𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟰

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We traveled back to the Hargeon to get to Galuna island. "This brings back memories. It seems like yesterday we were and met for the first time," Lucy said. "That practically was yesterday," Natsu said. "Come on girls get mushy sometimes," I commented. "Yeah if you want to sound like an old lady," Happy said. "What was that cat," I said glaring at him. "Nothing!" he shouted scared.

"Well, let's go find a boat," Lucy said, which I groaned not looking forward to the seasickness. "Are you crazy! Forget the boat let's just swim for it," Natsu said. "I second that notion," I said. "[Name]!" Lucy yelled. "What I'm a good swimmer so why not," I said. "No." was all she said.

We then went to the port to ask if someone would sail us to Galuna island but not a single person would because they were too scared of the so-called 'curse' that was on the island. "Looks like we are gonna swim after all," Natsu said with me smiling. "We are not swimming!" Lucy shouted.

"I found you," we heard a familiar voice say behind us. We screamed and turned around to see Gray. "What are you doing here?" Natsu questioned. "Gramps found out about your harebrained scheme and sent me to bring you back," Gray informed. "Why? We're not in danger yet." "If you come back now, you might avoid being kicked out of the guild." "I don't care. I'm going on this S-class quest." "You're way out of your league here, [Name] talk some sense into him," Gray said.

"I tried but it's not going to work so I'm coming so he won't die," I said. "You know when Erza finds out about this, she's going to be so angry," Gray warned us. A chill went down all of our backs just thinking about Erza coming for us. "Please Gray you got to save me," Happy said flying. "Me too we said this was a bad idea but they forced us to come along," Luna said flying to Gray. "That's a damn lie and you know it, you didn't say a word and let it happen, both of you!" I yelled at them.

Natsu and Gray started fighting again about whether to come back to Fairy tail or not but then one of the sailors came to us saying if we were trying to lift the curse of the island. When we told him that we were he said he would take us. Natsu knocked Gray out and we got on the boat heading to Galuna island.

. . .

"Mhmm," I groaned my head pounding. I opened my eyes to the sun blinding me and looked around to see that we made it to the island. Natsu, Gray, and Lucy were up with Luna trying to get Happy out of the sand. "Looks like we made it guys," Natsu said. "Yeah, we're lucky that a wave washed us ashore," I said sarcastically.

"I can't help but wonder what happen to the guy who brought us here. Right after he told us about the curse he vanished," Lucy said. "Yeah you're right," Luna said pondering as well.

"Forget about that stuff, for now, let's go exploring!" Natsu exclaimed excitedly. "It's been barely 30 seconds, have you already forgotten about the mission," Lucy said. Me and Lucy then looked back at the job post. "So there is only one village on the entire island," I said. " And the village chief is the one who originally put in the request, so we need to find him," Lucy said.

We were going to go find the village but Gray stopped us. "Give it up Gray. You cant take us back to the guild now that our boat's been destroyed," Natsu said. "You're right. I'm coming with you." We were all surprised by that. "There's no way I'm gonna let the three of you become S-class before I do, and if you were kicked out the guild would be pretty boring," Gray explained. And with that, the 6 of us trekked our way to the village.

. . .

"Well, we found the village. Now what?" Gray questioned. We were standing in front of a giant wooden gate with a 'Keep out' sign in front of it, trying to see how to get in. "Anyone home?! We came here to help you!" Lucy shouted hoping to get someone to open the gate.




"Let's bust in," Natsu suggested. "No," I stated. "WHO GOES THERE?!" some shouted from the top of the gate. "Were wizards from Fairy tail responding to your request," Lucy shouted back. "Why weren't we notified when you accepted the job," the guy questioned. "Um well-," Lucy was choking so I stepped up. "It was probably some mix-up with the paperwork, we apologize," I said. "Then let me see your emblems right now!" he shouted.

Everyone then showed their emblems with no problem. Once they saw all of our emblems they opened the gate. When walking in I noticed that everyone was covered from head to toe with clothes. "I'm Moka the village chief on behalf of everyone here I welcome you," a man with a staff shaped like a crescent said.

"Pleasantries aside, there's something you need to see," he and the others then revealed that they had demonic parts on their body. I stared at them wide-eyed, surprised at what I was seeing. "It's just like what happened to the boat guy," Gray commented.

"OH WOW! YOUR SIDEBURNS!" Natsu said amazed. "Not that, I'm trying to show you what happened to my arm. Everyone suffered horrible disfigurement because of the curse," the chief informed us.

"Please excuse me for asking, but what makes you think this is a curse? It could be some kind of infectious disease," Gray questioned. "We consulted with dozens of doctors young man, but they all agree that no such disease exists," he answered. "You see, our symptoms began around the same time the moon fell under an evil spell," he added. The chief then explained how the island absorbed the light of the moon which makes it glow like the moon but that a few years ago the moon's color changed to a purple glow.

Not long after the moon came shining from behind the clouds and it was, in fact, purple. 'I don't remember the moon glowing purple when we were coming here.' The villagers started changing into full demons.

"Aw man you guys look so cool," Natsu said with sparkles in his eyes, making everyone look at him confused. I shook my head having a small smile on my face cause I know he gets excited when he sees something new.

"He thinks we look cool? No one's ever said that to us before," some of the villagers said. "Natsu, you're being insensitive, they don't want to look like this," Lucy explained. "Seriously? uh, my bad  then I guess we should help them out." "That's why we're here," Happy said.

"Anyway, as you've witnessed, whenever the purple moon shows in the sky, everyone in the village takes on a horrific demon form. If it isn't a curse, then what else could it possibly be?" the chief exclaimed. Some of the villagers started crying after the chief's words. My eyes softened feeling bad for them.

The chief informed us more saying that they will return to normal in the morning but some can't revert back to their human form. Those who couldn't change back were going mad and had to be put down. We were shocked and Natsu said that they could change back someday, but the chief said otherwise. That the monster in them would just kill them and take over. He started crying because that was what happened to his son.

When we took a glimpse at the photo all of us gasped. "But we just saw him yesterday-" "Shh, Now I understand why he disappeared, he's dead, but his soul cant rest in peace," Gray said, cutting Lucy off.

"Please lift the evil curse from our island. If this goes on much longer, we may all fall victim to it, we'll die," the chief pleaded while bowing. "We're not gonna let that happen," I said. "We can fix this, I promise you," Natsu added.

"There's only one way this wretched curse can be lifted, the moon must be wiped from the sky." '. . . What?'


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now