𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟱

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"Hey want to look at the request board for a job?" Natsu asked. "Sure," I said and we walked up to the board. I was looking at the board but not really reading them because I could only think about Natsu's arm which was still wrapped around my waist.

"Hey Natsu, [Name] look I got my official Fairy tail mark on my hand," Lucy shouts excitedly from behind us. Turning my head around I see Lucy with a pink Fairy tail mark on her hand. "Cute!" I complimented. "Oh yeah? That's cool welcome to the guild, Loony," Natsu said not even glancing at Lucy. "It's Lucy!," Lucy shouted. I softly elbowed Natsu getting his attention. "Be nice," I whispered to him. He sighs and looks back to Lucy. "Cool," was all he said, and immediately turned back to the board.

"How come my dad hasn't come back yet?" we hear a boy say, talking to Gramps. We look in their direction to listen to their conversation. "You're starting to work my nerves, Romeo. You're a wizard's son, have faith in your father." "But he told me he'd be back in three days, and it been over a week! So why won't somebody go look for him?!" "Listen kid, your old man's a wizard, he can take care of himself. Now go home and wait!"

"Jerk! I hate you all!" Romeo yelled and ran out of the guild. Natsu then punches the board almost destroying it. I don't blame him I feel the same way, seeing a little bit of us in that kid. Me and Natsu walked out of the guild with Luna and Happy following behind. We saw Romeo walking down the road crying. I walked up to him ruffling his hair. He looks up at me and I give him a quick smile and walked off catching up to Natsu.

. . .

"Why'd you come with us," Natsu groaned as he was laying down in the carriage with me laying on top of him. "I thought maybe I could help," she said. I groaned loudly trying to keep my lunch down and not barf on Natsu. He started rubbing my back which helped ease the nauseousness a little.

"Wow, you both really do have serious cases of motion sickness don't you? Just another reason to feel sorry for you," "What's that suppose to mean?!" me and Natsu yelled. "Not you [Name] just Natsu," she said. "Oh," was all I said, and laid back down on Natsu. "Hey!" Natsu yelled but Lucy dismissed it and said to forget what she said. Eventually, I ended up sleeping the rest of the ride.

. . .

"[Name]... [Name]," I heard Natsu softly whispering in my ear. I groaned and rubbed my eyes getting the sleep out of them. "C'mon let's go," Natsu said picking me up and setting me on the ground. As we make our way out of the carriage, snow and violent winds hit us. "Well then let's go," I said as we traveled up the mountain.

"Why is it so cold? I know we're on a mountain, but it's summer right now, there shouldn't be a blizzard like this anywhere," Lucy whined. "That's what you get for wearing light clothing," Natsu said causing me, Luna, and Happy to chuckle. "Well you guys aren't dressed for it.," Lucy retorted. "Well we don't need to be," Natsu said. "Why is that?" Lucy asked  "I'm a fire dragon slayer, I can just heat my body up and [Name] is a ice dragon slayer she's used to colder temps than this," Natsu said.

"Colder than this?" Lucy asked astonished. "Yeah, I can handle temperatures close to absolute 0 which is around -407°," I said. Lucy's eyes were big and her mouth was gaping open. "That's impressive," Lucy said. "Thanks," I said not noticing Natsu was smirking.

"Well then hand over the blanket!" Lucy said. She got her hands on the blanket but was still shivering. "Oh, I know. Open Gate of the Clock Constellation! Horologium!" Lucy said and a huge clock appeared with Lucy inside. "That's so cool," the four of us said amazed. She then started talking but we couldn't hear what she was saying. "We can't hear you," Natsu said.

"She says 'I'm staying in here, and I'm not coming out.'" the clock spoke for Lucy. "Then why did you tag along?" Natsu said. " 'What kind of crazy job would force Macao to come to a place like this?' she inquires" "You should have asked that before you came with us." I hit Natsu on the arm for speaking rudely to her, which he just shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. "*Sigh* Macao went to slay a Vulcan and this is where they live," I informed her. "Look if you want to go back to the guild you can but we're going to keep going," I said. "Yeah it's really no big deal," Luna added.

Then we heard a growling sound coming from up ahead where Natsu and Happy were heading. "NATSU!" I yelled. Out of nowhere, a giant Vulcan was running toward me and Lucy. In one fell scoop, the Vulcan had the clock in one hand and me in the other. I was trying to get out of his grasp but the Vulcan tighten his grip. The Vulcan then started running with us in his hands. I see Natsu in the distance with a frightened expression. "Don't worry about us! Just go and find Macao!" I yelled before we were out of his sight.

. . .

" 'How did I get myself into this mess and what's with this giant monkey why is he so excited?' She asks tearfully," the clock said as the monkey was dancing around us with hearts around it. "It probably hasn't seen a woman in who knows how long, at least your safe in the clock," I said backing away from it as it got closer to me. Then the clock just *POOF* disappeared.

"Where'd you go, Horologium?" 'Sorry but my time is up, take care.' "Give me an extension, PLEASE!" Lucy yelled. That didn't stop the damn monkey he still kept coming at me. "Hey, you big ape!" I heard Natsu yelling. I looked to see him running with anger in his eyes. "Get away from her!" he shouts as he punched the Vulcan.

He battled the Vulcan and beat the shit out of it. In the end, the Vulcan was defeated and scorched to a crisp. Natsu then came up to me and hugged me in the tightest hug. His head was buried into my neck. Hugging him back I said, "Natsu it's ok, I'm fine," to reassure him. "Yeah," he said but didn't move, just kept hugging me.

"We are here," Luna announced as she and Happy flew into the cave. "You missed it," I said. "Yeah what took you guys so long," Natsu said looking at them but still hugging me. "Do you know how fast you ran, we couldn't keep up," Luna said. "Oh... sorry," Natsu said. Then a bright light came from the Vulcan and it turned into Macao.

"Are you telling me that big perverted ape was actually your guy's friend this whole time," she said shocked like the rest of us. "Yeah he must have been taken over by the Vulcan," Happy said. "What do you mean 'takeover'?" Lucy asked "Vulcans use possessive magic on humans and steal their bodies so they can survive. And one got to Macao," I said answering her question.

We helped Macao onto the blanket and I did all I could do with my water-healing spells. "He put up a good fight before the Vulcan got to him," Luna said. "Macao, dont you die on me. Romeo's waiting for you Open your eyes!" Natsu shouted. As if on cue Macao opened his eyes. We all were happy but Macao wasn't. He explained how he defeated 19 Vulcans but the 20th one got him and that he was embarrassed to go home to Romeo.

"Do you know how stupid you sound?! You beat 19 of them. Romeo would, no, will be proud of you," I said as Natsu helped him up. "She's right so let's go home. Your son's been waiting for you."

. . .

"Romeo!" Natsu shouted as the six of us walked toward him. "DADD!" Romeo shouted as he hugged his father making him fall to the ground.

Seeing the son and father duo back together, a huge smile was brought to my face. I won't lie there was a ping of jealousy thinking about my father and Igneel but I brushed it off. As we walked away from them Romeo shouted to us, thanking us for bringing his father back to him.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now