𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟬

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After some time Gray was bandaged and almost healed up, I needed to take a break so I could do one more session on him and he should be good. I then decided it was time to confront Erza. I slowly made my way over to the tent that Erza was in noticing that the sun was coming up.

Dreading on what she was going to say at that what she was going to do to me, I moved the tent drapes to enter to see Erza sitting on some barrels like a throne, glaring at me, staring into my soul. To the left of her Lucy, Luna, and Happy, were sitting on the floor tied up, crying their eyes out. I started sweating and chuckling, slowly walking up to Erza.

"Erzaaa, how you doin'," I said sheepishly with a smile. "You kept me waiting," she said sternly. "Well Gray was a lot more injured than I expected, he might need one more session and he should be good," I said defensively. "Lucy's got me up to speed with everything that's happened, but I would have never guessed you would have come along. Needless to say, I'm disappointed," Erza said. 'I hate it when she does that it makes it sound like I'm Gray or Natsu,' I thought looking to the side.

"Anyway do you know where Natsu is?" Erza asked. "The last time I saw him, he was with you, fighting against the cold emperor's lackeys, but when we went back to where the village was, there wasn't any sign of you or him, I just hope he's okay," Lucy said. "Anyway, since we couldn't find either of you, Erza demanded we take her to Gray, but I didn't know where he was either, but Luna found us and showed us to the storage area," Happy said.

"Natsu said something about him having a plan to stop the others from awakening Deliora, so I'm assuming he went back to the temple," I informed them. "Okay, after you heal up Gray, we're going to search for Natsu, and then we're going back to the guild," Erza said. "What, no we can't leave yet! If Lucy brought you up to speed then you know about Deleora and the moon drip, I know it's connected to the villagers we just need to stop them and figure it out," I exclaimed.

"And your point is," Erza said. "My poi-," "I came here solely to apprehend you fools for breaking the rules of the guild, I'm not interested in anything other than that," Erza said walking to me. "Erza we are already here in deep in this job, if we leave now it will be a bad name on Fairy Tail and you know it, so we should just stay here and see this through till the end, you know that Gray would agree with me once he wakes up and you won't be able to stop us," I said now right in front of Erza glaring up at her as she was glaring down at me.

We kept glaring at each other neither one of us wavering. I didn't move a bit, I stood my ground. After a couple of minutes, Erza sighed heavily and just looked at me. "Fine, we will see this job till the end," she said walking back to sit down. I smirked in triumph of my little win, "Don't get too happy once we get back you're still going to face punishment," she said which made me stop. "Now go and heal Gray once he is up we will set off." "Yes ma'am," I said and headed back to the tent Gray was in.

I got back to the tent to see the girl from before was changing Gray's bandages. "Oh, I got you the bucket of water as you asked," she said getting up. "Thank you and for your help with Gray," I said with a smile. "No problem. Well, I will leave you to it," she said and left the tent. Once she left the tent I looked back at Gray. I let out a heavy sigh and fell onto my back staring at the roof of the tent.

'OMG, I can't believe I'm still alive after talking to Erza like that and actually WON. She is definitely going to get me back in my punishment I just know it. Please god, don't let me get too bad of a punishment,' I thought as I was taking deep breaths.

I finally calmed down and sat back up giving Gray another healing session and all of his wounds were healed. I started feeling tired so I set up a futon next to Gray and took a quick nap.

. . .

I heard groaning coming from where Gray I slowly opened my sleep-filled eyes to see Gray getting up. "Hey, take it easy," I said softly helping Gray sit up. "Thanks," he said. "No problem. Are you feeling better?" I asked. "Yeah, a lot better I'm guessing you healed me," "The one and only," I said and we both laughed.

"Yeahh... Erza is here," I said. He stopped laughing and looked at me like he was terrified. "Yeahh, she's pissed but I talked to her and convinced her to stay and see the job to the end." He looked surprised by that, honestly, I was too. "How did you manage to do that?" "I don't even know how I'm just glad it worked," I said. We then got up and headed to the tent where Erza and the others are.

"So where's Natsu?" he asked. "I'm not sure after we beat up those lackeys, he was saying that he had a plan to stop them from melting the ice, but I came here to heal you, but knowing him I have a pretty good idea where he went," I said. "Yeah, he probably went back to the temple." "That's what I'm guessing."

Once we got to Erza's tent, Erza said a few words to Gray and we headed off to the temple. On the way there Gray told us that Lyon's grand plan was to fight and defeat Deliora just so he could surpass his master. "Even back when we were kids, Lyon always dreamed of surpassing Ur's magic ability. But since she's gone and he can't challenge her directly, he's decided that it's up to him to kill Deliora, 'cause it's the one thing that she couldn't do."

"That's messed up," I said. "Well, yeah but I guess that's to be the only way to challenge someone who's dead," Lucy said with Happy agreeing.

"Listen there's something... something I never got to tell him, I kept it a secret, because Ur made me promise to never let him know, but I have to," Gray said. "And what would that be?" I asked. "Ur may not be with us, but she's still alive," Gray finally said which made us all gasp in shock. "What do you mean?" Erza questioned.

Then Gray told us about how Deliora came and destroyed his hometown and that his master, Ur, and Lyon found him and took him in as her own. How she was the one who taught both him and Lyon ice maker magic in the mountains because of a vow that he would destroy Deliora. And that even then, whatever it took, Lyon wanted to surpass her. Gray ended up leaving and going after Deliora on his own and in the end, Ur used ice shell to protect Gray and Lyon.

'He didn't kill her, she sacrificed herself to protect you two you idiots. One is being blamed and blaming himself for Ur's death, while the other is basically killing Ur's spirit and life essence... This really is messed up,' I thought.

We then continued to go to the temple and I noticed that something was off. "Does the temple look off to you guys?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side to make it straight in my view. "Yeah," Lucy said as she, Luna, and Happy did the same thing as I did. "What happened?" "I'm guessing Natsu. I don't know how he managed to pull it off, but he's the only one who'd do something that crazy," Gray said. "It's a pretty great idea if he did it on purpose," Gray complimented.

"Yeah, since the temple's titled like that, the moonlight won't hit Deliora," I said. 'Go Natsu.'

"You mean his habit of destroying stuff actually came in useful for one," Lucy said. Then all of a sudden throwing stars came right at us. Me, Gray, and Erza dogged them while, Lucy, Luna, and Happy got punched by Erza to get out of the way and got hit into a tree. "Who's there?" Erza announced.

An army of people in dark purple robes came out from the bushes and trees standing in front of us. "We tracked you down Fairy Tail! We won't allow you to interfere," they said. "Not these guys," Gray said. "Lyon's minions?" Erza questioned and I nodded my head yes. "They surrounded us," Lucy said as I looked back to see that they circled us.

"I can handle this, [Name] you ready?" Erza said as she requiped a sword in her hand. "Of course I am. Water Cloak!" I said as two tendrils of water covered my arms like tentacles. "You sure?" he questioned. "Well take care of them, you go and settle things with Lyon," Erza said. I looked back at Gray and said, "We got this, go and do what you got to do, plus we have Lucy right," I said. "You bet," she said taking her whip out. With that, a smile was on Gray's face as he ran towards the temple and we got ready to fight.


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