𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟭

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[Name] POV

"Happy would you stop eating all the salmon!" I said swatting him away like a fly from the cooked salmon. "I'm sorry but it's too tasty to not stop," Happy said doing his dance making Luna and I laugh. Right now we are making salmon for dinner with rice and greens for the side. I might have cooked a lot depending on if Natsu can eat it all, but if not, we'll be eating salmon, rice, and greens for a while.

I finished my hair about an hour ago and it's 10:30 right now. I decided to do jumbo braids for my hair so I won't have to touch it for a while. As we were still cooking Natsu came in. "Hey Natsu," we all greeted him. "Hey, what are you guys cooking?" "Salmon!" Luna and Happy exclaimed.

"Yeah and there is rice and greens for sides," I said. He was about to put his dirty fingers in the pan to taste the greens but I swatted his hands before he could. "Wash your hands first," I said. He pouted but did so and tasted the greens.

"Delicious," he said finding it. "Thanks." He then tasted the salmon but I noticed that he was empty-handed. "No luck?" "What?" "No luck with the photo album," I asked. "Oh no, I asked Lucy to help, she came, but she was acting weird," he said. "Acting weird how?"

"She was all fidgety and nervous for some reason and asking me all these questions?" he said. "What type of questions," I asked. "Oh just.. Like why she was there and stuff," he said. "That just sounds like Lucy being Lucy," Happy said eating some more of the salmon. "Probably," Natsu said.

"So no photo album?" "Nope, who knows it was probably a lie," Natsu said. "Are you mad," I asked making a plate. "No." "Oh?" "No, because I got to come back to you... and food," he said. I chuckled and blushed at his comment.

"Good," I said handing him the plate. "Thanks," he said and I smiled. We all had a plate and sat at the dinning table. We then ate and talked about random stuff. "Oh and [Name]!" Natsu exclaimed. I hummed, looking an Natsu who was smiling at me. "I really like your hair," he said. I smiled blushing more. "Thanks."

. . .

The next day the four of us went to the guild seeing everyone at work rebuilding the guild. I stayed at the bar with the girls since my stitches were still healing. We were talking about how maybe Gray might have a crush on Lucy but then Lucy started flipping out saying she can't go through 'that' again and then glared in my direction. I was confused, the girls were confused so we just dropped the conversation. They were talking about something while I was busy watching Natsu as he was shirtless and sweaty again when Makarov came walking up to me.

"[Name]," he said. "Afternoon gramps, is there something that you need?" I asked. "Afternoon, and yes I need to talk to you and Luna about something," he said his demeanor serious. "Sure, Luna!" I shouted and she came flying onto my shoulder and I followed Makarov outside the construction site.

"So where are we heading this time?" "South Gate Park." "And what did you want to talk to us about?" "Gajeel," Makarov said.

He said that Gajeel hasn't officially joined Fairy Tail yet. Makarov needs to see that he has changed and that he won't attack Fairy Tail and earn his trust. Luna and I were telling him that we promise that it wouldn't happen again which he understood but he needs to know that it won't happen again. So Makarov gave him a job where he will be a double agent and infiltrate the dark guild, Raven Tail. He wants to know that their influence won't affect Gajeel like Phantom Lord did and to see that he can put his trust in Gajeel.

I know Gajeel can and will succeed in this mission but I'm just a little nervous about him joining a dark guild whether it's official or not. Makarov comforted me and said that everything will be alright and he will come back, but I still couldn't help but be worried.

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