𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟭

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IM BACK BABESSS! School has been rough lately and have been having a slight obsession of Spencer Reid/ Matthew Gubler [with his fine ass] . . . might make a fic in the future. ANYWAY! hope you enjoy the chapter.

No one's POV

At the Phantom Lord guild, The Fairy Tail guild members burst right through the doors with rage as they sought revenge for what they did to their guild and guild mates. As the guild members were fighting, Makarov headed up to the master of Phantom Lord, Jose Porla. With every step he took the ground was shocked, breaking everything in its vicinity with golden magic particles around him. Once he got to the top of the building where Jose was, he busted through the doors.

Jose sat on a chair not moving a muscle, chuckling, amused at how angry he was. "JOSE!" Makarov shouted. "Look what the cat dragged in," Jose said with a smirk. "WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING FAIRY TAIL? TELL ME!" Makarov demanded.

"I haven't seen you in quite a while, Makarov," Jose said. "Six years ago at a guild conference. I remember that day. I was a complete mess. I can't hold my liquor as well as the rest of you."

Makarov got annoyed and grew his hand, throwing a punch at Jose. "I didn't come here for small talk. I want answers, Jose." He thought he landed a punch at Jose but upon inspection, it was a projection from using his powers. "A projection? You coward," Makarov growled. "I should have known you'd flee with your tail between your legs."

"It's not cowardice," Jose retorted. "Im simply trying to avoid a fight between two of the wizard saints. In lieu of that mess, I prefer a sensible victory without all the commotion."

"Why are you hiding? Come and face me like a man!" Makarov yelled. Then two familiar girls appeared in Jose's projection. Laying on the floor, near his feet, one had blonde hair while the other had platinum white hair. They had their arms tied behind their backs with [the platinum white hair girl] having one tied around her mouth. Makarov knew exactly who they were.

"[Name]? Lucy? But why?"

"Why, you ask? You mean Lucy's a member of your guild, and you don't know?" Jose questioned. "I'm surprised that miss Lucy Heartfila never told you the truth. As far as [Name], she was at the wrong place at the wrong time, but she is powerful, maybe I'll make her join the guild," he said. He lifted his hand and a purple magic circle appeared in his hand like he was going to attack the girls. "NO, DON'T!" Makarov shouted but didn't notice the presence behind him until the last second.

Behind Makarov was a big muscular guy with light tan skin. He wore a dark green robe with black pants and a yellow shirt underneath and had a matching dark green top hat, and his eyes were wrapped with white bandages.

"It's so sad! So sad!" the guy shouted, crying before attacking Makarov. Makarov fell back to the first floor hitting the ground hard, stopping everyone from fighting, and looked to see what made such an impact. Once the smoke cleared everyone saw that it was Makarov and his skin turned green feeling weak. The Fairy Tail members were shocked and worried for their master and losing their fighting spirit. The Fairy Tail guild members rushed to Makarov's side to see that he was weak and could sense no magic power.

On the other hand, the Phantom members started to gain confidence thinking they could beat the members easily. With that, they continued to fight but were not as strong as they once were. Erza noticed this a told them to retreat. They disagreed with her saying they could continue fighting but she told them it was on order and listened to her.

As they left Gajeel watched standing upside down, like a bat, on a wooden beam on the ceiling. "I knew it wouldn't be long before those gutless cowards gave up and started running for their lives."

"They're retreating with sorrow in their hearts," Aria said standing on top of the beam Gajeel was hanging on. Gajeel noticed him and jumped up to where he was. "I see you're just as creepy as ever," Gajeel commented. "I gotta commend you on taking down that Fairy Tail geezer." "I just followed Master Jose's orders, but thank you!" Aria said as he started crying at the end which Gajeel said to stop.

"So, what happened with that Lucy girl?" Gajeel asked. Natsu looked in their direction listening to their conversation, remembering that [Name] stayed with Lucy. "She's been captured. The poor wretch is being held in a gloomy cell at headquarters," Aria answered. "Well so much for a warm welcoming."

"I also heard that they captured another poor girl from Fairy Tail, said was because she was with her," Aria said. "Who?" Gajeel questioned wondering himself. "Her name is... [Name]," he said. "What?!" Both Natsu and Gajeel shouted.

Gajeel wasn't expecting that it was [Name] at all. He thought that he would never see her again, especially after he left things. He tried to keep tabs on her after he joined Phantom Lord, but with doing jobs and time passing by he didn't keep up with her as he wanted to. He knew that you went by many names the popular being the Dragon Queen, considering she was the only female dragon slayer they knew of, but he didn't know that she joined Fairy Tail and found her Natsu.

"Where is she?" Gajeel asked with more urgency. "The same fate as Lucy Heartfilla, poor girl," Aria answered. "Jose isn't going to hurt her?" "Probably not." "Aria!" "No, once the Heartfilia girl accepts her fate he will send her on her merry way," Aria informed. Gajeel sighed content with his answer but also know that [Name] can handle herself, she wasn't weak after all.

Natsu has been watching them and couldn't believe what he heard, that they kidnapped [Name]. His heart started beating faster and faster at the thought of [Name] possibly being hurt. "Is there something wrong?" Happy and Luna asked seeing the distressed expression on his face. "Those jerks kidnapped [Name]... and Lucy," he told them. "WHAAAT?!" Happy and Luna shouted shocked at the information.

Natsu grabbed some random guild member glaring daggers at him. "No. The Salamander, and that cat, and the Demon Cat!" the guy shouted. "You got it, buddy. Now we need to chat," Natsu snarled as flames burst around his body from anger.

"Please don't hurt me!" the guy cried out.

. . .

Natsu started walking up a rocky mountain area, dragging the guy from earlier with Happy and Luna flying with him. "So what are we gonna do now?" Happy asked. "Isn't it obvious? We're gonna go save [Name]. . . and Lucy," he said.

"All right, pal, where are they? Tell me," Natsu growled. "How should I know? I don't know a [Name], let alone a Lucy," the guy said. At this point, Natsu was aggravated and wanted answers now. He engulfed the guy in his flames and the guy screamed in fear and agony from being burned. "Start talking," Natsu said continuing to burn him and walking up the rocky terrain. "I already told you, I don't know nothing, man! Now put out the fire!" the man shouted.

"I swear if you phantom guys hurt a single hair on my girl I'll burn every one of you into a pile of ashes. Now, where's [Name]!" Natsu growled, glaring down at the guy, who screamed in fear. Natsu didn't even realize what he just said, blinded by anger and urgency to find where [Name] was. . . but Happy and Luna did and they had the biggest grins on their faces.

"I told you man I don't know I never heard of the [Name] chick! If I knew who she was I would have told you by now!" "Funny you should say that, 'cause I was just thinking I should have burned you to a crisp by now," Natsu threaten. "Our headquarters is up ahead. If I had to guess, I'd say they probably got her locked up there. Okay?!" the guy said hurriedly.

"You should have said that in the first place!" Natsu shouted punching the guy in the face. "Come on guys let's get her back," Natsu said. "Don't you mean them?" Luna asked with one eyebrow raised and a smirk on her face. "Yeah, that's what I said," Natsu said. "Suuurrrrree," Happy said as they continued to go rescue [Name] and Lucy.


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