𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟵

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After we ate and the others roamed around Lucy's place without her permission, we showered and changed into sleepers. Erza was honestly shocked that we wore what we wore as sleepers. Eventually, we situated where everyone was going to sleep.

While we were doing that we started talking about wizard saints and magic counsel and blah blah blah. Plus Natsu was still mad but we calmed him down. Erza also mentioned the Element 4 and Gajeel but me and Luna stayed quiet. Then we watched movies and we girls braided each other's hair. I braided Lucy's hair, and Lucy braided Erza's hair. We laughed and talked about random things while watching [movie title]. Then eventually we all fell asleep.

. . .

I woke up to the morning sun shining in my eyes. I softly groaned while squinting my eyes and moved a little to get out the sun's rays but felt someone's grip tighten around my waist. When the sun got out of my eyes, I saw Natsu in front of me with his arm around my waist. I smiled looking at him as he was still asleep.

His pink hair was messy, some strands falling over his relaxed face. His mouth was a little open and I could hear him softly snoring. I love getting the chance to see Natsu sleeping looking all cute and peaceful. I don't get to see him sleeping since he always gets up before me and sleeps in the hammock. But on the off chance I wake up before him or we both share the bed from a game night I get to see it.

I brushed some of his loose strands back so they weren't in his face and lightly finger-detangled his messy bed hair. I heard Natsu softly groan so I immediately stopped. "Oh shit sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up," I whispered to him, retracting my hand from his hair. He grabbed my wrist and placed my hand back on his head. I was stunned a bit but continued finger-combing his hair. A smile spread across his face as he opened his eyes looking straight at me.

"Good morning," he said in his raspy morning voice. 'I could never get enough of that voice,' I thought as chills ran down my spine. "Good morning," I said softly almost in a whisper. "Is everyone else up?" he asked closing his eyes. "Umm..." I looked around to see everyone was still asleep. "No it's just the two of us," I said looking back at him. His smile grew wider as he open his eyes again. "Hmm just the two of us," he said and his eyes dilated a little, with a glint in them that I couldn't explain.  "Yeah.." I said softly.

Then this silence came over us as we stared at each other. I don't know why but the thought of kissing him came to mind. I looked down at his lips but quickly looked back to his eyes to see him looking at my lips. "Natsu..." I said softly, grazing my nails over the nape of his neck. "Yeah..." he said but still was looking at my lips.

Natsu pulled me closer to him our chests practically touching. "N- Natsu I- I-" I said flustered but I stopped when Natsu looked at me. The glint in his eyes got brighter. "Natsu..." "[Name]..." he said leaning closer to me, but I didn't stop him. He got so close that the tips of our noses almost touched. "[Name]... I- I" he was saying but it was like he couldn't finish it. He leaned closer to our lips almost touching in a kiss but then everyone started waking up. We scrambled away from each other and our faces were as red as two tomatoes.

"*Yawnnn* Good morning everybody," Lucy said. Rounds of yawns and tired groans were heard from the others, while me and Natsu were still blushing stealing glances at each other. "Im hungry," Happy said. "Me too, y'all want to go somewhere to eat?" Gray asked. We all said yes and decided to go to IHOP. Now all we had to do was get ready.

"Dibs on going first!" I shouted running to the bathroom. "Hey, that's not fair this is my apartment!" Lucy shouted back to me. "You snooze you lose," I said smiling at her and she threw and pillow in my face. "Hey!" I said throwing the pillow back at her but she caught it. "Just hurry up so that the rest can of us can get ready," she laughed, laying back down. "Fine, fine," I said closing the door, but before I closed the door I saw Natsu looking at me and I couldn't help but look back at him and smile. I closed the door and softly leaned on it thinking of what happened between us this morning, and blushed. The only thing is I regret that we didn't kiss.

. . .

Natsu POV

'I should have kissed her,' I thought as [Name] closed the bathroom door, blushing. I laid back down on my futon, my head hitting the pillow as I stared up at the ceiling and can't help but think of this morning.

When I woke up feeling her fingers in my hair and having her in my arms it just felt so right. And while looking at her, the sun was hitting her lower face and body, making her glow this golden color, but making a spotlight for her lips. I couldn't help but stare at them wanting to kiss her.

And when I pulled her in closer her natural scent of lavender smelt so good almost intoxicating. Then she grazed her fingers on the back of my neck sending chills down my back. 'I wish that moment would have lasted forever,' I thought smiling up at the ceiling. But Lucy woke everyone up. 'Damn Lucy is always ruining something like the picnic,' I thought and noted to self to make sure Lucy was not around when I confess to [Name].

"What are you thinking about?" I heard Gray say as he stood over me. "None of your business ice princesses," I said looking to the side to see Erza and Lucy talking and Happy and Luna were still sleeping. "Oh really so you weren't thinking about [Name], flamebrain," Gray said sitting next to me. I heavily sighed looking back at the ceiling.

"Why don't you just confess to her," he said. "I been trying it's just... something always comes up," I said almost frustrated. "All I'm hearing are excuses," he said. I made a scuffed noise before saying, "Whatever, I'll tell her... one day," I said. Gray hummed at my response and looked outside the window. "You better," was all he said.

After [Name] was done one by one everyone started getting ready. While we were waiting I would catch [Name] glancing at me but she would avert her eyes elsewhere and her cheeks would blush a little. I couldn't help but smile at her cute actions.

When we got to IHOP I made sure to sit next to [Name]. We talked and ordered what we wanted to eat and then talked some more while waiting for our food. From the corner of my eye, I could see [Name] glancing at me and hiding her blush while drinking her coffee. I smiled so I thought of doing something.

Under the booth, I grabbed [Name's] leg from under her knee and put her leg on top of mine. Her eyes went big as she looked at me in disbelief at what I just did. I smiled at her and continued talking to the others like nothing is happening. I looked to the side to see her talking to the others with a big smile. I then started drawing random shapes up and down her thigh. I felt her leg tense up a little and her face flushed red instantly, making me smile a little wider.

"[Name] are you alright," Erza asked [Name]. She just nodded and sipped some more of her coffee. "You sure?" "Mmhmm," [Name] hummed still sipping on her coffee. I tried not to smile too much but [Name's] reaction is so cute I couldn't stop smiling. Erza, Gray, and Luna looked between me and [Name] suspiciously while Happy and Lucy looked confused. I just shrugged my shoulders and luckily our food came. No more questions were asked as we ate our food. I noticed that [Name] didn't move her leg since I put it on mine.

Once we were done eating we split the bill but I quickly took [Name's] bill. "Hey what are you doing?" she questioned. "Im paying for your bill," I said but [Name] snatched her bill from me. "Im good I can pay for myself," she said taking her wallet. I snatched it back and told her to put her wallet away. "Seriously I can pay, you don't have to," she said. I smiled at how she thought she had a choice. I leaned down to her, getting close to her ear. "I wasn't asking," I whispered to her.

I leaned back up to see [Name's] cheeks burning red. 'She looks so cute,' I thought getting my wallet out. After we paid we headed to the guild but we heard whispers from around saying something happened at the park in the middle of Magnolia. What caught our attention was they were saying Fairy Tail guild members got hurt. With that, we dashed to Southgate Park.


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