𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟵

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"Are we there yet?" I asked, still being carried on Natsu's shoulders. "We're almost there, it hasn't even been that long." He's right, it's only been 10 minutes. "Fine, but you know you can put me down and I can walk," I said. He tightened his grip on my waist "Nope I'm not letting you go until we get home." "Fine," I said, fake pouting, secretly happy that I don't have to walk. "Look there in love," I heard Happy say, seeing him doing some dance and seeing Luna doing kissy faces. "Shut it you two," I said to them and they just laughed.

After some time we made it outside of Magnolia, Natsu put me down facing him. He had his toothy grin and said "Welcome home, [Name]," Natsu said as he turned me around.

I saw a house that had a sign that said 'Natsu & Happy' that was in the shape of a cat. The house was like a yellow color, with bricks along the sides and a brick chimney. There was a skull of some sort of animal as a wall decoration. There was a big circle window indicating there was a second floor. The roof is covered with red tiles and there was a tree growing out of the wall. I was staring looking and taking in every detail of the house in.

I felt Natsu's arms wrap around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder. "So do you like it?" Natsu asked. "Yeah, it's a cute house," I said with a smile. "Hey! It's not cute, it's a cool house," he shouted. "Hehehe, whatever you say," I laughed as I walked up the steps with Natsu trailing behind, I could hear Happy and Luna laughing. "Hey shut it you too," Natsu said to them, but that only made them laugh more. Once I got to the sign I put my hand on top of it and said,

"You know we are changing this right?" "What no, can we keep it," he said, hugging the sign. "I said change it not get rid of it. We have to add Luna's name and mine name on it." "Oh... OK!," he said smiling. The four of us then made it to the door and I opened it to a monstrosity. It was a complete mess in this house like a tornado came and only destroyed the inside. Me and Luna had our mouths gapping open and our eyes were bulging out of their sockets just looking at the mess in the room. 'I'm scared of how the upstairs look like,' I thought.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Natsu and Happy said like there was no problem. I looked at him like he was crazy. "You do see what I see right," pointing at the inside of the house. "Yess?" he said like it was a question. I just let it be and stepped foot in the house? junkyard?, idk and regretted it from the stench. I can't even describe it, it's just an awful smell. "Ewww," I heard Luna say while plugging her nose.

"No I can't, Natsu, if I'm moving in we are cleaning this entire house by tonight no questions asked," I said forcefully. "It's not that bad in here." "Natsu there is a pot of chili with mold in it," I said, picking up the pot from the kitchen counter. "But-," he started but I cut him off. "No buts Natsu," I said, staring at Natsu. "Fine," Natsu said, looking unhappy. I could hear both Luna and Happy laughing to the right of me in the... living room?

"That goes for you two too," I said with a smirk. They immediately stopped laughing which made Natsu and me chuckle. "Now, you and Happy start getting the trash around the house up. Food, paper, wrappers, things that aren't important to you or Happy, and etc counts as trash so pick it up, while me and Luna go get some cleaning supplies, got it," I said pointing towards Natsu and Happy. "Aye ma'am," they both answered in unison as they got trash bags.

Luna and I then went to the store to buy cleaning supplies galore, we even bought candles that I liked. Well more like needed to get the house to smell good. After we were done shopping the sun was setting and we went back to the house to see that it was fairly clean. There wasn't any trash or food anywhere and there were papers and some books on the shelves of the bookshelves in the living room. There was also a pile of dirty dishes but I will just do them later.

Luna and I set the bags on the kitchen counter and turned to the living room to see Natsu and Happy sitting on the couch out of breath. "Are you guys ok?" I asked. "Yeah, cleaning takes a lot out of you," Natsu said, lifting his head. "Aye,'' Happy said, doing the same. "We'll get up 'cause we aren't done," I said. Both Natsu and Happy plopped their headed back down and I could have sworn I saw mini ghosts come out of their mouths.

"Come on it's not a lot to do since you guys did a fair job plus me and Luna are here now," I said with an innocent smile. "Easy for you to say," Natsu said getting up and walking over to me with Happy flying tiredly behind. I rolled my eyes and handed them some rags and spray and said "I just want you guys to dust, is that ok," I asked. "Aye ma'am," they said going in different directions. Natsu stopped and turned around asking, "What are you guys going to be doing." "We're going to mop and clean the bathrooms-" I said but cut myself off.

"Wait you haven't given me a tour yet," I said. "Well someone couldn't step one foot in our home," Happy said. "Did you see the place," Luna said which made me chuckle. "Whatever could you give us a tour Natsu," I asked. "Of course," he said puting down the rag and spray on the kitchen table, and taking my hand into his.

We went down a small hallway going deeper in the house to another hallway that was going left and right. Going to the right of the hallway there were two doors, one on each side. On the left was a small bathroom. To the right was a room that looked like Happy's room because there were small things, a tiny hammock, and fishbones around. "I thought I said get up food too," I said pointing at the fish bones. "Hey this is my room so you aren't living in it," Happy said, folding his arms. "True," I said, "But I will so pick them up," Luna demanded. "HUH! Who decided that," Happy yelled "I did," Luna said. They kept bickering about the room and I just stood there watching amused at the situation.

"Come on let them keep fighting," I heard Natsu say, grabbing my hand, leading me to the other side of the hallway. There were two doorways, one with a door and one without a door. The doorway with a door was on the right was what looked like a mini gym room to train in. It looked spotless here. "So this is the only room you keep clean," I said. "Heyy!," he yelled, which made me chuckle. Looking around the room I saw another door across the room that led to who knows where.

I walked up to the door and put my hand on the door, but I forgot this isn't my house so I looked to Natsu for the ok to open it. He nodded his head walking up to me. Once I opened the door, it led to the backyard of the house which was just forest. I then saw a big pond in the backyard, 'I could probably use it for training, it needs some work though' I thought looking at the pond, picturing how I would want it.

"You don't like, I thought of you when I saw it and thought it would help with your training like we did when we were little," he said. I blushed a little "N-no I love it I was just thinking the same thing, a-about training," I stuttered out. He smiled at me and said "Good, now come on I want to show you the rest of the house," he said, dragging me back inside the house. We then went across the hall to the other doorway which had stairs going upstairs.

Once you get to the second floor there is an L-shaped hallway, one room to the side of the L and another at the end of the L. The first room was a master bathroom. The bedroom at the end was a master bedroom but there was nothing in the room. "Why is this room empty," I asked looking back at Natsu, he started blushing, "Well, I was saving it for you... like your room," he said as he blushed more and more explaining himself.

"Where have you been sleeping this whole time," I asked, a little concerned. "Don't worry there's a hammock by the kitchen area," "But-," I was saying but he cut me off. " Like I said, don't worry, plus I want you to have the room, ok." "Fine," I said, smiling at him with a tint of red on my cheeks. "But you're helping decorate our room," I said walking out of the room. "...Ok," I heard Natsu say as we walked back downstairs.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now