeling my head slightly throbbing, making me groan. I then remembered what happened pryer and sprung up fully awake. I felt restraints around my wrist and around my mouth and looked around my surroundings. I was in a dirty stone cell that had one metal door and a huge hole in the back of the cell like a window. Then I noticed that Lucy was laying next to me unconscious.

I scooted closer to her and kicked her so she would wake up, which she did. She sprung up and looked around too and once she saw me, her eyes widened. "[Name]! How did we get here?" she asked. 'Does this girl not see my mouth tied up.'

"So you two are finally awake, I was getting worried," some ugly ass man said as he entered the cell. "Who are you?" Lucy asked. "I am Master Jose Porla of the Phantom Lord guild." My gaze darkens, knowing that all of this shit that has happened in the past couple of days was his fault. "You're with Phantom?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"I'd like to apologize for this dingy cell and being tied up miss Lucy must be degrading but I'm afraid I had no choice, my dear, that is how you treat a prisoner, after all," Jose said. "You're the jerks who attacked my friend Levy! You better let us go. Our friends are gonna come looking for us," Lucy said.

"Depending on your willingness to cooperate, I'm fully prepared to treat you as Phantom Lord's esteemed guest, rather than a lowly prisoner, you too [Name]," Jose said with a smirk. "What do you mean by that?" Lucy questioned. Then she started screaming out of nowhere startling me. "YUCK! That bug crawled on me!" My eyes went big and looked around making sure there weren't other bugs around. I hate them.

"See? You two don't want to stay in here, do you?" he asked knowing damn well we didn't. "I have beautifully decorated suits waiting for you two if you guys promise to behave," he said. "Why does your guild keep attacking us?!" Lucy yelled. "Who is "us"? Oh, I'm sorry, are you talking about Fairy Tail? It was a means to an end, and that's all," he said with a wicked smile.

I have had enough of this bozo talking. I froze the restraints around my wrist and broke them like they were glass and did the same to the restraint around my mouth. "You shut your motherfucking ass up, down mouthing Fairy Tail like that! Ice blades!" I shouted and my arms had ice at the tips that were in the shape of sharp blades. I rushed towards him throwing kicks and slashes at him.

"So the little dragon has some fight in her now does she," he said as he easily dodged my attacks. "You're fast," he said as my attacks became quicker, but he was still dodging them. I continued anyway and there was an opening to kick him right in the face. I took it but he caught my foot right before it landed on his ugly ass face.

"But not fast enough," he said. He pushed my leg back, making me fall and skid across the floor toward the window. I stopped just before falling out the window. "[Name] are you ok?!" she said with a worried expression. "Yeah, I'm fine," I nodded my head as I got up. I was going to rush him again but he had Lucy in a chokehold with a dagger to her face. 

"Now if I know your master and your members in the guild you call 'Fairy Tail' you guys are all one big family right? Then that means you count Lucy here as family, so you don't want anything bad to happen to her right?" he said putting the dagger closer to Lucy. I stared at him for a minute till I surrendered, melting my blades away. "Good dragon," he teased, pushing Lucy towards me. I growled creating a sharp icicle and throwing it at Jose just missing him by a hair, cutting his cheek. He raised his hand up to his cheek feeling the little blood that was trickling down his face, with an utterly shocked expression.

"I would watch your damn mouth or the next one won't miss," I said with venom dripping out with every syllable.

He chuckled, whipping the blood away from his hands, and continued talking. "Now, you see, we were working towards our main objective of acquiring a certain someone. They happen to be a member of Fairy Tail, so if we have to destroy the guild to get a hold of them, so be it," he explained. "Who are you talking about?" Lucy asked which is what I was thinking.

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