𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟲

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"Hey is everyone ok," Natsu asked as we climbed out of the rocks with no one hurt luckily. Everyone gave Natsu a death glare which he gulped. "Here's a thought, if you think before you act, maybe you wouldn't do so much destruction," Gray snapped.

"So can you fly us out of here, Luna, Happy?" Lucy asked. "No, sorry," they said at the same time. "You think you can climb us out Luna?" "No it's too far down I don't think I can hold that form for that long," she said.

"Wow! It's a secret cave! This is so cool! Let's go check it out," Natsu said running down the cave. "Don't just start running around Natsu," I yelled going after him with the others trailing behind. "Woah," I heard Natsu whisper when running around the corner. "Something wrong," I asked.

Running around the corner with the others we gasped. A giant iceberg with a monster inside was in front of us. "That's impossible," Gray said shaking. "It's Deliora. But how- how could this happen? Why is it here?! WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING ON GALUNA ISLAND?!" he questioned out of disbelief.

"Gray calm down," I said putting a hand on his shoulder. "There's no- no way," he said still in shock but a little calmer. "Breath," I said rubbing his back. He started taking deep breaths and stopped shaking. "Ok, now can you tell us about this," I asked him calmly.

"It's Deliora, the demon of destruction. But why is it here? It doesn't make sense," he informed. That's when I heard footsteps coming our way. I hurriedly grabbed Natsu, Gray, and Lucy and dragged them behind some rocks with Luna and Happy following suit. We peeked around the rocks to see two men.

"The voices seemed to come from down here," a short man said that had blue hair and the thickest eyebrows I've ever seen. 'Damn I want my eyebrows that thick.' The other guy was a lot taller and looked like a dog. They then started talking about something called 'Moon drip.' 'Moon drip, is that what is putting a curse on them,' I thought.

"Yuka, Toby, something terrible has happened," a girl said coming to them. She had pink hair and was wearing a blue dress that had some type of wing-like fabric behind her. "What now, Sherry?" the blue-haired guy questioned.

Sherry talked about someone named Angelica who was attacked and she was sad about it. Come to find out it was that giant blue rat from earlier. Then the girl went on about love or something. They all eventually left but I heard them say something about collecting moonlight for the cold emperor before they left.

We all came out of our hiding spot seeing them running away. "Come on we should have grabbed them and got some answers out of them," Natsu said. "Not yet, we've got to do some investigating," Lucy said. "Man this job keeps getting more and more complicated," Natsu said.

"Deliora.... I still don't understand what anyone would want with it, and how the hell were they even able to find it?" Gray questioned. "Was it hidden somewhere?" Lucy asked.

"It was sealed away, inside a glacier on the Northern Continent. A decade ago, this demon ravaged Isvan, countless people lost their lives," he started.

"The woman who taught me how to use my magic, my master Ur, sacrificed everything to seal it away. I don't know if it has anything to do with the curse on this island, but I do know that it doesn't belong here. This cold emperor, we have to find out who he is," he said as his hand started glowing creating ice. "If they tarnish my master's legacy, they're gonna regret the day they were born!" he said with anger.

"You sure this is the demon your master sealed away?" Natsu questioned. "There's no doubt about it," he said.

"I wonder why it was transported all the way from the northern continent to Galuna Island," Happy asked. "You don't think this demon could have something to do with the cure," Luna asked. "It may be enclosed in ice but that thing's still alive," Gray said.

"Sweet! Give me a go at it, I ain't afraid of no stupid demon," Natsu said excitedly. "Fighting isn't always the answer, Pinky," I said. "Come on, a little fire oughta do the trick," Natsu said. After that Gray molly whooped the shit out of Natsu which surprised all of us.

"What's the deal?! What'd you hit me for Gray?!" "I don't want you and your flames anywhere near it. If that ice melts and Deliora is revived, there's no way we'd be able to stop it," Gray warned. "Come on. Do you really think a huge chunk of ice would melt that easily?" Natsu said.

Gray looked at him shocked but agreed with what he said. "Hey, are you ok," I asked Gray putting my hand on his back. "[Name], I'm the one who got hit for no good reason," Natsu whined. "Please, you're one to talk," Happy commented.

Gray then explained how his master, Ur, used the spell Ice shell to freeze the demon. I remember my mother talking about this spell saying it uses the spirit and body of the caster to incase the caster's target in ice. For that reason, she told me to only use it as a last resort or to never use it at all. Anyway, we were still clueless why they brought it here.

"Well maybe, they didn't know," Lucy said. "Or they brought her to melt it somehow," I said lowly hoping it wasn't true. "But why would they do that?!" Gray shouted. "I don't know, damn!" I shouted back. "*Sigh* sorry, I... just don't get it, who would bring Deliora here and more importantly why?"

"We need answers, let's go find those guys," Natsu said. "Yeah," Lucy said about to turn around. "No!" Gray shouted stopping us in our tracks. "We're gonna stay here and wait," Gray ordered. Happy question him why and Gray said we should wait for the moon to come out.

"THE MOON! But it's the middle of the afternoon! Forget that! If I have to hang out here all day ill die of boredom!" Natsu shouted, protesting the idea. "But why does the moon matter?" Lucy questioned Gray.

"I have a feeling that the curse on this island and Deliora are somehow connected to it, and I heard those guys from earlier say something about collecting moonlight," Gray said. "I did too. I guess we're waiting till nightfall," I said with everyone agreeing, well accept Natsu. He started getting a temper tantrum about waiting, but then he just fell asleep. "You're such a weirdo," I said sitting his head in my lap. I stroked his hair out of habit as we waited for night to come.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now