𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟯

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The next day, it was like nothing ever happened at the guild. Loud and lots of brawls. Natsu told me he was in jail and that arresting Erza was just for show this morning when he surprised me in his hammock. I basically tackled him when I saw him.

Anyway back at the guild, Natsu wanted to have a rematch with Erza since it was interrupted yesterday, but Erza wasn't in the mood. Natsu didn't care and charged at Erza with a fire fist. With a single punch to the stomach, Natsu was down for the count.

"And he's out!" Happy said making me and Luna and some others laugh. Then all of a sudden my eyes felt heavy and my body felt tired. I looked around, with blurry vision, to see the whole guild asleep except Macrav and Erza but Erza hanging on by a thread. I then noticed a guy walking by wearing a dark blue cloak and mask that covered his face except his eyes.

"Who are you?" I mumbled looking at the mysterious man. I didn't think he heard me but he stopped walking and looked at me. All I could see were dark brown eyes. I think he was surprised, I don't know because then I fell asleep.

. . .

Makarov POV

I felt a little sleepy so I knew that he was coming, Mystogan. All the guild members fell asleep as Mystogan walked in. However, he stopped in front of [Name] who looked to be not asleep. 'She must be more powerful than I thought' I thought a little surprised. [Name] fell asleep but Mystogan stared at her for a while.

"Mystogan," I said as he walked by me to the job board and picked a random post. He came up to show me what job he will be doing. "Who is that girl?" he asked. "You must mean [Name] [Last name]. She joined when you were on your previous job." "[Name]... I shall return," was all he said.

"No wait. Lift the sleeping spell before you leave," I ordered as he walked back to the entrance. Five... four... three... two... one and the spell was lifted as Mystogan left the guild.

. . .

[Name] POV

Suddenly I'm up again but that mysterious guy was still on my mind. "Hey who was that guy?" I asked. "Mystogen, he's a contender for Fairy tail's strongest wizard," Elfman informed. "Really?" Lucy said. "Yeah and for some reason, he doesn't want anyone to see what he looks like so whenever he comes back for a job, he casts a sleeping spell," Gray said. "Master Makarov's the only person here who got a good look at his face."

"That's not true, I've seen him before," a deep familiar voice said. I looked up on the second floor to see the one and annoyingly Laxus.  "And here's another contender," Gray mumbled. "Mystogan's just a little shy, yall should respect his privacy, but little miss Dragon Queen over here got a peck at him," Laxus said looking at me with a smirk.

"Alright, Laxus, you and me right now!" Natsu yelled, getting up from sleeping. "Getting your butt kicked once today wasn't enough?" Gray questioned. "Yeah pal. If you can't even win against the redhead, why bother with me?" Laxus said. "What are you trying to say?" Erza questioned, pissed off.

"I'm saying that I'm the guild's strongest wizard!" "THEN COME DOWN HERE AND PROVE IT," Natsu yelled. "Then come to me, little man." "With pleasure!" Natsu ran to go up the stairs but was smashed by Gramp's giant fist.

"You're not allowed on the second floor, Natsu, at least not yet" Gramps warned. "I think you made him grumpy." And that was the last straw for me. "Shut up!" "That's enough, Laxus"

"The most powerful one in the guild isn't a chick or some hooded weirdo. You want to know what the strongest wizard looks like? You're looking right at him."

I have had enough of him at this point. I created an ice pebble and flicked it straight to Laxus's forehead. It hit him really hard that he stepped back a few steps. He looked down at me knowing it came from me.

"Why you little I will-" "You will what come down here and fight me I would like to see you try," I said with a smirk. He just stared at me for a while then smirked. He walked away chuckling but before he left he mumbled quietly to himself "you little minx."

. . .

"You know you were really badass going up against Laxus like that," Natsu said working out on Lucy's floor. "Thanks," I said lightly blushing, sitting on Lucy's bed, enjoying the site of a vestless Natsu. "So why are we in Lucy's house," Luna asked. "We'll tell you when she gets here," Natsu said.

I wasn't really paying attention when they were talking I was too busy staring at Natsu's abs contracting while he was doing sit-ups. Seeing them glistening in sweat would have been the cherry on top. I was in such a trance but Lucy kicking Natsu did get me out of it. Lucy complained about Natsu and Happy working out in her apartment but they continued.

Eventually, they stopped and Natsu explained what we were there for. "Our team ready, big time," Natsu said leaving us girls clueless. That's when Happy flashed us with an S-class job posting. Me, Lucy, and Luna were completely shocked.

"How did you get that?! I thought we weren't allowed on the second floor" Lucy shrieked. "Were not are you two out of your minds?!" I yelled. "Well since it is our first S-class we got the smallest reward on the board. ," Natsu.

"Natsu nooo, this is an S-class mission for a reason we can't take the job no matter how nice the reward sounds. We aren't ready for it, and you know how gramps will be once he finds out," I said trying to knock some sense into him.

"Yeah, but I think he'll end up being proud of us if we pull it off." "Natsu..." "Just hear me out..." and then he explained what the job was and where. Then I thought about it I know he won't go if I won't go so "Natsu I'm not going and that's end of story." "Me too I'm staying right here," Lucy said and Luna agreed.

"The reward is seven million jewels." "Seven million!" Me and Luna yelled astonished. We looked at each other then I looked at Lucy. "No." I looked back at Natsu who had a grin. "No." I sighed "No!" "Ok let's do it," I said with Luna agreeing. Lucy heavily sighed and Natsu and Happy were cheering happily

"Well like I said before I'm staying right here," Lucy said sitting in her chair not bugging. "Fine we're out of here," Natsu said. He grabbed me by the waist and jumped out of Lucy's window. "You know we could have just gone out the door," I said. "Wheres the fun in that," Natsu said making me roll my eyes.

"Dang I really wanted Lucy to come," I said as we were walking down the road. "Wait for it." I looked at Natsu confused but could hear Lucy running behind us. "Hey wait up guys I've decided to come along," she yelled catching up to us bring a smile to my face. Then it was set the five of us were going on our first S-class mission.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now