𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟬

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It was morning and it was so hard for me to get up. It wasn't that I had a bad sleep, it was amazing, the best sleep I've had since Phantom Lord. It was just hard to get up cause I was in my soft comfy bed and a part of me didn't want to and just wanted to fall back asleep. It felt like I was glued to the frickn' bed. Nonetheless, I groaned getting up and headed to the bathroom, and smelled something good coming from the kitchen that surprisingly Natsu was cooking.

I got to the bathroom doing my morning routine like always and took my bonnet off when I was done. "Woahhhhh," I said looking at the bird's nest my hair is. 'I don't remember my hair looking like this, I must have been sleeping hard.' I then scratted my scalp and felt how oily it was and looking under my nails, there was so much dandruff, it was snowing. 'Then again it has been a while since I washed it.' "I need to do something with my hair," I said out loud putting my bonnet back on.

I then went downstairs to see everyone up. Natsu was cooking and Happy and Luna were talking to each other at the dining table. "Good morning," I croaked quietly, my voice still warming up. "Good morning [Name]," Luan and Happy said. "Morning [Name], hungry?" Natsu asked.

"Yes, what are you making." "A breakfast skillet." I looked over his shoulder in the pan. There were eggs, sausages, potatoes, peppers, onions, and cheese. It looked so good. "Wow, that actually looks good," I said. "Well yeah I know how to cook plus I've learned some things while watching you," he said, making me blush. "I didn't think you were learning." "I was."

He got four bowls and put a portion of the skillet in the bowls and I got four cups and poured some orange juice for everyone. "Hey you're still in your sleepers are you not going to the guild today?" Happy asked. "Nope, today is hair day," I said, eating some of the skillet. I noticed that Natsu was starring at me waiting to see if I like it. "This is good," I said taking another bite. He smiled and started eating his bowl.

"What no you have to come to the guild," Natsu said slightly pouting. "Why?" Luna asked. "Because I wanted to go to the park. I heard that there was some treasure there and I need help to dig it up," he said. I stared at him questionably.

"You do know we are loaded thanks to Okami and we still have some gold and gems left over right," I said. "Well yeah but then we would have even more," Happy said. "No, it's not that type of treasury. I heard there were photos of everyone in the guild when they were a baby, even gramps and I want to see it," Natsu said. I rolled my eyes while shaking my head. "Well I'm sorry but I need to do something with this nest under my bonnet," I said. "It can't be that bad."

I glared at him and took off my bonnet. Their eyes grew big staring at my hair. "Exactly," I said putting my bonnet back on. "Fine," he pouted. I chuckled getting up and rinsing the dishes. "Don't pout maybe you can get help from someone, Erza, Elfman, Gray, Lucy," I said listing people that could help. "Maybe..."

"Like I said don't pout, plus if no one helps then you can just come back home, I'll be here," I said. A smile grew on his lips at my words. "Yeah, you're right," he said and I smiled at him.

With that, Natsu left out while Luna and Happy stayed to keep me company while I did my hair, but also the guild wasn't built yet and jobs were on hold for the time being. I went back upstairs to the bathroom and opened the cabinet in the bathroom, got my hair stuff to get ready to do my hair. I sighed. 'It's going to be a long day.'

. . .

3rd person POV

With [Name] staying at the house doing her hair with Luna and Happy keeping her company, Natsu headed to the guild to help rebuild it but also wanting to see if there was really treasure at the park. When he got to the guild, he started asking the people [Name] listed off for help but they either dismissed him to help build the guild or Gray being Gray. He looked around for Lucy but she wasn't there yet so he helped out building the guild, but still looked around every now and again for her. He thought maybe she could use her celestial spirits or something to help.

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