𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟯𝟲

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On our way to Fairy Tail, Luna didn't feel like coming along said she felt really tired so she headed back home with the picnic basket. When we entered Fairy Tail I saw Cana, Levy, and Erza at the bar. "Hey girlies," I said walking up to them with Lucy behind me. "[Name]!" Levy shouted hugging me and I returned it. "Hey Lucy," Levy said waving to her and she waved back. "Hey/ sup," Erza and Cana said.

"So how's your day been," Levy asked. "Good I had a picnic with Natsu-" "Aww," Levy and Cana chimed with Erza smiling. "-and Lucy," I finished pointing to her. "Oh," they said and Erza stopped smiling. I rolled my eyes at them. "Anyway, what have y'all been up to." "Nothing really, just been here, and Cana drinking of course," Levy said.

"Where's Mirajane, haven't seen her since we've been here," Lucy asked. "I believe she is in the Fairy Tail archives," Erza informed. "Really! Oooh, you should check that out Lucy come on. See you guys later," I said dragging Lucy and waving bye at the girls as they waved back.

. . .

"Ohhh MIRA!" I said as we entered the Fairy Tail archives. "Hey [Name], Lucy, what's up," Mira said as she was on a ladder going through some files. "Hey, Mira. What are you doing up there?" Lucy questioned. "Just a bit of reorganizing that's all," Mira said. "Oh, I can help with that," Lucy exclaimed. "Same here," I said as we headed to where Mira was. "You guys sure," Mira said getting down the ladder. "Yeah, I'm good with boring stuff," Lucy said which made me and Mira chuckle.

Mira then told us what we were supposed to do and we got started with it. "So [Name] where's Natsu and the others, I don't think I've ever seen you two not be in the same room," Mira asked with an innocent smile, but it wasn't. "That's not true but it's a long story," I said. "Yeah you should have been there," Lucy said. "Oh, you were there too Lucy?" "Yeah" "Well what exactly happened?" "Well. . ."

"And then he just stormed off. What a jerk right?" Lucy said making Mira giggle. "Maybe, but that's what makes him so cute, right [Name]," she said pinning the question on me. "I- I guess," I said blushing but looking away from them. Mira definitely noticed since she had a sly smirk but Lucy didn't notice since she was on the ladder.

"You really think so?" Lucy questioned. "Of course, you're attracted to Natsu's boyish charms too," Mira said as a joke. "What?!" Lucy shouted and fell off the ladder but luckily she landed on a pile of books to somewhat cushion her fall. "Oh my gosh, Lucy are you ok?" I asked as me and Mira rushed to her. "Yeah, sorry about that," she said laughing a little, letting us know she was fine. "Guess ladders aren't your strong suit," I said which made all of us laugh.

"Hey guys I found an old painting," Lucy said holding the said painting. Looking at it, it was everyone in the guild when they were little. "Oh my gosh you guys look so cute and wow I guess I'm just now realizing that you guys have been here for a long time," I said staring at the painting. "Yeah I remember this painting," Mira said. 

"This must be Gray," Lucy

"Look there's Cana before she was an alcoholic," I said making us laugh

"Whoa, Macao and Wakaba? They look so young," Lucy

"Well there's Natsu," I said with a smile, seeing how adorable he was when he was little.

"Wait what's with the little blue dragon?" Lucy questioned. "That's Happy," Mira said making Lucy scream but leaving me confused. "Are you sure because Luna didn't look anything like that?" I questioned. "Yeah, Reedus painted it to where Happy looked like a dragon but he was a small cat when he just hatched from his egg," Mira said and I nodded understanding.

"I don't know if you even know this, but how did Natsu and Happy first meet, anyway?" Lucy asked. I started chuckling gaining the other two's attention. "What's so funny," Lucy questioned. "Oh I've heard the story from Natsu about how they met, it's a cute story," I said. "Really?" "Yeah, it is," Mira said as she was ready to tell the story since she was there of course.

"Let me see, when that picture was painted, I hadn't been a member of Fairy Tail for very long myself, time sure has flown by. Back then, Natsu and Gray were little balls of hate. They'd fight every time they ran into each other," Mira started. "Doesn't sound like much changed," Lucy said and we laughed.

"Of course, there was always someone to break them up," Mira said. "Hmm, Erza?" I questioned playfully, knowing who it was and Mira nodded her head. "Natsu was always getting into fights like that, of course, he acted like that's what he wanted. But sometimes I'd catch him with a sad look on his face," Mira said. I looked down to the floor hearing her say that, wishing I was there for him.

"Then one day, Natsu went out to the woods to train and when he came back to the guild he had an egg that was white with blue marking. We didn't know what creature the egg was so we thought it was a dragon. They started talking about ways to hatch the egg but I was picking a fight with Erza," Mira said.

"What?!" me and Lucy shouted astonished. "Yup," Mira said and pointed to a girl that was wearing dark colors but had the same white hair as Mira's and close to my platinum hair. "That's me right there," she said and me and Lucy's mouths flew open, shocked. "You had an emo phase! HAHA! You were the last person I would have thought to have an emo phase HAHA!" I laughed. "Suprised?" she giggled blushing. "Definitely," I said. "Yeah, this doesn't look like you at all, and wait, you said you were picking a fight with Erza?" Lucy questioned.

"Yup," she giggled. "Anyway, we still didn't know what creature the egg would hatch but my little sister Lisana helped Natsu raise the egg," Mira said pointing to the little girl with a cute pink dress and short white hair like Mira's and almost like mine. "That's Lisanna? She looks... really cute," I said not expecting her to look like that. "You know Lisana?" Mira questioned.

"No, but I heard the name, when Natsu told me the story of how Happy came he told me a little about Lisanna and.. how they raised him together. That they... even built a hut..." I said looking down at the floor feeling a little jealous because I wished it was me and not Lisanna. I looked up to see them looking at me so I felt like I had to say something. "B-but I didn't know she was your sister," I said quickly.

"Yeah, she was," Mira said but it was the way she said 'was' that caught my attention for some reason. "If it wasn't for Lisanna and her takeover magic, Natsu would have poached the egg," Mira said making us laugh. "Wait if that's you and that's Lisanna then is that Elfman," I said pointing to the boy in the painting with white hair and wearing an adorable suit. "Yup!" Mira chirped. "Awww, he was such a cute little guy," me and Lucy said at the same time. "Oh yeah, he hasn't changed much at all," Mira said putting up some books. "Mmm, sure," I said helping her. She side-eyed me and then we both busted out laughing.

"Anyway, like [Name] said they built a hut for them to take care of the egg so it can hatch. The guild would even tease them about how cute they were and they were developing a puppy love," Mira said but darted her eyes at me worriedly after what she said. I looked away from her and had a soft but sad smile on my face. 'Guess they are a thing.' I thought.

"But they were just friends nothing else," Mira said making me chuckle a little as she was trying to make me feel better. "After a couple of days of keeping the egg the egg hatched and Happy was born but we all were expecting it to be a baby dragon, not a baby flying cat. But either way, we were happy once he was born and that's how he was named Happy," Mira said ending the story.

"I see. That really was a cute story. I really hate to see those two fight," Lucy said still looking at the photo. "Don't worry about them, they fight all the time but they always come back like the best of pals every time," I said reassuring her. "She's right Lucy, the closer two people are, the more they fight. It's fine," Mira added. Then Gramps came in to ask Mira for help with something, so she left, leaving me and Lucy in the archives.

"Now let's see. There's  Erza and Gray and Mirajane," Lucy said as we were still looking at the painting. "That's Laxus, Cana, Natsu, and..Lisanna," I finished. "That's weird. If she's Mira and Elfman's sister, how come I haven't met her yet?" she asked. "Hmm I never met her either," I said now realizing it.

"What really?" "Yeah. I've been in Fairy Tail for a year and I've never seen Lisansa, I didn't even know that she was Mira's or Elfman's sister they don't really talk about her until now," I said. "Hmm, we'll just have to ask her later then," Lucy said which I agreed. "Well since we're waiting I was wondering how did you and Luna meet?" Lucy asked. "Oh, it's not as long and cute of a story as Natsu and Happy's," I said. "That's fine I want to hear it," Lucy said. "Well back when I was around 10 years old I. . ."


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now