𝖢𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟱𝟴

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My breathing quickened, scared for my life. I heard the bang but nothing happened. I was fine. 'Was it a blank?' I felt the blocks around my wrist disappear and I fell to the floor. Then the lights turned back on. I looked around thinking that the guy was still there but he was gone. 'I could breathe a little, but what was that all about?' I questioned.

"Natsu, where's Natsu," I said frantically looking around, then my eyes landed on him but he was lying down, eyes closed. Was he blacked out? Conscious? I don't know. "Natsu, Natsu!" I yelled, shaking him and seeing if there were any bullet wounds but there weren't any so he must be ok, he has to be ok. "Natsu!"

He immediately jerked up and yelled shooting fire up to the sky. "The nerve of that guy," he croaked. "Oh thank goodness," I said, covering my eyes and taking deep breaths. "Hey, are you ok? Did you get hurt?' Natsu asked me. "Am I ok? I thought you almost died, you idiot!" I said hitting and punching him but not putting any strength into them to hurt him. It was through frustration.

"Hey, Hey! I'm alright see, the bullet didn't even hurt," he said, holding my wrist, but thinking that that would calm me down. He got fucking shot! "What!" I shouted. "Bad wording. I ate the bullet." Looking at him dumbfounded, but thinking about it he probably melted the bullet before it hit him. "Oh," I said and he chuckled a little. "I'm fine, perfectly fine," he said, my head cupped in his hands. "Ok," I said looking into his onyx eyes and him looking back into mine.

"Ahmm," we heard someone clearing their throat, not knowing that we had an audience. It was Lucy, Gray, and that girl that kidnapped me and Lucy. "What happened?" "Some jerk just tried to shoot [Name] and shot me in the mouth, who does that?! [Name] could have died," Natsu blurted.

"Is he serious?" Lucy asked as they looked at him a little dumbfounded. "Yes," was all I said. "WHAT?!" they all shouted. "I'LL SHOW THAT BLOCKHEAD! He's not getting away with this!" Natsu shouted and he ran out of the casino.

"Follow him," Gray said. "Wait, does he even know where he's going?" Lucy questioned. "He's a dragon slayer, our senses are more heightened, so we can sniff out the guy," I explained. "Oh."

"Hey, have you guys seen Luna and Happy?" I asked. "I thought they were with you and Natsu like always?" Gray asked. My mind then started racing as to where they could have gone but with everything that happened they wouldn't have just flown away from either Natsu or me. I smelled their scent and it was in the same direction as that blockhead.

"That damn blockhead took them," I said coldly. "What? How do you, ooh never mind," Lucy said. I chuckled a little before saying, "Let's just go so we can get Luna and Happy back, and give that blockhead a piece of my mind."

With that we headed to the docks and, unfortunately, had to get a boat because the scent continued on the water and that was the only way of travel. We traveled all night and into the day and it was the worst.

Lucy, Gray, and Juvia were talking about what happened back at the casino and telling what happened. It was hard to listen with being sick and not trying to throw up but I got the gist.

They took Erza.

So now we have to rescue Luna, Happy, and Erza and beat the crap out of that blockhead for almost shooting me and shooting Natsu. Natsu and I, well more like me, gave them simple directions and continued traveling for hours until this feeling came over me, kicking me out of the sickness for a second. It was like a chill running down my back.

"Did you feel that?" I asked Natsu. "Yeah, it was weird," he commented. The clouds were growing darker and a flock of birds just suddenly stopped flying and plummeted to the water. In the water, there were many dead fish and wreckage from other ships.

"Hey, what's that?" Natsu asked. We looked where he was looking and my eyes grew big in shock. It was a building of sorts that was tall, so tall that it reached the clouds, even going past them. "It must be the Tower of Heaven," Lucy said.

"I'll protect us," Juvie said and created a water dome around us so we wouldn't be detected. "Nice one, good to have another water mage around," I said. "You're a water mage too?" "Yup! sure.. am... oh no," and the sickness came back.

"Great next time I'm going to knock you two out if we go anywhere," Gray said. "Like hell you are," I said, glaring at him as best I could. "Yeah yeah." "You think I'm joking?" "No ma'am," he said quickly and shouted up till we got to shore. Once Natsu's and mine's motion sickness settled down we looked for a way in.

"Let's charge' em," Natsu suggested as always. "Don't even think about it. Remember, they have Erza, Luna, and Happy. If we screw this up, we could be putting them in danger," Lucy said completely shutting down that idea.

"I found an underwater passageway into the tower," Juvia said. "Seriously, way to go," Gray said, praising her. "You hear that, Lucy? I was just praised by Gray, not you!" Juvia cheered. I looked at Lucy with a confused expression and she looked at me with the same expression. "Do you know what that was about?" I questioned. "Not at all," Lucy said and we just brushed it off.

"How long is the swim?" I asked. "10 Minutes." "That's it, that's easy," I said. "We can hold our breath that long right?" Natsu asked. "Yeah."

"Are you guys NUTS?! That's not humanly possible you dopes!" "That's not true," Natsu said. "Is so." "[Name] can hold her breath longer than that," said in a matter-of-fact tone. "What?" Lucy questioned looking at me. "The longest I held it was 21 minutes," I said proudly. Lucy's mouth hung open in shock but Natsu was just smirking.

"Well, in that case, I suggest you wear these," Juvia said, creating a water bubble. "That's true there would still be oxygen that you guys can breathe," I said, creating one as well. "Cool, but what's your name again," Natsu asked and Juvia just sighed. Juvi and I created the water bubbles for the others changed into swimwear and swam to the entrance Juvia saw.

"So we're beneath the tower now, huh?" Gray said. Looking around the place was old and was in ruins but still had some infrastructure to keep it from crumbling. It looked like nobody was around but I spoke too soon. A guard riding massive creature flew above us. "Shit we've been caught," I said and the others saw the said creature.

"Intruders!" the man yelled and suddenly a bunch of other guards came and surrounded us. "Guess we don't have a choice, We're gonna have to fight," Gray said.

"Ice Gauntlets!" I said and my ice gauntlets formed. Natsu and I quickly lunged at the guards and attacked them. They were pretty weak so one punch and they were out, but they had guns and were shooting at me. They had bad aim so I easily dodged them but it annoyed me.

"I swear I'm so sick of people trying to shoot me today. Ice dragon ROAR!" A blast of ice and snow hit the soldiers, whipping them out completely. We continued to attack them until there were no more to fight.

On the wall, a face like a structure's mouth opened and a ramp was lowered down to us. "What's that?" Natsu questioned. "I think it's their way of saying come on in," Gray said. We didn't question it any further and climbed up into the tower.


𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗧𝗢 𝗬𝗢𝗨 | 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚜𝚞 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕Where stories live. Discover now