𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟭

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I went into the kitchen and made a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast. I made everyone a plate and sat at the kitchen counter with Luna and Happy sitting on the counter. They started eating breakfast while I was glaring at them at what happened earlier. "Mmm this is delicious, better than Mirajane's cooking," Happy said.

"What," they both said with innocent faces. "You know what," I said as I started eating. "What from earlier," Luna said. "It's not our fault that you're in LOVE ~," Happy said, doing a weird dance. I choked on my food when he said that. "*cough* No, I am not in love!" I whispered yelled. "Mmm something smells really good," I heard Natsu say.

I turned around to see Natsu coming around the corner. He was shirtless, showing off his abs. Water droplets were running down from his hair down to his abs, just coming freshly out of the shower. It doesn't help that he was wearing grey sweatpants, so I could see the outline of his thing. They were hung low so his V-line was exposed along with a little of his pink hair happy trail. 

I know I'm blushing as red as a tomato staring at Natsu more at his pants. "[Name], are you ok, you look like you're getting a fever," he said, putting his hand on my forehead. My face felt like it was on fire at this point between him touching my forehead and the sight of him right now. "Um yeah um I-I'm fine it's just a little hot in here that's all," I said, turning away from him. I reached for the glass of orange juice trying to cool myself before I have a fucking nosebleed.

I then felt a cool breeze from Luna's wings. "Need a fan," Luna snickered with Happy doing the same. Then Happy mouthed 'you're in love,' making a heart-shaped with his paw. I looked away just drinking my orange juice and looking out the window. 'I'm not in love he just looks fucking hot. But he's gotta know what he's doing, right?' I thought. I looked to the side to see Natsu scarfing down the breakfast that I made.

"This is really good, better than Mirajane's cooking," Natsu said with his mouth stuffed with food. "That's what I said," I heard Happy say. "Thanks, guys," I said, blushing a little from the compliments. While we were eating I was looking around the house till my eye landed on the huge pinboard with jobs on it.

"Hey, Natsu what's with the pinboard with jobs on it," nodding my head toward it. "It's all the jobs me and Happy completed," Natsu said proudly. My eyes widen a little, looking at all the jobs on the board. "Wow," I said. "Remember this one Natsu," Happy said getting one of the jobs and handing it to him. "Yeah, this one was a fun one. Me and Happy...," and then he started telling me the story of the job and many more, while I just sat and happily listened to him. I could see Luna enjoying the stories, laughing and smiling like me.

Natsu was finishing up his stories and I was rinsing out our plates when Natsu asked "What about you [Name]?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "Do you have any stories about any jobs? If so I want to hear," he said. "Um well, I have a couple..." I said shyly. "A couple... more like a ton," Luna said flying to one of our bags. She then got a stack of papers and flew back to the kitchen counter. "These are all the jobs we went on and completed," she announced. I saw Natsu and Happy having sparkles in their eyes looking at the stack knowing they wanted to hear the stories.

"Tell us... all of them," Natsu said with a huge smile on his face. "All of them! You see how big that stack is," I said. "Well not all of them but some of them. We can even hang them on the board," he said. And that's exactly what we did. We spent 2 hours going through the stack with me and Luna telling our stories on the jobs we've been on with Natsu and Happy listening.

After that, I got ready for the day and the four of us headed to the guild. Once we got to the guild it was already rowdy and spirited like when I was here yesterday. "Is it like this every day?" I asked Natsu as we walked in. "Pretty much. Something you going to have to get used to," he said. "Oh I will, especially if I'm living with you," I said. "Heyyy!" Natsu said while blushing a little. I just laughed at his reaction.

I then saw Erza and Gray sitting at a table. I then grabbed Natsu's hand and dragged him to their table. "Hey Erza, hey Gray," I said sitting down with them. "Hey Erza... hey frosty," Natsu said to Erza and Gray. "Flamebrain," "Ice princess!" "Pyro!" "Pervert!" "Would you two quit it!" Erza shouted, punching the two of them in the head. Me, Luna, and Happy started chuckling. I then chatted with Grey and Erza getting to know them, while Natsu went to the request board and look at the jobs.

"Hey [Name], you and Luna want to do a job request with me and Happy," Natsu said, coming back to the table with a flyer in hand. "Sure what is it?" I said excitedly, getting to go on a first job request with Natsu. "All we have to do is get an item for them for 500,000 jewels." "Sure that sounds easy enough," I said. "Well let's go now." "What, now, but don't we need to be cleared for it?" "I got the go ahead from Mirajane," he said. I looked towards Mirajane to see her with two thumbs up. "Ok but we need to pack." "Ok we can pack then go on the job, ok," he said with a smile on his face. I chuckled a little and said "Okay." As he dragged me out of the guild I shouted bye to Erza and Gray and we went back home to pack for the job.

. . .

We were about to board the train when Natsu was hesitant. "Natsu what's wrong," I asked with concern written on my face. "Nothing, I'm fine," he said, not convincing me. "As much as I want to believe you I don't, so just tell me what's up," I said. "Well, I um... I... have..." he said, stalling what he was saying. "He has motion sickness," Happy said happily.

"... What?" Luna and I said. "Yeah, he has really bad motion sickness on any form of transportation. Cars, trains, planes, boats, or any vehicle really," Happy said, listing all forms of transportation seeing Natsu turning blue.

I started taking deep breaths feeling sick from him naming the transportation. I looked towards Luna who was looking at me and stuffing her laughs. Then she just busted out laughing. "What, why is she laughing," Natsu asked. I sighed and let Luna explain herself. "[NAME] IS THE SAME HAHA!," she yelled, laughing her ass off.

"So we both have motion sickness," Natsu asked. "Yup," "Well then how are we going to get to the job if we are both going to be passed out," he said. "Luna drags me off the train once we are at the destination sooo..."

We then boarded the train and me and Natsu's face turned blue on the verge of throwing up. All I could hear was Happy and Luna chuckling at us being in hell right now. I put my head out of the window hoping it would help but it didn't.

I then put my head on Natsu's shoulder and closed my eyes it did help but still felt a little sick. I felt Natsu lay his head on top of mine and take a deep breath. "You know... having you here... the ride isn't too bad," he said. My cheeks heated up and a small smile was on my face. "Yeah same... but don't barf in my hair. I will kill you," I said. He chuckled into my hair and said "Ok but don't barf on me either ok?" he said. "Deal," I said and Natsu and I were laying on each other trying not to barf on one another.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now