𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟭𝟳

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After comforting Lucy the five of us headed to Shirotsume Town, as usual, me and Natsu have motion sickness and I laid my head on Natsu's shoulder and took a nap. Natsu woke me up once we made it to Shirotsume. "That's the last time I'm riding in one of those things," Natsu said. "Yeah right, you say that every time," I yawned. He softly glared at me but he knew that I was right.

"I'm hungry," he said changing the conversation. "Can't you just eat your own fire?" I looked at Lucy like she was dumb. "What?" "That's like telling you to eat Plue or your other spirits," I said. "So you're saying you two can't eat your own fire or ice?" "Yeah," me and Natsu stated. "Ohh let's get a bite to eat," Natsu said looking at the first restaurant that caught his eye. I was going to agree but Lucy dragged me away from them.

"Hey, where are you taking me." "To go and get a maid outfit for the job." "Ok, but why am I going." "SO you can get one too." "WHAT?!" "Oh I like that idea," Luna said flying to us. "No, no, no," I said trying to get back to Natsu. "Oh, but yes," Luna said with an evil smirk and we went into the boutique.

. . .

Natsu POV

"Ohh let's get a bite to eat," I said looking at a restaurant. I looked back to see that the girls left. "Where did they go," I asked getting a little nervous. "There they are going into that boutique," Happy said. I could see them going into the boutique but it was more like [Name] being dragged in by Lucy and Luna. "I'm sure they will be fine, come on, let's get something to eat," Happy said. "Yeah, ok," I said and we went into the restaurant.

"Be sure to save the fat for Lucy," I said stuffing my face with food. "From the looks of it that's what she likes the most," Happy said. "Hold it there cat what is that suppose to mean?" I heard Lucy. "Hey, Lucy," I said looking up to see Lucy in a maid uniform. Happy and I looked at her in shock that she actually put on a maid uniform.

"What do we do? We were joking about the costume but she took it seriously." "I guess we're just gonna have to go along with it." Me and Happy whispered to each other. "See I told you they weren't serious and then you dragged me into this," I heard [Name] say. I looked behind Lucy to see [Name] in a maid uniform.

[Pick any maid outfit and can't pick one

[Pick any maid outfit and can't pick one

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I couldn't take my eyes off of her at how hot she looked. Her thighs slightly spilled over her stockings, and her curvy figure fitting perfectly in the maid uniform. "...master," I heard [Name] mumble. I looked up at her face to see she was looking at me blushing. "Did you just call me master?" I said, feeling my cheeks getting hot. "Y-yeah to get your attention are you alright," she asked. "Yeah I'm fine, let's just go," I said quickly getting up and taking [Name] wrist, walking toward the house with the others behind us snickering.

"My name is Kaby Melon pleased to meet you," the guy said. "He said melon!" Happy said. "Man, your name sounds tasty," I complimented. "Don't be rude you two," [Name] said elbowing me. I looked at her and I couldn't help but stare. 'My gosh, she looks hot. Stop your at a job so pay attention' I told myself and looked back at the Melon guy. I tried concentrating but kept stealing glances at [Name] but got the job's main gist. Then he said it was raised for 2 million.

The five of us were beyond shocked by that info. 'Just burn a book and we get 2 million that seems so easy.' "Oh yeah, I'm fired up now!" I shouted. I grabbed [Name's] and Lucy's hand and ran out of the house. "Let's do this guys!"

. . .

[Name] POV

We made it to duke Everlue's place and Lucy was at the door yelling, while the rest of us were hiding behind a tree. "I heard there was an opening for a maid position! Hello?!" The ground started cracking near Lucy's feet and a huge ugly woman in a maid outfit appeared. "I assume you're here cause of the ad." Not even a minute after a man, I'm assuming is Everlue, came out of the ground saying some nonsense. Then he started inspecting Lucy. 'Perv.'

"I'll pass. Now scram, ugly," Everlue said. 'Ooo I know that hurt Lucy,' I thought. "Sorry but a man of my standing has certain standards to uphold," Everlue said and four more ugly maids appeared from the ground. "That's why I only hire the fairest of the fair."

After that fiasco, I comforted Lucy while she was crying. "Well, then we will have to resort to old plane T," Natsu. "Yeah, that big fat jerk's gonna pay for this," Lucy said jumping up determined. "Do you even know what plan T is?" Luna questioned. "Yeah, what is plan T?" "Take' 'em by storm," Happy said making me chuckle. "That's not a plan!" Lucy shouted.

Well since the maid plan failed, requip," I said and my normal outfit appeared on me. "How did you just do that," Lucy said shocked. "You haven't seen nothing yet," I said. She looked confused but I didn't bother to explain. We then waited for Lucy to change behind a tree. I noticed that Natsu was pouting a little since I changed out of the maid uniform but I didn't question it.

"Ok ready. Now how are we getting in," Lucy said. "Isn't it obvious," I said. They all looked at me. "We're gonna break in." "What!" Lucy shouted. "Oh yeah, now I'm all fired up!" "But not through the front door," I said knowing how Natsu thinks. "Oh come on!" "No." He sighed but complied with my plan. "Now come on, Luna or Happy take Lucy and follow me," I said heading to the mansion with the rest following.

📌Author's note📌
😃...😀...OMG 1k reads! Thanks for reading guys I really hope your enjoying. Until next time😁.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now