𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮

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"Okamiiii~ this is hard~!!" I said whining because I couldn't make a successful dragon roar and it's been a week. "You almost had it just do it one more time ok." "OK!" I said, determined to do an ice dragon roar. I took a deep breath, clasping my hands together. "Ice Dragon..." I said as I puffed my cheeks with ice and snow "ROARR!" bringing my hands up to my mouth letting out the snow and ice into a blast destroying the trees in front of us.

"I did it..." I said in a whisper, shocked that I did a successful roar for the first time. I looked at Okami who had a smile on her face which made me smile the biggest smile I've ever done. "I DID IT OKAMII!! I REALLY DID IT!" "Congrats now you're an ice dragon slayer," she said proudly. I was chuckling being so happy but then I started wobbling and almost fell in the snow but Okami caught me. "You must be tired after that. You need to replenish your power by eating ice or absorbing the coldness around you and sleep will help too," she said while flying back home. "I think I want sleep, too tired to eat...," I said, closing my eyes to sleep on Okami's back.

. . .

(2 years later) 8-9 years old

I have been training with my magic. I have mastered ice maker magic in both one-handed and two-handed styles. I use both depending on the situation but mainly two-handed ice maker magic because my mother has always said that two-handed was always stronger than one. I've still been learning dragon slayer magic and have gotten a lot better but still haven't mastered it. I have noticed though that my resistance to the cold has gone up drastically, I could stand out in a blizzard no problem.

I woke up to blue light that came through the icicle-like window of my room. I went to the big room to see Okami making breakfast, which was ice, some meat, and frozen berries. "Good morning Okami," I said as I greeted her with my presence. "Good morning sweety, breakfast is ready," she said. I came to her and started eating breakfast but I had a question that's been on my mind for a while. "Hey Okami, I've been wondering are there other dragons like you around and if so are they teaching someone dragon slayer magic like you are with me?" I asked.

"There sure are. There are a total of about 18 dragons all having a different element but I think only 5 of the dragons that are teaching dragon slayer magic," "Do you know them?" "I do but I'm not really close to them," she said, continuing to eat. "Ohh," I said kinda defeated cause I wanted to see another dragon. "But there is one dragon that I'm really close to, his name is Igneel." When she said that my eyes grew big in hopes I could see him. "COULD WE GO VISIT HIM!" I asked excitedly. "Sure we could go after breakfast and you get ready ok," "Ok!," I said, rushing to eat my breakfast and running back to my room to get ready. I could hear Okami's laughter in the distance.

. . .

( 3 hours of flying later)
"Okamiiii~! How much longer until we get there?" I  whined. "We will be there any minute now." "You said that an hour ago." "Mhmhm I know but I mean it this time," she said. I did a big sigh after she said getting ready to lay back down for another hour until we came up on a mountain range with burn marks all over the mountains. "We're here," I heard Okami say as she was landing.

"Woahhh," I said as we landed in a valley of grass. This is honestly the first time seeing this since I grew up in the snow and ice for most of my life. I got off of Okami's back and felt that the grass came up to my calf and was soft. Then I heard a loud roar coming from Okami. "What was that for!" I asked as my ears were covered up. "To get Igneels attention," she said. We didn't wait long for another dragon to appear from behind one of the mountains.

The dragon was just as big as Okami but a little bigger. He had red scales on top of his body but his underside was skin and white. He had huge wings but the ends of his wings looked like they were torn or worn out from fighting or probably fire.

"Woahh! Are you Igneel? You look so cool!" I said, amazed seeing Igneel for the first time. "Thanks!" He said loudly. "Hi Igneel~" Okami said in a sing-song voice. "Okami," Igneel said in a whisper as he walked up to Okami. They stared at each other for a while until they hugged by intertwining their necks. "I've missed you," I heard Igneel say in a whisper. "I've missed you too," Okami said in a whisper to Igneel. 'Awww they're so cute and in love,' I thought as I saw them together. 'I wonder where the other dragon slayer is,' I thought as I was looking around. "Hey Igneel, why did you run in a rush and leave me..." a boy said as he rounded the mountain to see me.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now