𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟴

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We walked around the factory seeing scraps of metal on the floor, metal beams either intact, fallen or had bite marks because of Gajeel, but no Gajeel. I was honestly thinking that he wasn't here but we found him in the back of the factory sitting on a pile of metal, eating some of said metal, with his back towards us.

He was just staring at the wall eating his metal but I knew he knew that we were here, he just hadn't turned around. I looked to Makarov who nodded his head to Gajeel, insisting to talk to him. So I did.

"Gajeel," I said walking up and climbing the pile of metal, while Luna flew up. He stiffened a little hearing my voice but didn't turn around. Getting to the top, he still didn't turn around so I walked in front of him. He looked down at the floor seeming not able to look at me. "Gajeel look at me," I demanded, in a soft voice. He slowly looks up at me and when our eyes meet he dropped his head down not able to hold his gaze.

"Don't look away from me," I said. He looked back up at me, keeping his contact but his eyes were soft looking at me. [We looked at each other without saying anything, I wanted to hear what he had to say. "I- I don't know what to say," Gajeel said. "Hmm? Well, I will give you some time to think about what to say right now cause I have a lot to say to you," I said. I paused as my eyebrows knitted together and my eyes felt glossy from tears starting to form.

"Why... why did you leave?" I questioned. "I-" "I mean one day you were with us having an awesome day like we always do and then the next day you just leave without saying a word, not even a note with an explanation," I said chocking on tears. "[Name]," he sighed but I continued talking. "Why, you promised, we made a pact that we wouldn't leave each other like our parents until we found them. So why?" I said, tears slowly falling down my cheeks.

"Because- because I... I don't know," he said. "Oh don't give me that bullshit of an excuse you know why, so tell me." "I- I-," he kept stammering, biting hi bottom lip. "Tell me!" I cried.

"BECAUSE I WAS SCARED!!" he exclaimed standing up, throwing the metal in his hand across the floor somewhere.

"I was scared alright. You and Luna were the only good thing that happened to me after Metalicana left and... I was scared that you guys would be ripped away from me like Metalicana was ripped away from me. Like the knowledge of my parents was ripped away from me," Gajeel explained. I was shocked by the explanation but confused. "Why would you think we would be ripped away from you?" I asked.

"Because of Natsu," he stated. I looked even more confused much like Luna was. "You talk about him all the time and I just thought if we found him, then you would forget about me and that would hurt a lot, so I left before it ever happened, before I got hurt," he explained. I stared at him for a minute taking in the information. I sniffled, wiping the tears away only for new ones to be replaced.

"Well, you're an idiot if you thought that would ever happen," I sniffled. "Yeah an- an idiot!" Luna exclaimed, plopping on top of his head, crying. A small smile lifted on his lips. He picked Luna off his head and looked at her, seeing her crying a river. He sighed, wiping her tears and petting her, then looked at me. "I'm sorry."

I smiled still stifling a little. "It's ok, I forgive you. Just don't do that type of shit ever again," I said. "Yeah," Luna said. "Ok, I promise," he smiled. I softly chuckled, wiping away my tears, when I felt a hand on the back of my head. My head collided with Gajeel's chest as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders in a tight hug.

"I really am sorry [nickname]," he said. I was still in shock of the hug but a smile stretched across my face. "I can still call [nickname] right cause during our fight you said I couldn't anymore," he said. I scoffed rolling my eyes, but my arms wrapped around his torso returning the hug. "Yeah you can call me [nickname], metal head," I chuckled.

𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now