𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟮

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"Let me make sure I have my facts straight, the first time everybody in the village took on these demonic forms is when the moon began to turn purple, is that correct?" Erza asked. The chief said yes and explained that during the day they are human and at night they look like demons. "And the moon first turned purple about three years ago?" she asked and they said yes.

"We've learned that the moon drip ceremony has been performed on this island every night for the last three years and each night it produced a beam of light so brilliant that you couldn't possibly have missed it-" Erza fell into a ditch that Lucy created earlier and screamed a high pitch scream we have never heard of.

I quickly slapped my hand on top of my mouth to stop myself from laughing at Erza. I looked around to see Luna doing the same thing and we made eye contact making it funnier. We looked away from each other and I slapped my other hand on top of my hand to not laugh. By the time Erza came out I was ok but I didn't look at Luna because I know if I did we would bust have laughed.

"Seriously, didn't you ever wonder where that light was coming from?" Erza said getting back to being serious, like nothing happened. "I don't understand, why didn't anyone investigate?" she questioned. They all mumbled not giving a clear answer until the chief spoke up. "Well, we would have looked into it, but according to village lore, our people must never go near that temple."

"But who cares about village lore when your own people are dying?" Lucy questioned. "You obviously knew there was a problem 'cause you contacted the magic guilds," I said as things weren't adding up anymore. "Why don't you tell us what's really going on here?" Erza questioned.

"To be honest, we don't even know that ourselves allow me to explain," The chief said. He then explained that they tried to go investigate multiple times but when they go towards the temple and get close to it they suddenly would be back at their village. 'Its like they weren't  able to go to the temple.'

"I see," Erza said. She then requiped into her Giant Armor. "Natsu? Come with me. I'll need your help to destroy the moon," Erza said. Everyone gasped and the villagers cheered but I was too deep in thought trying to understand.

'So we know the moon drip was what was affecting the villagers and from what Lyon said the moon drip doesn't affect humans but it affected the villagers unless they're not humans to begin with but demons! That would explain why they cant go to the temple its a holy place, I then looked up at the purple moon then it hit me. 'The intense magic energy released from the moon drip spell' all that magic couldn't have gone to just Deliora.'

As soon as I put the pieces together there was a big explosion from an outpost. In the sky, Erzas spear was flying into the sky like a rocket heading straight to the moon. It hit the moon and it cracked. More cracks were made in the moon and then it traveled to the sky. The sky broke into pieces and revealed the moon now white as snow.

"I get it now," I said. "Get what?" Gray questioned. "The moon drip, because the spell was releasing so much energy a barrier was created covering the island in the same purple moonlight from the moon drip. The magic harden making a crystal shell over the island that we couldn't see, which was making the moon look purple," I explained to Gray, Lucy, Happy, and Luna.

They all had their mouths open agape, astonished, and processing the information. "And now that the shell has broken, everything will go back to how it was three years ago," Erza said as she and Natsu came back from the outpost.

The villagers started to glow and then it stopped but their appearance didn't change, everyone seemed confused as to why their appearance didn't change. "What's wrong? They're not transforming," Gray said. "That's because these are their true forms," I said. "The moon drip never had any effect on their appearance, however, it seems to have altered their memories," Erza said.

"What do you mean," Lucy said not understanding. "They think they're humans who were transformed into demons when it's the other way around," I said. "Wait, so you're saying... they really..." Lucy said as she and Gray were putting the pieces together "Yup you got it," Erza said.

"They've always been demons," I said. Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Luna started screaming, freaking out at the revelation. Natsu started screaming cling to my waist, and I couldn't help but chuckle while calming down Natsu who would let go of me.

Erza then explained to everyone that they had human forms and that their false memories made them believe that their human forms were their true form. They were just demons that had fallen victim to the side effects of the moon drip. She figured it out once the villagers said they couldn't go to the temple, since its sacred creatures of darkness couldn't go near it.

The guy that got us here in the first place was here. Now I was the one scared freaking out clinging to Natsu freaking out like the rest of them. He then explained that he didn't have any memory loss and that the trick on the boat was that he could fly. Then the rest of the villagers started to fly happily.

Seeing them happy a smile crept onto my face. "Yup they're definitely demons," Erza said. "I don't know if you look at their faces, they kinda, look more like angles to me," Natsu said as he slung his arm around my shoulders. "Hmm, yea they do," I said looking at them. From the corner of my eye, I could see, Natsu looked at me, and then stared at me.

"What," I said looking at Natsu. "Nothing," he said smiling. I looked at him confused but just brushed it off and continued looking at the sky seeing them flying happily.

. . .

After we lifted the 'curse' the villagers decided to have a big feast. There was a lot of food so Natsu was happily inhaling the food, along with fire, as it kept coming. "Natsu slowdown before you-," he stated choking. I smacked him on the back and grabbed a glass of water. "Thanks," he said blushing while drinking the water. "Mhmm, just chill out the food isn't going anywhere," I said while eating. "Yeah, yeah," he said and continued eating.

"So [Name], when did you figure out about the effects of the moon drip?" Erza asked. "Oh- uh much later than you, I had to think about it for a minute," I said scratching the back of my head and looking down at my plate of food. "Good job," she said with a soft smile, head patting me. I blushed at continued eating. "But you're still getting punished when we get back," she said making me pout.

Sometime later Sherry, Yuka, and Toby came to the village and apologized to the villagers for their actions. Then Natsu invited, more like forced them, to join the party and we partied for the night.

In the morning we packed up getting ready to go back to Fairy Tail. Erza would let us take the money no matter how much the chief wanted us to take it, but she agreed to take the stupid key, so Lucy got a new key, lucky for her. Erza then showed us the boat that we were taking to go back to the mainland and as usual, me and Natsu had motion sickness the whole way back to Fairy Tail.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now