𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟴

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Natsu melted the window on the top floor and unlocked it. "This isn't really taking them by storm you know. I think we should have just busted through the door," Natsu said to me. "We're already up here so might as well go in," I said. "Plus I'm not going to jail because of you," Lucy added. "But what about your revenge," Natsu questioned. "Oh, I'll get my revenge."

With that, the five of us went through the window to be in a storage room. Happy tried scaring me but it didn't work. He got Lucy though and we were laughing. We then opened the storage room to be in a hallway and opened every door in our sight to find a library or study room.

"Are we gonna have to search every room in this whole stinking place?" Natsu whispered as we were sneaking around the mansion. "Well yeah," Lucy chirped. "We should take a hostage and force them to tell us where the book is." "The whole idea here is to not be seen, dummy. You've got to be stealthy, like a ninja."

Me and Natsu looked at each other and just said "Ninja". I requiped in a ninja outfit and Natsu wrapped his scarf around his face only revealing his eyes.

[Ninja outfit

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[Ninja outfit. Artwork is not mine]

Suddenly the ground erupted with those five maids from before. Natsu attacked the four maids, knocking them away with one punch and shouting "Ninja Power!" "Flying Virgo Attack" The big gorilla one, whose name is Virgo, jumped into the air and crushed Natsu. I winced and said, "I know that gotta hurt."

Virgo then got thrown into the air and kicked by Natsu defeating her. "We mustn't let ourselves be discovered," Natsu said doing a ninja stance with Happy mimicking him on his shoulder. "After all that I'm sure were discovered," Luna said sitting on my shoulder.

After the fight, we finally made it to the library. There were so many shelves filled with books it almost looked endless. 'Levy would love this if it wasn't owned by that pig.' "Let's start looking," Natsu shouted giving up the Ninja ficad. We then searched the shelves looking at the books one by one to find Daybreak. It took us a while but Natsu actually found the book.

"You found it Pinkie now just burn it Bam! we have 2 mil," I said doing a little dance with Luna joining in. "As you wish my lady," Natsu said chuckling with flames in his hands. "Hold on a second. I didn't realize this was written by Kemu Zaleon," Lucy said excitedly. "What come on let's burn it," Natsu said trying to get the book. "Wait! Natsu chill out on the fire real quick," I said and the fire and his hands died out quickly.

"No way by Kemu Zaleon you're joking," I said walking up to Lucy to see for myself. "Yeah, look," she pointed to his name. "Who is that," Happy questioned. "He was a great wizard and an amazing novelist. I'm such a big fan. I thought I read all of his works but this must be an unpublished novel. I didn't know you were a fan to [Name]," Lucy said fangirling. "No I'm not a fan I've read a couple of his novels but Levy loves his books," I said which she nodded.

"Well, well what do we have here?" we heard Everlu's voice echo in the library. "So you thieves were looking to pilfer 'Daybreak from me, are you? Boyoyo," he said appearing from the ground. "Wouldn't it have been easier to just go through the door," Happy said making a good point.

Everlu knew we were here to take something but he didn't think it was Daybreak because he saw it as a stupid book. 'That doesn't make sense, if the client is paying so much to have it destroyed it can't be just some stupid book.' "Well if it's stupid then we can keep right," I said in a sweet tone, which Lucy chuckled at. "It's mine! You can't have it, so get your hands off of it," he whined.

"Hand over that book and let me get this over with," Natsu demanded with his hand engulfed with flames. "No! I'm not giving it to you." "Lucy, this is our job!" Natsu said getting impatient. "Well, at least let me read it first," she said and sat down opening the book to the first page. "Read it now?!" the guys and Luna said shocked as I busted out laughing at how Lucy is actually reading a book in this situation.

"I've had enough of you! Come forth, Vanish Brothers!" Everlu shouted. The shelves open up revealing to men. "You called upon us sir," the one with a frying pan said. "Can you believe that these little punks are from Fairy tail? Talk about a bunch of runts, except for her," the guy with the afro said pointing to me.

"That mark there from the southern wolves. They're a mercenary guild," Happy informed us. "So you got bodyguards, do you?" Natsu asked cracking his knuckles. "Boyoyo, the southern wolves are always hungry for a fresh game. Say your prayers, thieves," Everlu stated. "Hey try to hold them off for a while, I'm not sure but I think this book holds some kind of secret," Lucy whispered. "Right," me and Natsu responded and she left.

Everlu went after Lucy so me and Natsu told Luna and Happy to go after him and protect Lucy. "Are you sure you guys don't need us here?" Luna questioned. "No we got this right Natsu," I said stretching ready for a fight. "You got that right [Name]" Natsu said and they flew off. 

The guys figured out that Natsu is a fire ability type wizard from fighting Virgo but they didn't know mine. Nevertheless, Natsu started the fight with a fire punch but the man with the frying pan absorbed it. The other guy came and kicked us but we dodged it easily. The guy with the frying pan came and whacked us out of the library and into the hallway but we landed on our feet.

"Do you happen to know what a wizard's greatest weakness is?" the frying pan guy questioned. "You talking about motion sickness?!" Natsu shirked. "I think that's more of a personal problem," he answered. "Anyway, their weakness is their bodies. Since wizards focus so intensely on their mental abilities..." "They neglect to train their bodies, which leaves them physically weak," the afro guy finished. As they were explaining, they were attacking us but we dodged easily.

"Oh so scared. Why don't you just shut your mouths and come dance already," I said with a come here motion to them. "Oh, so the princess wants to dance, bro' combo attack?" "Sounds good." "Heaven and Earth Annihilation," The guys yelled as one got on the frying pan. He jumped up and we followed our eyes on him neglecting the other.

"Look towards heaven and I strike from the earth," the guy said and whacked us with his frying pan. Then we had our eyes on him but the other guy attacked. "Look towards earth and I strike from heaven," the other guy said and stirked us from above. "You've witnessed the true power of the vanish brothers. It's a force that very few can survive," they said.

"Guess we're the few," Natsu said as we both got up unscathed. "Now, you ready to see my power? Ice Dragon Roar!" The guy with the pan block the attack with the pan but the pan froze so he couldn't use it anymore. "Let me show you something," Natsu said getting ready to attack. 

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack!" Natsu jumped in the air as fire engulfed his arms creating dragon-like wings. He attacked the brothers with a big explosion burning them, the mansion, and all of Everlu's items. "Uh-oh did I overdo it again?" Natsu asked me and I just busted out laughing. "Yeah I think you did but oh well, let's go find the others," I chuckled.


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