𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟮𝟭

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After the destruction of Lullaby and the hall, we headed back to Fairy tail. Happy says there was a shortcut but we had to go through Clover Canyon. We've been out here for 2 days and I'm pretty sure we're lost. "Man I want some food," Natsu exclaimed. "We all do. Talking about it just makes us hungrier," Gray said. "I can't help it if I'm hungry, jerk." "No, but you can stop running your mouth, can't you?"

"Why don't you both shut up," I said calmly but had a cold glare. They jumped a little but stopped talking. Everyone knows when I get hungry I am hangry, Natsu knows firsthand. "We need food fast," Gramps said. "Enough!" Erza ordered but her stomach started to grumble. "Your stomach is telling you something," Luna said. "No it's not, your hearing things," Erza said denying her obvious hunger.

Then Happy started squealing about some wingfish. "Oh Happy you finally doing something right these past two days. Thank you, Jesus," I said overjoyed after taking one glance at the fish. Happy looked insulted by what I said. "What is true, now lets fish," I said and everyone agreed and started fishing.

It has been 10 minutes, and not one of us has caught a single fish. "We go to fish harder," Happy said determinedly. "I don't know. Are you sure these things really taste good," Lucy said concerned. "Be quiet and fish, anything edible will do," Erza said which shut Lucy up.

"You're going in my belly, right now! You hear?! Happy's gonna eat you, fish!" Happy yelled oh so determined but suddenly said, "... whatever I give up." Lucy tried to encourage him but he started crying talking about 'it's not my fault I'm little.' and ran into my lap curled up in a ball.

In the end, we were only able to catch two small fish that were the perfect size for Luna and Happy. Natsu cooked them, more like burning, and Luna and Happy took them and ate them happily while the rest of us were either mad or sad about having no food, again.

"GROSS!" both Luna and Happy said spitting the fish out their mouths. We all sweat dropped but then concluded 'If it's that bad then we're not eating it' and continued to walk through the canyon.

. . .

"A village! Houses!" We all gasp in happiness. "And that means there must be FOOOOD!" Happy and Natsu said as all of us ran to the village. Once we got to the village it was so quiet and not one person in sight. We looked through the village to see if there was anyone. Me and Luna went into a house to see FOOD! Delicious-looking food that was still warm.

Me and Luna look to see that there were Hawaiian buns, soup, greens, and more. We sat down I went straight for the Hawaiian buns but I felt someone grab my wrist before I could take a bite. I looked to see it was Erza and growled at her in anger for interrupting me.

She didn't even care and dragged me out of the house by the collar without letting me eat any food. "We have to investigate the village first. We've held out this long, we can hold on a little-," "Noo I cant! I'm starving Erza! What does the food have to do with anything about investigating the damn village," I yelled getting closer to my limit.

Me and Erza were staring at each other, more like me glaring at her and her just staring at me. Everyone around us was staring at us scared that I was going to fight Erza, which I would never do, I'm just hangry. 

"*Sigh* let me and master search the village first then we can possibly eat. For now, go to the forest and find some mushrooms or something edible to eat for now," Erza ordered but in a soft tone. I kept glaring at her and let out a big sigh. "Fine, come on guys," I said turning on my heels and heading to the nearby forest. Everyone, besides Erza, let out a breath relieved that me and Erza weren't going to fight. 

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