𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟳

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Once we got to the beach we secured a spot on the beach and set up our blankets and chairs for us. After that, we had our fun. Luna, Happy, Erza, and Gray got their hands on a volleyball and started playing, boys vs. girls, Natsu went to the water doing laps, and me and Lucy were watching over everyone's stuff and getting a tan. The sun felt so good and warm on my golden skin. I almost fell asleep.

"[Name]," I heard Natsu say. I saw him in his flame pattern trunks all soaking wet, his abs shining glistening in the sun. I stared, shamelessly, biting my lower lip at Natsu's abs as he walked towards me.

"Yes," I said looking up at his face now that he was standing right in front of me. He chuckled while smirking but continued talking. "I um, wanted to see if you wanted to go on that thing," he said, pointing back at the water. There were people boat skiing on the back of a fish.

"No," I simply said. "What? Come on, pleasee," he pouted cutely. I looked up at him with a sweet smile and said, "Nope."  He sighed and sat next to me pouting like a kid. "Plus we would most likely get motion sickness from it," I said. "But it looks fun," he pouted once again.

"I'll go with you Natsu," Lucy said. "Really?!" Natsu and I said, but mine was more of a question and Natsu was just excited. "Yeah, really," she said. "Suit yourself, I'll be here," I said as Natsu dragged Lucy to the boats. I laughed laying my head back down soaking up the sun once again.

Not even 20 minutes later, Natsu and Lucy came back with Natsu wobbling a little and Lucy trying to help him walk. "Did y'all have fun?" I teased, giggling. "Yes," Lucy said. "No," Natsu said as he plopped himself on the towel. "You were right... I feel sick," he said. Now I feel bad.

"Come here," I said, sitting up and opening my legs so he could sit in between them. He slowly crawled on the chair and laid his back against my chest. I then put my hands on his stomach and one on his head and felt him tense up.

"What are you doing?" Lucy questioned. "I've been working on a spell to help with our motion sickness. It only works after we're off whatever contraption we're on, but better than nothing right?" I said. "Yeah-" Natsu was saying but was gaging a little about to throw up so I quickly did the spell. Two blue magic circles appeared and after a few seconds, they disappeared.

"Ok how do you feel," I said, a little nervous since it was my first time doing the spell. He got off of me and just sat there. I looked at Lucy who was looking at me nervous as well.

"I feel... AWESOME! It worked!" he exclaimed. Lucy and I sighed relieved and chuckled seeing Natsu stretching and jumping. He then turned to me and grabbed my hand pulling me to him having our chests collided and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Let's go in the water now that I'm feeling better, thank you by the way," he said smiling.

"You're welcome but-" "Please," he begged cutely. I sighed looking the other way knowing that I couldn't say no again. "Ok, ok," I chuckled, putting my hair in a bun. He smiled, his fangs showing as he started making his way to the water.

"Oh, Lucy you don't mind watching over the stuff?" I asked. "Not at all," she grumbled a bit. "Ok thank you..." I said, wondering why she was in such a bad mood. Nevertheless, I went with Natsu having fun in the water. We eventually came back together and got some food from the food trucks and ice cream and Lucy was feeling better or at least it looked like it.

When we made it back to our rooms Luna and Happy said that we should go to the huge casino they have which sounded like a good idea. Lucy and I started getting ready and getting dolled up since it was a big and fancy casino, while Erza was relaxing a little bit more.

I decided to wear a simple long blue a-line dress with a slit up the thigh and Lucy wore a similar dress but was red. Then we heard a knock at the door knowing it was the guys. They yelled impatiently, wondering where we were but we were still getting ready. "Just a second jeez," Lucy said and we chuckled. "I swear they never have patients," I chuckled.

We finished getting ready entering the living room, but the guys and Luna were sitting on the couch watching TV. Lucy cleared her throat to get their attention. "Finally you two are- whoa," Gray said. Lucy and I smirked looking at the boys.

"Like what you see boys," I chuckled. "Yeah," Natsu smirked walking in our direction. Lucy walked up toward Natsu but Natsu walked past her, straight to me. "You look beautiful," he said and I felt my cheeks heathen up. "Thank you," I said shyly. He chuckled but looked down at my lips, his jaw tightened, clearing his throat, and looked towards the others.

"Y'all ready?" Natsu asked putting his arm around me. "Yeah," Gray, Luna, and, Happy said. "Um, I think I'm going to stay... And wait for Erza to get ready. We'll meet you down there," she said, looking like she was in a bad mood again. "Are you sure I can stay-" "I'm fine," she said cutting me off. I was taken aback but said ok and we headed down to the casino leaving Lucy and Erza behind.

"Do you know what's up with Lucy," Gray asked. "No, it's like ever since after Phantom Lord she gets in these bad moods or something," I said. "Yeah, I've noticed that too," Natsu said.

"I'm sure it's nothing and just Lucy acting like her weird self," Happy said. I noticed that Luna was quiet. "Luna you ok?" "Yeah, no, I've been noticing it too, maybe she still feels bad about Phantom Lord or something else?" she questioned. We shrugged our shoulders as we kept walking heading to the casino. Whatever it is I hope she talks it out with somebody.

The casino was HUGE! There were many many slot machines and tables that played common games like poker, roulette, and blackjack, among others. There was even a rollercoaster in the casino. It was honestly like a fircken arcade mixed with an amusement park. We all ended up splitting up, too excited about everything we were looking at.

Luna and I somehow ended up at the slot machines. I was on a roll racking up so much money, while Luna... wasn't as lucky. "Oh come on! I'm done I'M DONE!" Luna shouted angrily and stopped her machine.

Right when she looked over at my machine I got 5 in a row and lines were going everywhere, but all I knew was that I was winning more money. "How are you so lucky [Name]," Luna whined. "I don't know but I'm getting bored," I said and stopped the machine. It printed a ticket with the amount I won. I then gave it to Luna. "Don't lose it.". "Yes ma'am."

We then walked around trying to find the others and we ended up finding Natsu at one of the other slot machines and was currently playing. "17 Come on!" Natsu shouted. "Don't be mean, 17," he continued shouting at the machine. Luna and I chuckled but didn't say anything, not wanting to break their concentration. The machine played and it looked like he got three in a row, but then it turned into a 16. Natsu and Happy groaned angrily, beating at the machine. One of the workers tried to stop him but it wasn't working, so I had to step in.

"Natsu stop hitting on the machine," I said walking up to them. He turned around looking all teary-eyed. "But it acted like it was gonna give me my number. Not fair!" "I know but you can't bang on the machine," I said. "But it's not fair," he said more quietly. "You can try again," I said. "True now that you're here, "he said, which confused me. "What's that supposed to mean?" "You're my lucky charm," he smiled, playing another round, making me blush.

I watched as he played again like other passbyers when one walked up to me. "He should really learn to play nice like the rest of the grownups," he said smugly. "Excuse me?" I questioned, side-eyeing him. The guy was blocky like a Lego man, had sunglasses, and a five o'clock shadow. He was wearing a purple trench coat with matching pants and a red fedora.

"Guess I have to give him some friendly advice." Out of nowhere blocks flew towards me and held me against the bubble slot machine. "What the- [Name]! What's your deal?!" Natsu said, looking at the guy. "Giving you some advice," he said. He pointed his arm towards me and turned it into a gun right before our eyes pointing it at me. "You can live a dandy life, or die a jealous poser."

I started squirming in the block shackles trying to break free or even freeze them but nothing. I was getting nervous and scared and then the lights went out. "Natsu!" I said, frightened. "Don't worry, I'm coming," he said his voice sounding a little closer.

"Good night, girl," the Lego man said. "What!?" "Nooo!" Naust shouted followed by a loud bang.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now