𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟲

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Once we were back at Fairy tail we were greeted with the usual rowdy noise and brawls. I did notice that Natsu was being very clingy, he wouldn't leave my side. I didn't mind it but it was a little out of character for him. He didn't even fight in the brawls, he just stayed by me.

After some time me, Natsu, Luna, and Happy started making our way back home. "Natsu are you sure you ok," I asked still a little concerned. "Yeah, why you ask?" he questioned. "Well, you didn't go in the brawls like you usually do." "Oh, well I was tired and just wanted to stay by you," he said with a small smile but it seemed fake. I blushed thinking how could he say that so easily.

"Oh, I was just making sure," I said. He put his arm around me and said, "I'm fine." I still didn't believe him, no one says 'I'm fine' and are fine. Once we got back to the house I showered and got ready for bed. As I was laying down I felt the bed dip knowing it was Natsu. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist and buried his face into my neck as he did back in the cave.

"Natsu are you really ok," I asked. "How could you say something like that," he whispered. "What?" "To leave you, how could you say something like that," I turned around to see him and a few tears slipped from his eyes. "Natsu.. I didn't mean it like that" I said in a soft tone, wiping his tears away.

"I know but.. please don't say anything like that again. If something bad happens to you I'm going to come running. You are my top priority," he said. I couldn't believe he said that. My cheeks were slightly burning and my heart was fluttering. Butterflies were in my stomach. I was at a loss for words for a while until I could speak.

"I promise," I said with a smile and he returned one. "Can we stay like this for a while?" he asked, slightly tightening his grip on my waist. "Y-yeah," I said, blushing a little more. He buried his face in my neck again. I started playing with his soft pink hair. Not long after I could hear soft snores from Natsu. A small smile appeared on my lips as a fell asleep, knowing Natsu is ok now.

. . .

"Luna, you ready?" I asked at the door. "Yes ma'am," she said flying and landing on my shoulder. "Where are you going," Natsu asked walking into the living room. "Just going to Lucy's house, she invited us." "Can I come?" I looked at him confused. "You want to come. You know we're probably going to have girl talk so it might get boring." "I'm fine with that. So can I come," he begged with a puppy dog face.

"...Fine," I said blushing a little. 'I can't say no to that cute face.' "Happy come on!" he shouted. "Aye sir," Happy said and we headed out. We arrived outside Lucy's cute apartment house. I knocked on the door but no answer. "We'll just have to wait... Natsu? Natsu?" I said but he was gone.

"Psst." I looked up to see Natsu breaking an entering into Lucy's apartment. "Natsu get down from there," I yelled at him. "Come on she already knows you're coming," he said and he and Happy went inside. "Natsu... omg come on Luna before he gets in trouble." Luna flew up to the window. Once we got in Natsu and Happy got kicked to the wall by Lucy.

"Get the heck out of here, jerks!" she yelled. "Omg Lucy I am so sorry about this," I said. "Oh, hey [Name], why are Natsu and Happy here," she questioned nicely. "I'm sorry they wanted to come to check out your new place," I said looking around "It's really cute." "Thanks and you're fine I just wasn't expecting someone to barge in," she said glaring at Natsu and Happy. "Me either" I said doing the same.

"We were just being friendly," he said sweat dropping. "*Sigh* well you're here now, can you guys wait while a change." "Of course," I said. Lucy went to her dresser, got some clothes, and returned to the bathroom. "Ok why are you really here Natsu?" I asked him. He looked taken aback by my sudden question. "What do you mean?" "Natsu if I know you, and I do, you haven't given two shits about Lucy since she joined so what is it?"

He had a shocked expression but complied and told me about an easy job of stealing a book, but the guy we're stealing from likes blondes. "You do know I know how to do basic transformation magic to change my hair, I can just-" "No," he said shutting the idea down. "But-" "No." "Fine," I said a little irritated. 

Then Lucy came out and said that she would make us some tea. "Again I'm sorry for them just barging in like that," I said as she was coming back with a tray with a tea set and some cookies. "No it's fine I would rather it be you guys than an actual burglar." We both laughed and ate the cookies. "So can I see your celestial keys I've been dying to see," I said. Back when we first meet Lucy, Happy and Luna told me that Lucy summoned the zodiac spirit Aquarius and ever since then I wanted to know the other keys she had but never got the chance.

"Of, course. I have 6, 3 of them are silver, which you can find in shops," she said showing the three keys. "And then these 3 are the golden keys which are super rare and they open the gates of the zodiac. I got Taurus the bull, Aquarius the water bearer, and Cancer the crab," she said showing the other three. "GIANT CRAB?!" Happy, and Natsu shouted. "I've never met anyone as obsessed of food as you two," Lucy said. "And you never will," Luna committed shaking her head.

"That reminds me I need to make a contract," she said and got up. "Ooo we get to see a celestial wizard make a contract," I said excitedly. I heard chuckling coming from Natsu who was sitting next to me. "What?" I questioned. "You're just look cute getting all excited," he chuckled. "Whatever," I mumbled and looked away from him to hide my blush.

"Ok pay attention now," Lucy said. All four of us were looking at Lucy as she summoned her new spirit. There were a lot of flashing lights forming a small snowman creature that wouldn't stop shaking. "Nice try," Natsu and happy said. "Shut up I meant to do that!"

"Omg he's so cute," I said going up to Lucy and the little snowman and petting him. "Right?" "You think so?" Natsu question. "Look at it, it's like a plushie," I said holding the cute guy in my hands. "No it's not and you don't need anymore," he said. "You can never have too many plushies." "Since he doesn't take a lot of energy I think I will keep him as a pet," Lucy said.

"This whole pet thing doesn't sit right with me," Happy whispered but we could still hear him. "Not with a weird master like Loony here," Natsu whispered agreeing but we could still hear him. "My name is Lucy and I can still hear you," she said glaring at them. "Anyway, let's start working on our contract."

While Lucy was making the contract I held Plue, she named him, in my arms. She also explained the importance of a contract and that celestial wizards never break a promise. I could see behind Lucy that Natsu and Happy had a smirk on their faces after she said that.

Plue then got out of my arms and did some weird dance. "Oh man, you're right about that Plue," Natsu said. "You can understand him?" Me and Lucy questioned. Then Natsu stared intensely at Lucy, which was giving her and me the creeps. "Alright, then it's settled. You will join our team. GO, TEAM!" Natsu said with Happy shouting at the end.

"Your team?" "Yes, even though everyone is an ally in the guild, some members form teams in the guild with the people they get along with. It makes jobs easier that might be difficult for just one person," Luna explained. "Then let's do it," Lucy said excitedly, making me happy. "So you're going to work with us?" Natsu asked. "Yup you have my word," Lucy said but didn't know what she was getting into. "Ok, then let's get to work. I've got our first job right here," Natsu said handing her the job post and had an evil smirk on his face. It both scared me but kind of turned me on.

She read the post out loud, which I knew the details, except for the fact that the guy we are stealing from is an old guy who is a pervert. 'Poor Lucy' I thought trying to comfort her because she couldn't go back on her word.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now