𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟲

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"Natsu come out so we can talk," I said while knocking on the locked door to my room. "Stop being so stubborn and just talk to me," I mumbled to myself.

. . .


Me and Natsu were playing and talking in my room when we heard Okami yelling for us in the big room. We went to the big room to see Okami and Igneel. "Come on Natsu, it's time to say goodbye to [Name]," Igneel said to Natsu. "But why can't we stay over this time," Natsu asked, me wondering the same thing. "Because we have a lot of training to do for the both of you so we won't see each other for a while," Igneel said. When he said those words it felt like my heart cracked a little.

"What?" I said breathlessly. "What but why can't we just stay and train with [Name] like we usually do?" Natsu said. "This time is different no come on." "NOO you know that doesn't make sense after the times we've come here and stayed, why is this so different?" "I can't say." "Tell us." "No." "Tell us!" "I SAID NOOO!" Igneel yelled. Natsu looked angry at Igneel. "Then I'm not leaving!" Natsu shouted and went straight to my room slamming the door and locking it.

A long sigh escaped Igneel's mouth. "Great. NATSU GET BACK HERE!" Igneel yelled, but no response. "Now you know that won't get him out," Okami said to Igneel. That's when Okami looked at me with a smile and just stared at me. I had a confused look at Okami staring back at her. Then it clicked she was thinking of me talking to him.

"Me? But why me he didn't even listen to Igneel?" I questioned. "He will listen to you," was all she said. I looked down to the floor and said "But I don't want him to leave either." "I know," Okami said. "You will see each other again, we didn't say this is the last time you guys will see each other." I looked at Okami and said 'ok' as I walked to my door and knocked on it. "Natsu...."

. . .

Natsu still hadn't opened the door. "Fine I'm coming in then," I said, lifting my hand to the door. "Water conversion," I said as a blue magic circle appeared, turning the ice into a water bubble. I walked through the now doorless doorway and saw Natsu sitting on my bed. "Ice-make door," I said before walking up to Natsu. I stood right in front of him and he just looked down at the floor.

"You know if you keep acting so stubborn you're not going to get any girl," I said laughing. "What if I don't want any other girl besides you?" he mumbled "What?" I asked, acting like I didn't hear him and trying to keep my blush down. "N-nothing," he said looking up at me blushing. "Ok... but you know we will see each other soon," I said. "I know it's just... I don't want to leave your side. I want to stay by your side...F̸o̸r̸e̸v̸e̸r̸," he said mumbling the last word so I couldn't hear it.

I walked closer to him and hugged him tightly. "Yeah we are leaving each other but we will be back by each other's side in no time ok?" I said not knowing that this will be the last time I will see Natsu for a while.

"Ok," he said as he hugged me back just as tight. I was going to back up from the hug but Natsu hugged me tighter not wanting to let go so we stayed like that for a while. Just us two hugging each other. I stepped back to see Natsu, still a little gloomy. I thought of what could make him smile and thought of the perfect thing. "Come on," I took his hand and ran up to my wall. "Water conversion," I said, converting part of the ice wall into water.

We ran out and were outside and I converted the water back into ice. We then ran in the snowy night. "Where are we going," Natsu asked. "You should know by now where we are going at this time of night," I said looking back at Natsu. He then thought about it for a second and then said "The Aurora lights." "Bingo," I said and continued running.

We made it to a cliff that we usually come to watch the Aurora lights. Once we got there the lights were starting. We sat on the cliff close to each other watching the lights shift different colors, from green, to purple, to blue and pi-.

"Hey [Name] when we get older, can we live together," Natsu said out of the blue. I whipped my head so fast that I almost broke my neck. Looking at Natsu, more like staring in disbelief from what he asked, he was looking up at the Aurora lights, blushing. A smile crept on my face and I said "Yeah. Yeah, we can."

He looked at me, to see me with a smile. He returned the smile with his big toothy grin. After a while of looking at the Aurora lights, we went back home and Natsu and Igneel left.

. . .

July 7, X777

I woke up to see the sun shining through the ice wall of my room. I got up from my bed and walked to the big room. Still a little tired, I yawned and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the eye gunk from my eyes, while walking into the big room. "Good morning mom," I said to Okami or so I thought. I looked around the room and didn't see Okami like every morning with breakfast. 'Maybe she is still sleeping,' I thought and went to her room/ treasure room. I went in and she wasn't there either. 'Maybe she's still out getting breakfast,' I thought so I went back to my room and started drawing doodles and sketches.

After some time I started getting worried, Okami hadn't returned. I walked to the entrance of the cave to see if she was close by but wasn't. I got even more worried and started shouting for Okami, but nothing. So I walked around shouting her name and looking as far as I could with my dragon eyes. I looked around areas that I'm used to but no Okami.

When I got back to the cave it was dark and searched the cave again just to see if she came back and she wasn't back. I started tearing up thinking so many questions like 'Where did she go?.. why didn't she tell me she left?.. why did she leave?..' and the question I was dreading asking 'Is she dead?' I clenched on the necklace that Okami gave me and thought 'No she's not dead. Don't start thinking like that. She. Is. Not. Dead.' So I decided that tomorrow I would just go out and find her, so I went to bed for the night.

The next morning I packed a bag with the essentials that I needed. I looked around my room making sure I got everything I needed one last time. I looked at my dresser and saw the snow globe of Natsu's roses. That was the first time I thought of him since Okami went missing. 'Maybe I should look for him and Igneel maybe Igneel knows where she went' I thought. I went and picked it up and packed it in my bag. I went to Okami's treasure room and packed a bag with jewels and gems and left the cave in search for Okami, Natsu and Igneel.


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