𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰

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I woke up feeling the morning sun's rays on my body. I open my eyes to see Natsu still asleep next to me. He had his mouth open and a little drool coming from his mouth. 'Cute', I thought as I chuckled at the sight. The chuckle made Natsu stir in his sleep and tighten his grip on my waist that I didn't notice. I blushed and tried to wake him up, but it only tightened his grip, making us get closer and blush more.

"Umm Natsu wake up," I said in a calm voice and poked his cheeks. "Huh?" he said, finally waking up. He opened his eyes to see me in front of his face, red as a tomato, practically touching, nose to nose. He started blushing just as hard as me, realizing the situation we are in. He let go of me and apologized again and again. I told him it was ok but if I'm being honest, I didn't mind, I didn't tell him this of course, so he kept apologizing.

At some point in the apology I started laughing. "What so funny," Natsu asked me, confused. "Hehe it's just cute seeing you like this," I said. I realized what I said and started blushing out of embarrassment and Natsu started blushing too. He looked away from me towards the sun and asked "So you think I'm cute huh?" I looked at him, shocked at his question. "Y-yes," I stuttered, still embarrassed. I couldn't look at him when I answered so I looked down at the ground and flowers, but I missed him looking at me and smirking at me when I said my answer.

I heard footsteps around me and then heard footsteps coming towards me. "Look at me [Name]," Natsu said. I looked up at him slowly to see him holding two roses out to me, one was pink and the other was red. "I think you're cute too," Natsu said, blushing still. I got up and took the flowers and kissed his cheek as a thank you. He blushed redder than a tomato, if that's even possible, and had the biggest smile on his face.

"Now come on, I think Igneel and Okami are worried since we didn't come back last night," he said, taking my hand and was about to run off but I stopped him. "What's wrong," he asked. "I want to do one thing before we go." I took the roses Natsu gave me and twisted the stems, intertwining them. "Ice make ball," I said as an ice ball covered the roses, freezing them in that state. "Why did you do that? They will die!" Natsu exclaimed. "No they won't, the ice is freezing the flowers in time so they will actually live a lot longer," I said. "Plus I want them to stay like this forever, to remember this day," I added. "But what if it melts." "The ball won't melt no matter what climate it's in since its dragon ice it's a lot harder to melt than normal ice," I explained. "Cool," he said. "Now lets go, I can hear Okami worried sick about us," I said as we walked back to Igneel and Okami, holding hands.

. . .

Once we got back to Okami and Igneel we got an earful from Okami. "Where have you two been?! I was worried sick about you two when you guys didn't come back! What if something had happened to you guys and we weren't there for you guys huh, HUH!" She yelled at us. This isn't the first time she has gone off on me before, like she is my mother but I don't mind, it shows that she cares about me. "Sorry ma'am," I said apologetically, not wanting her to get more angry.  "But we came back so what's the problem," Natsu said. I went wide eyed when he said that. I elbowed him to get his attention and shook my head vigorously. He looked at me confused.

"What did you say boy," Okami said with venom. I was scared as hell cause this has only happened twice when she got mad at me. We both looked back at Okami to see her scales had gotten sharper from anger. "You heard me, we're fine so stop being a worry wart," I looked at him like he was crazy for what he said. I looked at Igneel to see if he was going to stop Okami but he just had a smirk on his face like he was amused by the situation. So I just let the events unfold.

In the end Natsu got frozen in a block of ice from the neck down, immobilizing him as his punishment. I walked up to him and he looked like he was pissed. "I tried to warn you," I told him. "W-whatever I-I c-c-can handle the cold," he said shivering. "Trying to act all tough now hehehe," I said laughing. When I looked back at him he was smiling at me and blushing though I don't know why.

"Now as for you," I heard Okami say behind me. I turned around with a sweatdrop smile. She just had a blank face on here. "I'm sorry Okami, it's just we had fun all day yesterday and lost track of time and got tired where we were, but it won't happen again." She squinted her white eyes while looking at me, not convinced. "I really am sorry." "*Sigh* It's ok just don't let that happen again, I just have one question," Okami said. "Yes." "What is that thing that you've been hugging?" She was talking about the ice ball I was holding. "Oh, it's an ice ball with a pink and red rose in it that Natsu gave me," I said with a small smile and blushing remembering this morning's events. "Really...," she said with a long pause. Then she smiled at me and said "Cute."

"Now Natsu, I will free you from the ice if you have something to say to me," Okami said. I looked at Natsu and Natsu looked at me. I mouthed 'Just apologize' to him. He grumbled looking back at Okami and said "Sorry for speaking so rude to you." It was forced but Okami accepted it anyway and unfroze the ice he was trapped in. After that we went to Igneels and Nastus cave which was like ours but not ice, but there were gems in the cave, there was even a lava pit in the back of the cave.

"Woah, it's way too hot in here," I said, sweating buckets while everyone else felt normal. "What are you talking about," Natsu said. "You dont feel this heat!" I shouted, annoyed from the heat. "Guess not, I guess it's a fire dragon slayer thing." "But Okami is just fine, why is that," I said looking at Okami. "You questioning me," Okami said. "No!" "Hehe, I'm just used to the heat being with Igneel for a long time," she said. "Oh." "I'm hungry," Natsu said. "Me too." "Then let's go get some food," Igneel said. After that we decided to go out and get breakfast while the guys went to hunt and we gathered fruits and berries for breakfast.


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