𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟬

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It was another day at the guild. I was sitting at a table with Natsu, Luna, Happy, and Lucy drawing in my sketchbook as Natsu and Happy were complaining about being low on 'food money.' "Why don't you get a job that we can do," I said not looking up. "Sure... what are you drawing?" he asked. "Quick sketches of people," I said. "Oh," he said and stayed and watch. I slowly turned my head and looked at him.

"What?" "...Do you mind... not watching... it's a little weird," I said. He looked offended but I told him it wasn't like that, it's just weird to be watched when drawing and he complied and left. Somehow Natsu and Gray were fighting about something and I tried breaking them up but it didn't work. At least the guild was having their laughs.

"I'VE GOT BAD NEWS!" Loki shouted and everyone went silent. "It's Erza, she's on her way here," he said and everyone started screaming and panicking. Heavy footsteps could be heard approaching the guild. There at the entrance of the guild was Erza who was holding a huge horn with decorative gems on it.

"I have returned, where is master Makarov?" Erza said as everyone was still tense. "Welcome back Erza, the master's at a conference right now," Mira informed her. "I see... Now listen up!" she said gaining everyone's attention, even though she already had it. "While I was on the road I heard word that Fairy tail is causing nothing but trouble as of late! Master Makarov might not care but I do," she said. Then she started ordering people around like she always does.

"Are Natsu, Gray, and [Name] here?" "Oh hey there Erza, we're just hanging out like good friends tend to do," Gray said as they were suddenly glued to each other in front of me. "Aye!" Natsu said nervously making me chuckle. "That's great. I'm pleased to see the two of you getting along well but where is [Name], she got to be somewhere around here if Natsu's here," she said. "Yeah I'm right here," I said walking around Natsu,"

"Hi [Name]." "Hey Erza," I said hugging her but she didn't hug back like always. I glared up at her and she heavily sighed but patted me on the head which made me happy. "[Name], Natsu, Gray I need you to do me a favor.." she said seriously. ".. normally I would consult with the master before acting, but something got me worried. You three are the strongest wizards here, I could really use your help."

The whole guild started muttering in shock at how Erza just asked us for help. 'Natsu and Gray, on the same team, this isn't going to end well.' "Erza, Natsu, [Name], and Gray working together?" Mira said. "This could be the most powerful team Fairy tail's ever seen."

. . .

BIG TIME SKIP [Because I'm lazy]

. . .

After Natsu defeated Erigor, Kageyama wanna-be Shikamaru ass, took the flute and booked it to the meeting hall where the guild masters are at. We were left shocked especially since we saved his little ass. We went after him before he killed everyone.

"There he is," Gray said. We saw Kageyama standing with Gramps about to play the flute. "Shhhh~" master Bob shushed us out of nowhere scaring me, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy. He then started flirting with Natsu and Gray, having me laugh.

"Who is that?" Lucy questioned. "He's master Bob of the Blue Pegasus," Erza answered. "Really?" Lucy cringed at the information. "Don't just stand and laugh save me!" Natsu shouted only making me laugh more. Then Bob got a hold of them and Natsu was next to me. "You could have helped me," Natsu pouted. "And miss this, nah," I chuckled and patted his head. He rolled his eyes but his cheeks were tinted pink like his hair.

We then watched amazed how gramps stopped Kageyama without fighting. We ran up to gramps praising him for what he did but then the flute showed its true form. "I've grown tired of you cowardly wizards and your antics!" "The flute talks now?!" I said surprised just like the others.

The flute then turned into a huge wood demon. Gramps and the other masters informed us that the flute was made by Zeref's black magic. "Natsu and Gray get everyone to a safe place," Erza ordered. "Quit barking orders!" Natsu shouted. "Yeah you're not the boss of us," Gray added. "Just do it!" and they did.

A large beam coming from the monster shot a mountain destroying it in seconds. The monster kept talking about eating our souls and getting stronger but we weren't going to let that happen. "Ready!" Erza said. "Oh, yeah," Me, Natsu and Gray said and the four of us charged at the monster.

"Requip!" Erza shouted and went into her Black Wing armor. The four of us attacked the monster, Ezra's weapons, Natsu's fire, Gray's ice, and my water. Though we landed our attacks, the monster didn't look hurt. The monster then started sucking up all the plant life around the area. "Just one note and your souls will be mine!"

It was getting ready to play its song and when it did nothing but wind and weak notes came out. I couldn't help but laugh loudly pointing at the monster. "All that build up and you can't play a single note because of our attacks," I laughed harder in tears and almost fell to the ground but Natsu caught me. "Flutes are pretty lame to begin with," Happy said.

"You dare mock me?!" the monster said and had a little temper tantrum and destroyed some nearby mountains, which got me to stop laughing. It then sent an attack to the guild masters, me and Gray were quick. "Ice make shield!" we yelled in unison and a beautiful huge ice shield was formed by the two of us, while Natsu ate all the fire from the attack.

"Requip!" I shouted and went into my Dragon armor which amplifies all my dragon powers. "Ice Make Saucer! Ice Dragon Crushing Fang!" me and Gray shouted slicing the monster in half with Erza attacking it multiple times weakening the monster more. "Natsu now!" we all shouted. "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" Natsu threw a huge ball of fire at the monster. We watched as the monster was destroyed and a bright white light was shot into the air and the monster turned back to a flute.

"There's no doubt about it. This is the strongest team!" Lucy said running up to us. "We're an awesome guild, aren't we," I heard gramps, bringing a smile to my face.

I felt an arm wrapped around my waist and it was Natsu. "You were amazing out there," he whispered in my ear. "T-thanks you weren't too bad yourself," I stuttered feeling my ears get hot. We then looked at the damage we did. We destroyed the hall and the mountains were gone because of the monster. We then ran away from the angry mod and headed back to Fairy tail.


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