𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟰𝟬

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[Name] POV

Once we got to Southgate Park there was a crowd of people gathered at the tree in the middle of the park. We got through the crowd and the cite I saw broke my heart. Levy, Jet, and Droy were hung up on the tree by metal rods on their wrist and beaten to a pulp, with Levy having the Phantom Lord mark painted on her stomach.

My body went numb as I stared at them in disbelief that Gajeel would do something like this. I almost didn't notice that Gramps was standing in front of us. He was angry, no, more than angry, enraged, and declared that we were going to war with Phantom Lord.

After that, I just couldn't take the sight of this anymore and jumped up to Levy. I froze the rods and punched them, breaking them like they were glass. I saw Natsu go to Jet, melting his rods, and Gray going to Droy doing the same thing as me. We then jumped down and caught them before they hit the ground and headed to the hospital without saying a word to the crowd.

. . .

Once we entered the hospital, doctors and nurses came rushing to us with gurneys on the ready. I told the doctors and nurses what happened but wasn't sure how much damage they had. I asked if I could help, that I knew plenty of healing spells, but I also wanted to be by Levy's side and make sure she and the others were ok. They said yes and I was about to follow them but I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned around to see that it was Natsu.

"You're not coming," he asked. He looked right into my eyes trying to mask the anger that they had but I could see right through it, cause I felt the same way. "No, I want to make sure that Levy and the others are ok. If I do a couple of healing sessions on them they should be ok... for now," I explained. "Ok," he said, letting go of my wrist with a small smile. He started walking to catch up with the others but I grabbed his wrist stopping him.

"Make sure they get what they deserve," I said coldly. He looked at me with a serious look and nodded his head and headed out with the others. I turned around to see Luna and Lucy still there. "You guys staying?" I asked. "Yeah thought that Levy and the others could use some company while they recover," Lucy said with a smile trying to sound cheerful but I can hear the sadness in her voice. "Luna?" "Can I go with them?" she said looking at the doors.

I was a little shocked but proud of how brave she was. "Yeah, you can go just stay close to Happy and Natsu and go off your instincts like I taught you," I said with a smile. "Yes ma'am!" she said and flew after the others.

"You think she will be ok?" Lucy asked me, heading to where Levy was. "Yeah, I taught her well plus she has her demon cat form," I said. "I'm sorry but did you just say demon cat form?" "Oh yeah! You've never seen her form. She can do transformation magic." She was shocked. "I guess we never told you," I said. Then we talked about Luna's powers kind of taking our minds off of everything that happened in the last couple of days. It felt good, but it came crashing down when we entered Levy's hospital room.

. . .

After the doctors did some healing spells I asked if they had some buckets of water so I could help heal them further, which they did. I healed their major injuries and took a rest, sitting next to Lucy, looking out the window, and seeing the Fairy Tail guild still in ruins.

"Phantom Lord is heartless," I heard Lucy say. I didn't say anything but agreed with her but also thought that this can't be Gajeel, not the Gajeel I knew. "How could they do this?" Lucy asked looking out the window too. "I don't know... I don't know..." Then the room got quiet but my head was swirling with thoughts on Gajeel. 'I know he was considered a bad boy and wanted to be looked at as tough but... going this far. This has to be the influence of Phantim Lord right? ... Right?'

I then heard sniffles coming from Lucy, seeing a few tears run down her cheeks. "Lucy," I said hugging her as she continued to silently cry. "They're gonna pay," she whispered. "Yeah, they will," I said comforting Lucy.

"Hey, why don't we get a bite to eat, to get our minds off of everything for a while," I suggested, but also I was hungry, healing 3 people takes a lot out of me. "Yeah *sniffle* that sounds like a good idea, but not the hospital food, that stuff isn't good," she said smiling a little. "Agreed," I laughed.

We went to a dinner that was close by and ordered some food. Lucy wasn't as hungry as I was but she still ordered a salad but I had a burger and some fries, I was starving. After that, we walked around the area window shopping but we noticed that it started raining. "Raining while the sun is still out that weird," Lucy said. "How is that weird it happens it's called a sun shower," I said looking up at the sky but stopping walking.

Though it's normal for sun showers, there wasn't a cloud in the sky to produce the rain, so that only told me one thing. Magic. I looked around to see a woman walking towards us as thick gray clouds started swarming the sky. She was all blue, wearing a blue coat, and a blue shaw, even her hair and eyes were blue. Her skin was as white as snow and in the middle of her shaw, there was a white ghost doll.

"Who are you?" Lucy questioned. "Drip, drip, drop. Juvia is the rain woman, it's always with me," she said creepily. "And what sort of woman are you, pray tell?" she asked looking at Lucy. "I'm just the regular kind," she said scared. "Drip, drip, drop, what about you," she asked looking at me. "One you don't need to know," I answered her as she walked passed us.

"Hmm, a pleasure to meet you two. I'll be going now," she said taking out an umbrella out of nowhere. "Well take the rain with you!" Lucy yelled after her but I grabbed her wrist still having a bad feeling and started walking fast in the other direction. "Come on let's go," I said with no obligation of her to deny me.

"No, no, no, no, no," we heard someone chanting as a guy came out of the ground. "Great another weirdo," Lucy said. He started speaking some words in french half listening to him but they were talking about their plan of sorts. "'Cible?' that means target," she said. "Excuse me?" I said puzzled by who their target was.

"Ah, pardonnez-moi I have not told you my name. I am Sol of the Element 4. Also known as 'Sol of the Earth'" he said introducing himself. "The Element 4 huh? So you're with Phantom," I said. "Correct. We've been sent here to collect you and bring you back to the guild," he explained pointing at Lucy. "Not going to happen, pal," I growled, pushing Lucy behind me.

"You're the ones who attacked our friends. Aren't you?!" Lucy yelled reaching for her keys, but she was engulfed in a water bubble and dropped them. "Lucy!" I yelled about to bend the water when a huge hand came from the ground grabbing me. "Au contraire, Mademoiselle. A reasonable guess, but we are not the ones to blame. That honor and the renovation of your guild hall was the work of monsieur Gajeel," he said, "No! No, it can't be..." I shouted refusing to believe.

"Oh, do you know monsieur Gajeel mademoisell?," he asked. "Yeah, I do so let me out of this hand so I can beat you two to a pulp and then knock some sense into Gajeel!" I shouted squirming, trying to get out of the hand but its grip got tighter. Then a second hand emerged from the ground, covering my mouth. 

"Why are you doing this?! Let us go now!" Lucy shouted still in the bubble. "Don't waste your energy my water lock spell cannot be broken," Juvia said. "And my Plâtre Sonata won't budge no matter how much you move and its grip will only get tighter," Sol said. He was right the hand's grip got tighter and was making it harder to breathe. My vision started getting blurry as I was feeling lightheaded. Then it went black.


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